From Cyronwode@aol.comSat Nov 26 11:48:21 1994 Date: Fri, 25 Nov 1994 20:48:08 -0500 From: To: Subject: SA/SG Bibliography I Sacred Geometry/Sacred Architecture Bibliography The Sacred Geometry/Sacred Architecture Bibliogrpahy is a project of catherine yronwode and others and will be archived at SUNsite by Larry London. This list will be continually updated for absent information such as LC (Library of Congress) numbers, ISBN (international standard book numbers), topic key-words, and any other new information which becomes available. If you wish to add titles to the bibliography, it will save bandwidth to emial titles and authors and subject lines directly to me so that i can make sure they conform to the key-word system used herein. (The key-word designations allow you to take the bibliography into your own personal word-processing program and by executing a word-find or find-change to locate books on topics which most interest you.) The following contributors to this database have our gratitude: - Jim St. Louis for keyboarding - Eugene Powell,, for the DeLubicz references on Egypt, and others - Diomira, for addition of works by Matila Ghyka - Randolph Fritz, for attention to works by A. and L. Bakhtiar and C. Alexander - Kyle Kuns, for reference to Francis D.K. Ching - Richard Gray, for sources on Fractals, Chaos, Power Laws, etc. - Richard Austin, for works of H.E. Huntley special aside to Barry Carrol,, how 'bout those other Bragdon books you have, and Manley P. Hall, and the one on the Chartes Catherdral? -- catherine ======================================== Alexander, Christopher, A PATTERN LANGUAGE, THE PRACTICAL COMPANION TO THE TIMELESS WAY Oxford U. Press Alexander, Christopher, THE TIMELESS WAY OF BUILDING Oxford U. Press Bakhtiar, Ardalan and Laleh, THE SENSE OF UNITY: THE SUFI TRADITION IN PERSIAN ARCHITECTURE University of Chicago Press, 1973, 1979, ISBN 0-226-02560-8 SACRED ARCHITECTURE OF: Middle East Barnsley, Michael, FRACTALS EVERYWHERE SACRED GEOMETRY: History and Philosophy; Natural Proportions, Latent geometry Bragdon, Claude, THE BEAUTIFUL NECESSITY, SEVEN ESSAYS ON THEOSOPHY AND ARCHITECTURE, SECOND EDITION, Alfred A. Knopf, 1910, 1922 SACRED GEOMETRY: History and philosophy; Natural proportions, latent geometry; Platonic solids; Ratio and proportion; Fibonacci, phi, golden section; Links between geometry, music, architecture; Neo-Platonic revivial; Deco-era industrial design revival SACRED ARCHITECTURE OF: Asia; Greece; Rome; Medieval Europe; Renaissance Europe; Modern Era TANGENT TOPICS: Religion, myth, superstition, cosmology; Religious iconography in architecture Bragdon, Claude, THE NEW IMAGE, Alfred A. Knopf, 1928 SACRED GEOMETRY: History and philosophy; ; Natural proportions, latent geometry; Ratio and proportion; Fibonacci, phi, golden section; Links between geometry, music, architecture, Deco-era industrial design revival SACRED ARCHITECTURE OF: Greece; Rome; Medieval Europe, Renaissance Europe; Modern Era TANGENT TOPICS: Astrology, alchemy, cabalism, magic squares Bragdon, Claude, A PRIMER OF HIGHER SPACE, THE FOURTH DIMENSION - TO WHICH IS ADDED MAN THE SQUARE, A HIGHER SPACE PARABLE, SECOND EDITION Alfred A Knopf, 1923 SACRED GEOMETRY: History and philosophy; Platonic solids; Deco-era industrial design revival SACRED ARCHITECTURE OF: Modern Era TANGENT TOPICS: Astrology, alchemy, cabalism, magic squares Ching, Francis D.K., ARCHITECTURE: FORM, SPACE, AND ORDER Van Norstrand Reinhold Co., Inc. 1979 SACRED GEOMETRY: Fibonacci, phi, golden section Chippindale, Christopher, STONEHENGE COMPLETE, REVISED EDITION Thames and Hudson Ltd., London 1983, 1994, 266 illus. ISBN 0-500-27750-8, LC 93-61371 SACRED ARCHITECTURE OF: Megaliths; Prehistoric Europe TANGENT TOPICS: Natural "holy" sites; Archaeo-astronomical observatory sites; Ley lines, geomancy, feng shui Claudy, Carl H., INTRODUCTION TO FREEMASONRY The Temple Publishers, 1931, 1958 SACRED GEOMETRY: Ratio and proportion, Links between geometry, music, architecture; Neo-Platonic revival TANGENT TOPICS: Religion, myth, superstition, cosmology; Religious iconography in architecture; Freemasonic symbolism in architecture Curl, James Stevens, THE ART AND ARCHITECTURE OF FREEMASONRY The Overlook Press, Woodstock, N.Y. 1993 ISBN 0-87951-494-9 SACRED GEOMETRY: Links between geometry, music, architecture; Neo-Platonic revival SACRED ARCHITECTURE OF: Renaissance Europe, Modern Era TANGENT TOPICS: Sundials and astro-calendrical devices; Labyrinths and symbolic landscaping, Freemasonic symbolism in architecture DeLubicz, Isha Schwaller, HER-BAK: THE LIVING FACE OF ANCIENT EGYPT Inner Traditions International, 1980, ISBN 0-Charles E. Sprague, 368p.,89281-003-3 SACRED ARCHITECTURE OF: Egypt DeLubicz, Isha Schwaller, JOURNEY INTO LIGHT: THE THREE PRINCIPLES OF MAN'S AWAKENING Inner Traditions International, 1984, ISBN 0-89281-038-6 TANGENT TOPICS: Religion, myth, superstition, cosmology DeLubicz, Isha Schwaller, THE OPENING OF THE WAY: A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO THE MYSTICAL TEACHINGS OF ANCIENT EGYPT Inner Traditions International, 1989, ISBN 0-89281-015-7,224p SACRED ARCHITECTURE OF: Egypt DeLubicz, R.A. Schwaller, THE EGYPTIAN MIRACLE: THE WISDOM OF THE TEMPLE, Inner Traditions International, 1985, ISBN 0-89281-008-4 SACRED ARCHITECTURE OF: Egypt DeLubicz, R.A. Schwaller, ESOTERISM AND SYMBOL Inner Traditions International, 1985, ISBN 0-89281-014-9 SACRED ARCHITECTURE OF: Egypt DeLubicz, R.A. Schwaller, NATURE WORD, translated by Deborah and Robert Lawlor Inner Traditions International, 1982, ISBN 0-89281-036-X, LC 82-81069 SACRED ARCHITECTURE OF: Egypt DeLubicz, R.A. Schwaller, THE SACRED SCIENCE: THE KING OF PHARAONIC THEOCRACY G. and A. Vandenbroeck Inner Traditions International, ISBN 0-89281-222-2, LC 81-344 SACRED ARCHITECTURE OF: Egypt DeLubicz, R.A. Schwaller, SYMBOL AND THE SYMBOLIC: ANCIENT EGYPT, SCIENCE, AND THE EVOLUTION OF CONSCIOUSNESS, translated by D. and R. Lawlor Inner Traditions International, 1981, ISBN 0-89281-022-X, LC 81-13375 SACRED ARCHITECTURE OF: Egypt DeLubicz, R.A. Schwaller, THE TEMPLE IN MAN: SACRED ARCHITECTURE And THE PERFECT MAN, translated by D. and R. Lawlor Inner Traditions International, 1981, ISBN 0-89281-021-1, LC 81-13374 SACRED ARCHITECTURE OF: Egypt Doczi, Gyorgy, THE POWER OF LIMITS, PROPORTIONAL HARMONIES IN NATURE, ART, AND ARCHITECTURE, Shambhala, 1981, 1994 ISBN 0-87773-193-4(pbk) SACRED GEOMETRY: History and philosophy; Natural proportions, latent geometry; Platonic solids; Ratio and proportion; Fibonacci, phi, golden section; Links between geometry, music, architecture SACRED ARCHITECTURE OF: Megaliths; Middle East; Asia; Egypt; Crete; Rome; Prehistoric Europe; Medieval Europe; Renaissance Europe; Australia Pacific Islands; North America; Meso-America; South America TANGENT TOPICS: Religion, myth, superstition, cosmology; Religious iconography in architecture Dunham, William, THE MATHEMATICAL UNIVERSE SACRED GEOMETRY: History and Philosophy; Natural proportions, latent geometry Earle, Alice Morse, SUN-DIALS AND ROSES OF YESTERDAY MacMillan Company, 1902 SACRED ARCHITECTURE OF: Rennaissance Europe, Modern Era TANGENT TOPICS: Sundials and astro-calendrical devices; Labyrinths and symbolic landscaping; Freemasonic symbolism in architecture Fraser, Ronald, HER BAK EGYPTIAN INITIATE, 400p, 1982 ISBN 0-89281-002-5 Ghyka, Matila, THE GEOMETRY OF ART AND LIFE Dover Pub., N.Y., 1977 Hambridge, Jay, THE PARTHENON, AND OTHER GREEK TEMPLES, THEIR DYNAMIC SYMMETRY Yale University Press, 1924 SACRED GEOMETRY: History and philosophy; Ratio and proportion; Fibonacci, phi, golden section; Links between geometry, music, architecture SACRED ARCHITECTURE OF: Greece Hawkins, Gerald S., STONEHENGE DECODED Doubleday & Company Inc. 1965 LC 65-19933 SACRED ARCHITECTURE OF: Megaliths TANGENT TOPICS: Natural "holy" sites; Archaeo-astronomical observatory sites; Ley lines, geomancy, feng shui Huntley, H.E., THE DIVINE PROPORTION Dover Publication, 1970 Lawlor, Anthony, THE TEMPLE IN THE HOUSE, FINDING THE SACRED IN EVERYDAY ARCHITECTURE, G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1994 ISBN 0-87477-777-1 SACRED GEOMETRY: History and Philosophy; Natural proportions, latent geometry; Ratio and proportion; Fibonacci, phi, golden section; Links between geometry, music, architecture; Neo-Platonic revival; Deco-era industrial design revival SACRED ARCHITECTURE OF: Megaliths; Middle East; Asia; Egypt; Crete; Greece; Rome; Prehistoric Europe; Medieval Europe; Renaissance Europe; Australia-Pacific Islands; North America; Meso-America; South America; Modern Era TANGENT TOPICS: Natural "holy" sites; Archaeo-astronomical observatory sites; Sundials and astro-calendrical devices; Labyrinths and symbolic landscaping; Ley lines, geomancy, feng shui; Religion, myth, superstition, cosmology; Religious iconography in architecture; Freemasonic symbolism in architecture Lawlor, Robert, SACRED GEOMETRY, PHILOSOPHY AND PRACTICE Thames and Hudson Ltd., London 1982, 1989 LC 88-51328 SACRED GEOMETRY: History and philosophy; Natural proportions, latent geometryPlatonic solids; Ratio and proportion; Fibonacci, phi, golden section; Links between geometry, music, architecture SACRED ARCHITECTURE OF: Asia; Egypt; Greece; Rome; Renaissance Europe TANGENT TOPICS: Religion, myth, superstition, cosmology; Religious iconography in architecture Lethaby, William, ARCHITECTURE, MYSTICISM & MYTH Solos Press 1994 ISBN 1-873616-05-8 SACRED ARCHITECTURE OF: Middle East; Asia; Egypt; Crete; Greece; Rome; Prehistoric Europe TANGENT TOPICS: Natural "holy" sites; Sundials and astro-calendrical devices; Labyrinths and symbolic landscaping; Religion, myth, superstition, cosmology; Religious iconography in architecture Mackey, Albert S., revised by Clegg, Robert I., MACKEY'S SYMBOLISM OF FREEMASONRY, ITS SCIENCE, PHILOSOPHY, LEGENDS, MYTHS AND SYMBOLS The Masonic History Company, 1945, 1946 SACRED GEOMETRY: History and philosophy; Platonic solids; Ratio and proportion; Links between geometry, music, architecture; Neo-Platonic revival SACRED ARCHITECTURE OF: Middle East; Egypt; Medieval Europe TANGENT TOPICS: Religious iconography in architecture; Freemasonic symbolism in architecture MacNulty, W. Kirk, FREEMASONRY, A JOURNEY THROUGH RITUAL AND SYMBOL Thames and Hudson Ltd., London 1991, 1993, 133 illus. ISBN 0-500-81037-0, LC 91-65320 SACRED GEOMETRY: History and philosophy; Ratio and proportion; Links between geometry, music, architecture; Neo-Platonic revival SACRED ARCHITECTURE OF: Renaissance Europe TANGENT TOPICS: Freemasonic symbolism in architecture Michell, John, THE EARTH SPIRIT, ITS WAYS, SHRINES AND MYSTERIES Crossroad, 1975, 96 pg. 113 illus., LC 81-66809 SACRED ARCHITECTURE OF: Megaliths; Middle East; Asia; Egypt; Greece; Prehistoric Europe; Medieval Europe; Renaissance Europe; Australia- Pacific Islands; North America; Meso-America; Modern Era TANGENT TOPICS: Natural "holy" sites; Labyrinths and symbolic landscaping; Ley lines, geomancy, feng shui; Religion, myth, superstition, cosmology; Religious iconography in architecture Mohen, Jean-Pierre, THE WORLD OF MEGALITHS Facts On File Inc., 1991 ISBN 0-8160-2251-8 SACRED ARCHITECTURE OF: Megaliths; Prehistoric Europe TANGENT TOPICS: Natural "holy" sites; Archaeo-astronomical obseravtory sites; Religion, myth, superstition, cosmology; Religious iconography in architecture Osmen, Sarah Ann, SACRED PLACES, A JOURNEY INTO THE HOLIEST LANDS St. Martin's Press, 1990 ISBN 0-312-03513-6 SACRED ARCHITECTURE OF: Megaliths; Middle East; Asia; Egypt; Crete; Greece; Rome; Prehistoric Europe; Medieval Europe; Australia-Pacific Islands; North America; Meso-America; Modern Era TANGENT TOPICS: Natural "holy" sites, Archaeo-astronomical observatory sites; Labyrinths and symbolic landscaping; Ley lines, geomancy, feng shui; Religion, myth, superstition, cosmology; Religious iconography in architecture; UFOs, Atlantis, other non-traditional theories Reader's Digest, UNSOLVED MYSTERIES OF THE PAST, The Reader's Digest Association, Inc., 1991 ISBN 0-89577-359-7, illus., 144 pg. SACRED ARCHITECTURE OF: Megaliths; Middle East; Asia; Egypt; Crete; Greece; Rome; Prehistoric Europe; Medieval Europe; Renaissance Europe; North America; Meso-America; South America TANGENT TOPICS: Natural "holy" sites; Archaeo-astronomical observatory sites; Sundials and astro-calendrical devices; Labyrinths and symbolic landscaping; Ley lines, geomancy, feng shui; Religion, myth, superstition, cosmology; Astrology, Alchemy, cabalism, magic squares; Religious iconography in architecture; Pre-Columbian diffusion: architectural evidence; UFOs, Atlantis, and other non-traditional theories Santillana, Giorgio de, and Von Dechend, Hertha, HAMLET'S MILL, AN ESSAY ON MYTH AND THE FRAME OF TIME David R. Godine 1977 ISBN 0-87923-215-3 LC 69-13267 TANGENT TOPICS: Archaeo-astronomical observatory sites; Sundials and astro-calendrical devices; Religion, myth, superstition, cosmology; Astrology, alchemy, cabalism, magic squares Schroeder, Manfred, FRACTALS, CHAOS, AND POWER LAWS SACRED GEOMETRY: History and Philosophy; Natural proportions, latent geometry TANGENT TOPICS: Religion, myth, superstition, cosmology Scully, Vincent, THE EARTH, THE TEMPLE AND THE GODS, GREEK SACRED ARCHITECTURE New Haven and London, Yale University Press, 1962 SACRED GEOMETRY: History and Philosophy SACRED ARCHITECTURE OF: Greece TANGENT TOPICS: Natural "holy" sites; Religion, myth, superstition, cosmology; Religious iconography in architecture Sharkey, John, CELTIC MYSTERIES, THE ANCIENT RELIGION Thames and Hudson Ltd., London 1991, 117 illus. ISBN 0-500-81009-5 LC 78-62807 SACRED ARCHITECTURE OF: Megaliths; Prehistoric Europe; Medieval Europe TANGENT TOPICS: Natural "holy" sites; Archaeo-astronomical observatory sites; Religion, myth, superstition, cosmology; Religious iconography in architecture Teague, Walter Dorwin, DESIGN THIS DAY, THE TECHNIQUE OF ORDER IN THE MACHINE AGE, FIRST EDITION, Harcourt, Brace and Company, N.Y. 1940 SACRED GEOMETRY: History and philosophy; Natural proportions, latent geometry; Ratio and proportion; Fibonacci, phi, golden section; Links between geometry, music, architecture; Deco-era industrial design revival SACRED ARCHITECTURE OF: Greece; Rome; Medieval Europe; Renaissance Europe; Modern Era Verdet, Jean-Pierre, THE SKY, MYSTERY, MAGIC, AND MYTH Harry N. Abrams, 1992 ISBN 0-8109-2873-6 SACRED ARCHITECTURE OF: Megaliths; Egypt; Greece; Rome; Medieval Europe; Meso-America; South America; Africa TANGENT TOPICS: Archaeo-astronomical observatory sites; Sundials and astro-calendrical devices; Religion, myth, superstition, cosmology; Religious iconography in architecture; Astrology, alchemy, cabalism, magic squares Whitshaw, Elena Maria, ATLANTIS IN SPAIN Adventures Unlimited Press, 1994 ISBN 0-932813-22-4 SACRED ARCHITECTURE OF: Megaliths; Prehistoric Europe; Medieval Europe; Renaissance Europe TANGENT TOPICS: Natural "holy" sites; Archaeo-astronomical observatory sites; Religion, myth, superstition, cosmology; Religious iconography in architecture; Pre-Columbian diffusion: architectural evidence; UFOs, Atlantis, other non-traditional theories Yates, Frances A., THE OCCULT PHILOSOPHY IN THE ELIZABETHAN AGE Ark Paperbacks, 1983 ISBN 0-7448-0001-3 SACRED GEOMETRY: History and Philosophy; Platonic Solids; Links between geometry, music, architecture; Neo-Platonic revival SACRED ARCHITECTURE OF: Renaissance Europe TANGENT TOPICS: Religion, myth, superstition, cosmology; Astrology, alchemy, cabalism, magic squares; UFOs, Atlantis, other non-traditional theories Zimmer, Heinrich, MYTHS AND SYMBOLS IN INDIAN ART AND CIVILIZATION, Princeton University Press, 1972, 1974 ISBN 0-691-01778-6 (pbk) LC 46-7144 SACRED ARCHITECTURE OF: Asia TANGENT TOPICS: Natural "holy" sites; Religion, myth, superstition, cosmology; Religious iconography in architecture (to be updated) A STUDY OF NUMBERS, ISBN 0-89281-112-9