(252) Sat 12 Feb 94 13:19 By: Don Kulha To: All Re: Cross-Posting/Gating... St: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ @MSGID: 1:125/7.0 2d5d1d9a Someone recently sent me netmail to inquire about crossposting and gating this conference to another network. Well, I couldn't answer right that moment, made a mental note to get back to it that afternoon and KABLOOEY!, I got a mail packet which turned about to be several hundred internet messages from lists some of our callers subscribed to and it scrolled the message right off the system. Aargh! This is the gist of it....if you want to gate or cross post this conference to any other network or system and will do it responsibly and not- for-profit DO IT! The wider and better the distribution of the info here the better. The info benefits the people of the planet and to that end deserves the widest possible distribution. Richard and Karen Perez the publishers of Home Power mag who inspired this conference and allow us to repost articles from Home Power and make the back issue articles available are all for giving away the info...all they ask is that it isn't republished for sale. It doesn't matter if it's posted on a system that charges for access as long as the info is not specifically for sale. The more distribution the info is given without having to kill trees or pollute the enviornment the better. As far as participation in this conference goes any entity is welcome to participate, even profit from it, as long as they are marginally on-topic. That means that ads for renewable energy products, publications, consultants, etc. are fine as far as the moderator (me so far) is concerned. I would hope that any commercial entities will share their knowlege to the benefit of the participants here and maintain some sort of positive "give/take" ratio. Don C. Kulha Moderator, HOMEPOWR echo conference Sonoma Online BBS & Services POB 7518 Santa Rosa, CA 95407 707.545.7533 Office Voice (& Ans. Machine) 707.526.9473 FAX 707.545.0746 BBS (4 lines, 300->V.32b) don.kulha@f7.n125.z1.fidonet.org --- Squish v1.01 * Origin: Sonoma Online, HOMEPOWR Echo (707)545-0746-HST\V32b (1:125/7) @PATH: 125/7 203/23 1 396/1 3615/50 3641/1