(251) Sat 12 Feb 94 13:05 By: Don Kulha To: All Re: Get ready for SEER 94! St: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ @MSGID: 1:125/7.0 2d5d1a60 Hooray! SEER is on for 1994! I called Karen at Home Power this morning to check on something and chat for a while (...I really love these folks...definitly some of the finest people on the face of the planet...that's why I'm such an unabashed booster of theirs). Anyway she told me that the Solar Energy Expo and Ralley is on again for this year. This is one of the finest renewable energy faires held anywhere. It includes seminars, conferences, exhibits, electric and solar car ralleyes and has run 3 days in the past. I've always been there from beginning to end and always find it tremendously interesting, informational and leave feeling reenvigorated and hopeful. If you can make it the time will be very well spent. As information comes in I'll post it here. The plan has changed a little bit for this year. It will be held in Ukiah CA at the county fairgrounds there in mid July. Previously it was held in Willits in August. This means that it will be easier to be at all the electric car events and not have to shuttle between Willits and Ukiah. It will also be a little cooler there in July than August. Put this in your schedule now if at all possible...you won't be disappointed! DCK --- Squish v1.01 * Origin: Sonoma Online, HOMEPOWR Echo (707)545-0746-HST\V32b (1:125/7) @PATH: 125/7 203/23 1 396/1 3615/50 3641/1