(2089) Wed 6 May 92 11:57 By: Lawrence London To: ALL Re: Forging a knife (from Usenet, misc.rural) St: Local ------------------------------------------------------------------------ @MSGID: 1:151/502 3f8ac6d4 @PID: FM 2.02 misc.rural #2732 (3 more) (1) From: anvil [1] Forging a knife from a bearing race Date: Thu Apr 30 13:53:42 1992 FORGING A KNIFE FROM A BEARING RACE 1. Heat race up til a magnet will not stick to it,then cut and straighten into bar. Never bend or hammer below a red heat! If you are not sure of the race being tool steel, test one end by quenching it from a red heat in oil (transmission oil works well) if a file won't cut it, it hardened. 2. Grind off any sharp edges and heat to orange heat. 3. Forge the point first,making sure it tapers from the flat side as well as the edge side. 4. Hold edge down over the horn of the anvil, bend edge down so it looks like a sickle. 5. Hammer in edge bevels by hitting along the edge going from ricasso to the point. Count your blows and put the same amount on both sides. This helps insure blade straightness. When the edge is about an 1/8 inch thick. You're done forging. Use light blows to straighten any bends. Remember NEVER Hammer ON IT UNLESS IT IS ABOVE A RED HEAT!!! 6. Normalize; this means heat it until the whole piece is red then let it cool to room temperature next to but not in the fire. 7. Grind to shape up to 90% complete. 8. Harden; heat until it just comes to red, then quench in oil. Keep it in the oil for several minutes, remove and test for hardness with a file if file doesn't bite, you're there. 9. Draw temper; Put it in the cooking oven at 450 degrees for one hour. 10. Attach handle and sharpen It will take some practice but you'll get it. Happy Forging John S.Sugg --- * Origin: EARTH*Net*Home:SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE ECHO*919-9323115 (1:151/502)