--------------------------------------- Accessing the rec.woodworking FAQlists: --------------------------------------- anonymous ftp: ftp sunsite.unc.edu cd pub/academic cd agriculture/sustainable_agriculture -then, for rec.woodworking FAQs: cd newsgroups/rec.woodworking/faqs -or- cd medicine/alternative-healthcare/miscellaneous -or- cd environment/alternative-energy/miscellaneous telnet: telnet sunsite.unc.edu Login: gopher Enter term type: (vt100 works fine) - sunSITE GOPHER comes up - The Worlds of sunSITE Sustainable Agriculture Information Browse Sustainable Agriculture Information sustainable_agriculture -then go to- recgardens (all the faqs are here) -or- newsgroups rec.woodworking faqs (all the r.w faqs are here) - OR - The Worlds of sunSITE browse sunsite archives academic environment alternative energy miscellaneous The Worlds of sunSITE browse sunsite archives academic medicine alternative healthcare miscellaneous NEWSGROUPS and MAILING LISTS ---------- ------- ----- Reading alt.sustainable.agriculture gives you everything flowing through the sustag-public and sanet-mg lists in addition to any articles posted directly to the newsgroup. [Listed are host systems (i.e. mailing list server site address, mailing list name, and name of newsgroup that it's gated to, if at all] Mailing Lists: -------------- almanac@twosocks.ces.ncsu.edu sustag-public@twosocks.ces.ncsu.edu alt.sustainable.agriculture [sanet-mg is gated read-only to this newsgroup _not_ to the mailing list] almanac@twosocks.ces.ncsu.edu sanet-mg@twosocks.ces.ncsu.edu (Sustainable Agriculture Network mail group) almanac@twosocks.ces.ncsu.edu sustag-principles@twosocks.ces.ncsu.edu Usenet Newsgroups: ------------------ alt.sustainable.agriculture alt.agriculture.misc alt.agriculture.fruit Others: rec.gardens misc.rural alt.folklore.herbs alt.co-evolution sci.bio sci.bio.ecology sci.geo.geology sci.geo.meteorology bionet plants bionet mycology bionet photosynthesis bionet cellbiology bionet general bionet.agroforestry bionet.n2-fixation bionet.biology.tropical alt.architecture.alternative alt.housing.nontrad sci.energy misc.health.alternative sci.life-extension alt.health.ayurveda alt.meditation misc.health.diabetes rec.food.veg sci.med.nutrition sci.med.pharmacy alt.food.fat-free -soon to come- alt.energy.renewable sci.agriculture (if voted in) Other mailing lists: -------------------- >From almanac@twosocks.ces.ncsu.edu: renew-energy (Renewable Energy) nc-solar (North Carolina Solar Energy Resources) NAT_MED (Natural Medicine) ENV_RES (Environmental Resources) >From mailserv@iris.uncg.edu: MaxLife-L (Towards a Positive, Healthy Lifestyle) Articles in all of the mailing lists and newsgroups listed above, FAQs and other information are archived at sunSITE. They are accesable by ftp, telnet, Gopher, WAIS & FTPMail. --=-- For more information contact: Lawrence London london@sunSITE.unc.edu sunSITE ftp directories: /pub/academic/agriculture/sustainable_agriculture /pub/academic/environment/alternative-energy/miscellaneous /pub/academic/medicine/alternative-healthcare/miscellaneous --=OR=-- Paul Jones Paul_Jones@unc.edu Office for Information Technology University of North Carolina Chapel, Hill, N.C. 1-919-962-9107