(4261) Sat 21 Mar 92 19:52 By: Sheila Exner To: Everybody Re: New Product St: ------------------------------------------------------------------ @EID:13ba 18759e9a @MSGID: 1:130/29.103 29cbda65 @PID: GoldED 2.2 This has nothing to do with gardening, but it is home related and I felt it was interesting enough to post to all. I hope you feel the same way. This comes from an article in 1,000 Home Ideas magazine for July '91. (quote)SMART REFINISHING These days, responsibility means conservation, such as in restoring old furniture rather than replacing it, and becoming environmentally conscious by using safe products to do so. We've found a stripping product that lives up to the highest standards. Woodfinisher's Pride stripping gels, by Creative Technologies Group, are safe and easy to handle, unlike many strippers on the market today. Woodfinisher's Pride can be used in normal ventilation areas, is non-toxic, non- flammable, and biodegradable, does not contain methylene chloride, a cancer-cusing chemical found in most leading stripping products, and tools clean up with soap and water. Because thses strippers are in gel form, they are easy to apply and coat wood evenly. Woodfinisher's Pride also includes Bitrex, a bittering agent, to protect against ingestion by children, and is packaged in recyclable plastic containers with child-proof caps. (Note from me: this last statement is my only objection - the only ones I know who can remove child- proof caps are children.) If there is not a recycling center in your area, you can return the container to the manufacturer for a $1 refund. Look for Woodfinisher's Pride in hardware stores, home centers and paint stores. (end quote) I don't know about the rest of you, but I have an antique diningroom table (it was the breakfast table from my father's home, a cherrywood table, 5' x 5 1/2', with carved legs, spindles between the outside legs, a center leg, and four leaves. It opens to almost 9'. My mother said when she acquired it it was filled with carved initials, etc., from my father and his brothers from when they did their home- work on it. It is circa about 1890), that I have been attempting to refinish for years, but have never had a space big enough to put it where there was open air. I did manage, at one house we lived in, to refinish two leaves. I also have three handmade, wood pinned, pine tables that I have had since 1956 and are in desperate need of fixing. I can't believe there is truly a product that I can use inside the house that will do the job and be environmentally sound. Sheila --- QM v1.00 * Origin: Rainbow Castle <*> Eclectic in Ft. Worth, Tx. <*> (1:130/29.103) @PATH: 130/29 124/4115 5125 396/5 1 13/13 151/1003 3641/1