(295) RE: join mailing list 7 Aug 31 Lawrence.London@bb (44) Subscription info for SANET newsgrou 8 Aug 31 Karl L. Wuensch (37) Re: SACRED DATURA 9 Aug 30 Lawrence F. London (57) Re: your mail 10 Aug 30 Lawrence F. London (87) Re: your mail You can use any of the following commands by pressing the first character;d)elete or u)ndelete mail, m)ail a message, r)eply or f)orward mail, q)uitTo read a message, press . j = move down, k = move up, ? = helpCommand: Display message Message 1/145 From Tyler R. Holcomb Sep 2 '92 at 10:53 am -420 Resent-Date: 02 Sep 1992 10:53:06 -0700 (PDT) Resent-From: Date: 02 Sep 1992 10:53:06 -0700 (PDT) To: info-ev@YMIR.CLAREMONT.EDU Errors-To: eev@YMIR.CLAREMONT.EDU Reply-To: info-ev@YMIR.CLAREMONT.EDU Resent-Message-Id: <01GOB1JM0SJM95P5I7@YMIR.CLAREMONT.EDU> X-Vms-To: IN%"info-ev@YMIR.CLAREMONT.EDU" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT REPRINTED FROM CLARINEWS (UPI) WITHOUT PERMISSION >From: clarinews@clarinet.com (UPI) >Newsgroups: clari.local.california >Subject: Electric cars get a jump start >Keywords: automotive, manufacturing, atmosphere, environment, > electrical power, energy There are 28 lines left (55%). Press for more, or 'i' to return. BURBANK, Calif. (UPI) -- A consortium of public and private organizations has been awarded $6 million in state and federal grants to develop a California-based electric vehicle industry and infrastructure by 1994. Calstart officials announced Tuesday that the group will receive a $4 million federal grant and a $2 million state grant to develop advanced electric vehicle parts and build a statewide infrastructure of charging stations, service and battery centers within two years. The grants also will help the group to develop an advanced electric bus and mass transit program. Officials believe the program will help transform the state's struggling defense and aerospace industry into an advanced transportation center. ``California has always been a technological leader,'' Rep. Howard Berman said. ``This grant will help us retain that leadership as well as gain a foothold in the rapidly growing vehicle industry.'' Calstart was formed last December to help the state compete in the world market through advanced transportation. Officials believe the program will generate more than 55,000 new jobs by the year 2000. The electric vehicle industry also will play a critical role in meeting air quality standards, said Charles Imbrecht, chairman of the California Energy Commission. There are 6 lines left (90%). Press for more, or 'i' to return. The consortium consists of more than 40 public and private agencies and businesses, including Southern California Edison, Pacific Gas & Electric, Hughes Aircraft Co., Lockheed Corp., the South Coast Air Quality Management District, the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power and the Bay Area Rapid Transit District. Command ('i' to return to index):