(257) Sat 12 Feb 94 6:48 By: Ken Bridges To: ALL Re: Renewable energy Book St: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ @MSGID: 1:325/802.5 d5cc1d12 The 1993 volume by Thomas Johannson, Amulya Reddy, Robert Williams and Henry Kelly (editors), RENEWABLE ENERGY (Island Press, Washington, DC $45) includes an extensive discussion of costs of delivered energy services from each of the renewables, now and in the projected future (depending upon different assumptions of success in R&D, policy innovatons, economies of scale, etc.). This huge volume, prepared for the UNCED Rio conference, concludes that approximately half of the global economy's energy supplies can be derived from a diverse mix of solar/renewable energy resources over the next 40 years, despite low oil prices in the foreseeable future (assuming vigorous energy efficiency investments as well). Michael Totten, Director Center for Renewable Energy & Sustainable Technology 777 N. Capitol St NE, Suite 805, Wash, DC 20002 PH: (202) 336-8945 FAX: (202) 408-8536 email: totten@digex.net --- timEd-B9 * Origin: The Solar Point, Solar Powered! (1:325/802.5) @PATH: 325/802 101/1 396/1 3615/50 3641/1