Annex V Annex V 1. The Schedule of a Party sets out the non-discriminatory quantitative restrictions maintained by that Party pursuant to Article 1207. 2. Each entry sets out the following elements: (a) Sector refers to the general sector in which the quantitative restriction is maintained; (b) Sub-Sector refers to the specific sector in which the quantitative restriction is maintained; (c) Industry Classification refers, where applicable, to the activity covered by the quantitative restriction according to domestic industry classification codes; (d) Level of Government indicates the level of government maintaining the quantitative restriction; (e) Measures identifies the measures under which the quantitative restriction is maintained; and (f) Description sets out the scope of the sector, sub-sector or activities covered by the quantitative restriction. 3. For purposes of this Annex: CMAP means Clasificaci˘n Mexicana de Actividades y Productos (CMAP) numbers as set out in Instituto Nacional de EstadĦstica, GeografĦa e Inform tica, Clasificaci˘n Mexicana de Actividades y Productos, 1988; CPC means Central Product Classification (CPC) numbers as set out in Statistical Office of the United Nations, Statistical Papers, Series M, No. 77, Provisional Central Product Classification, 1991; and SIC means: (a) with respect to Canada, Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) numbers as set out in Statistics Canada, Standard Industrial Classification, fourth edition, 1980; and (b) with respect to the United States, Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) numbers as set out in the United States Office of Management and Budget, Standard Industrial Classification Manual, 1987. V-