(3837) Sun 14 Jul 91 22:09 By: David Thelen To: Randy Perkins Re: Treated Lumber St: ------------------------------------------------------------------ @MSGID: 1:106/114.0 288111e0 @REPLY: 1:282/56 28712fa7 Hello Randy RP> I read in Popular Science a couple of years ago RP> that a new method had been devised for treating RP> wood, using borax. My recollection is that Are you talking about the 'ole twenty mule team type borax. I hadn't seen that. It's quite interesting though. They will come up with something else. Seems to be the way it works. They ban something and everyone bitches about it for a while, and then something better shows up on the market. Maybe some good will come out of this. --- Maximus 2.00 b/2.5 * Origin: EARTH*Net*Home:SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE ECHO*919-929-0677 (1:151/502) @PATH: 106/114 116 396/1 13/13 151/1003 223