From claudir@hubcap.clemson.eduTue Aug 22 01:25:21 1995 Date: Mon, 21 Aug 1995 22:48:24 -0400 (EDT) From: White Horse To: White Horse Subject: More on EcoPsychology Hello, A few months ago we spoke to each other about ecopsychology. I thought you might be interested in learning about some new developments. Recently, I learned about several exciting opportunities to participate in workshops about ecopsychology and joined one myself. I found it to be a wonderful opportunity to meet face to face with concerned people and to address the profound issues of our lives within a context I know has strong potential to effectively create significant, deep resolutions. I wish for you to be part of this too and for this emerging field to become known. Please feel free to share this with your friends. Cheers, Claudia >|< P.S. There are partial and full tuition scholarships available. .-=* ECOPSYCHOLOGY *=-. Intensive training programs in the emerging field of EcoPsychology ***The September 1st program has 14 participants signed-up already, and the ***limit is 25 participants. If interested, please respond immediately. Integral Sustainability Associates is offering intensive training programs in Ecopsychology this Fall, co-sponsored by the Center for Psychology and Social Change, an affiliate of the Harvard Medical School. The 8-day programs are designed to help participants explore their unique roles in ecological healing, and to create a vibrant network of health professionals and mainstream environmentalists working together to discover new directions in ecological healing and activism. Key questions to be addressed include: o In what specific ways can health professionals and mainstream environmentalists work together to address the deeper roots of the ecological crisis? o How can ecological consciousness and practice be integrated into the clinical work of practicing health professionals and environmentalists? o How can the agenda for environmental activism be expanded to include transformation of cultural values? WHAT IS ECOPSYCHOLOGY? The emerging field of ecopsychology bridges the domains of ecology, psychology, and the consciousness disciplines to address the psychological and spiritual roots of the environmental crisis. Ecopsychology views humanity as interdependent with all other life forms. Hence, the health and well-being of individuals cannot be separated from the health of society or the Earth itself. By reawakening this consciousness, we act instinctively to care for the Earth. WHO WILL BENEFIT? The training is designed for a broad range of healing professionals, environmental scientists and activists, and advanced students in these fields. Spiritual practitioners seeking to engage in ecological work are also welcome. No previous knowledge of ecology or ecopsychology is required. /|\ TWO RESIDENTIAL TRAINING PROGRAMS OFFERED IN 1995: September 1-9, Emerald Valley Ranch near Colorado Springs, Colorado. Guest faculty include Elizabeth Roberts, PhD and Elias Amidon, founders of the Institute of Deep Ecology and authors of _Earth Prayers_; Judith Gass, LCSW and Robert Gass, EdD, celebrated teachers and consultants to major corporations. October 29-November 5, Shenoa Retreat Center in northern California. Guest faculty include Duane Elgin, MBA, author of _Voluntary Simplicity_ and _Awakening Earth_; Allen Kanner, PhD, co-editor of _Ecopsychology: Restoring the Earth, Healing the Mind_; and Ann Krumboltz, MA, program officer at the Energy Foundation. Training organizers are Will Keepin, PhD, environmental activist; Johanna Johnson, MA, psychotherapist, and Jed Swift, MA, founding director of Colorado Sacred Earth Institute. The fee for each training is $595 tuition + lodging and meals. Partial and some full scholarships are available to cover tuition; email for more information and an application. To receive a brochure and an application, please contact me at: Thank you. -o-o-o-o-