(1525) Thu 15 Jul 93 18:11 By: Don Kulha To: Scott Parks Re: HOMEPOWR echo _ _ _ O / _ _ C_U_T_ H_E_R_E_ _ _ _ O \ AREA HOMEPOWR TITLE Alternative Energy Systems and Homemade Power DESC This conference is on small scale alternative energy systems DESC and personal power production. Some of the topics covered are: DESC small wind and hydro power plants, photovoltaic panels, energy DESC efficient appliances, hydrogen power, hot water solar panels, DESC batteries and living off the grid. It is loosely affiliated DESC with Home Power mag. MOD Don Kulha, 1:125/7 TOTAL 50 VOL 40/week DIST Backbone PATH 125/7 203/23 Origin: Sonoma Online, HOMEPOWR Echo (707)545-0746-HST\V32b (1:125/7) (1526) Thu 15 Jul 93 19:27 By: Don Kulha To: All Re: REDI Conference August 6,7, & 8th are the dates of the first REDI conference in Willits CA. REDI stands for the Renewable Energy Development Institute, a CA public non-profit scientific and educational corporation based in Willits CA dedicated to the development of envronmentally sound energy and transportation technologies. Basically whats going on is that the SEER (Solar Energy Expo & Rally) fair is not being held this year (It will be back in '94!). In it's place the REDI conference will be held. A permanent location for the 1994 SEER fair is being readied, likely at the Sun Ranch outside Willits. The conference is billed as "Industry and Government Representatives Developing Policy Objectives for Clean Power and Transportation Technologies". It is, in part, sponsored by: SEIA - Solar Energy Industries Assn. CALSEIA - CA Solar Energy Industries Assn. DOE - Dept. Of Energy CEC - California Energy Commission Southwest RES NCSEA - Northern CA Solar Energy Assn. NCES - North Coast Energy Services Sandia National Labs Electric Auto Assn. Sonoma State University Sequoia Technical Services Alternative Transportation News Sports Car Club of America Electrathon Racing Assn Congressman Dan Hamburg and others..... The schedule for the conference is as follows: Friday, August 6th 10 - Noon Registration Noon - 1pm Welcome to Solar Capital Luncheon 1 - 5pm Networking (informal) / project demonstrations 2 - 5pm Education (discussion of current cirrculums, development projects) 5 - 7pm REDI Happy Hour 7 - 9pm Dinner (Keynote Speakers will present their perspectives) 9pm Special Interest Roundtable Discussion Saturday, August 7th 7 - 9am Power Breakfast 9 - Noon Technology Discussion (3 Tracks: electrical/ Thermal/transport) Noon - 1pm Lunch in the Park 1 - 5pm Standards (3 Tracks: as above) 5 - 7pm CalSEIA Happy Hour 7 - 9pm Dinner w/ Keynote Speakers re: Current/Proposed Legislation 9pm Dance and Videos Sunday, August 8th 7 - 9am Breakfast 9 - Noon Financing and Contract Opportunities and developments Noon - REDI Site Sun Ranch Visit and Luncheon/Picnic This sounds like a tremendously interesting and informative conference. Many industry, education and government representatives will be in attendance. Registration is limited to 500 attendees for this "Solar Summit". The conference registration cost is $100. An additional $100 will set you up for the various meals, dinners and hospitality events (which seems altogether reasonable to me). You can contact REDI at: REDI - Renewable Energy Development Institute 733 S. Main St. #234 Willits, CA 95490 707.459.1256 Voice 707.459.0366 FAX Origin: Sonoma Online, HOMEPOWR Echo (707)545-0746-HST\V32b (1:125/7) (1527) Thu 15 Jul 93 19:28 By: Don Kulha To: All Re: REDI Conference The REDI conference should be quite fun and I plan to be in attendance there. I think this is a wonderful opportunity to promote OUR conference and attract new industry participants. To that end I plan to travel up talk to them again shortly and probably travel up to Willits to speak to them in the next week or so. I think that what we have developed with this echo and medium can play an important part in the dissemination of knowledge, sharing of information and encouragement of the use of Alternative energy, transportation and conservation practices. To that end I plan to discuss the possibility of Sonoma Online donating a computer system, set-up to link to this conference with the appropriate software and hardware, preconfigured and fed from Sonoma Online to the REDI group. The system could be used in their year-round technology demonstration center to be located in Willits CA and eventually at the REDI Institute site outside of Willits. It could be set-up to operate in local mode so that REDI personnel and visitors could log on, participate in the echo, and receive and send files. I really haven't thought all this out but it should be doable. I'm lacking some of the bits (high speed modem, HD, etc.) but I think we can scrounge them up. Also I sould be able to give them a nightly feed of the Homepowr echo and set them up for Internet mail. With a little luck I may be able to get them to allow us a place to set up this system at the REDI conference so attendees can see what we're up to. It seems like an excellent idea and I'll be pursuing this rather hard over the next few weeks. More later... dinner calls. DCK, Moderator, HOMEPOWR echo, FidoNet Origin: Sonoma Online, HOMEPOWR Echo (707)545-0746-HST\V32b (1:125/7)