GOVERNMENT SOURCES: STATE: N.C. Cooperative Extension Service (Box 7605, N.C. State University, Raleigh 27695; 919/515-2770): The toll-free Extension Teletip hotline (800/662-7301) provides instructional information on assorted subjects including soil sampling, composting, water and energy conservation, water quality, hazardous household products, indoor air pollution, and radon. A catalog of the messages is available. N.C. Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources (P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh 27611-7687; 919/733-4984): Center for Health and Environmental Statistics (P.O. Box 29538, Raleigh 27626-0538; 919/733-4728): Publishes and distributes An Inventory of North Carolina Health Data 1990 and North Carolina Inventory of Environmental Data Sets 1991. These publications describe in detail sets of data (mostly held by state agencies), including those referred to in this guide. DEHNR Library (512 N. Salisbury St. or P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh 27611; 919/715-4161; fax 733-2622): Collection consists of books, state and federal government documents, microforms, maps, and periodicals related to health and environmental subjects. Materials are not loaned out to the public, although the public may use the library for reference. Environmental Management Division - Central Files (512 N. Salisbury St., Raleigh or P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh 27626-0535; 919/733-7015): Houses Division records, permits, and correspondence. The Division conducts comprehensive planning and management of N.C. surface water, groundwater, and air resources; issues pollution control permits; monitors permit compliance; evaluates environmental quality; and enforces environmental regulations. Open to the public. Office of Environmental Education (P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh 27611-7687; 919/733-0711): Promotes environmental education across the state. Serves as a clearinghouse for environmental education information at the state level. Coordinates departmental environmental education programs and activities. Compiles and distributes Environmental Education Resource Directory of the State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources, which contains lists of reports, brochures, and other publications distributed by DEHNR. Office of Policy Development (512 N. Salisbury St., Raleigh or P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh 27611-7687; 919/733-6376): Conducts research and analysis for the coordination of DEHNR policy development and implementation. Coordinates the Department's compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act and the N.C. Environmental Policy Act. Publishes the North Carolina Environmental Permit Directory, a book of detailed descriptions of permits issued by DEHNR. Planning and Assessment Division (P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh 27611-7687; 919/733-6376): Publishes the North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Directory. Latest edition, May 1993. Regional offices: Enforce rules and regulations in the field, with limited authority. Arrange meetings such as public hearings, house maps of certain facilities, and distribute some of the publications produced by the DEHNR agencies in Raleigh. Regional office locations are as follows: ¥ Interchange Bldg., 59 Woodfin Place, Asheville 28801; 704/251-6208 ¥ 919 N. Main St., Mooresville 28815; 704/663-1699 ¥ 8025 N. Point Blvd., Ste. 100, Winston-Salem 27106; 910/896-7007 ¥ 3800 Barrett Dr., Raleigh 27609; 919/571-4700 ¥ Wachovia Bldg., Ste. 714, Fayetteville 28301; 910/486-1541 ¥ 127 Cardinal Dr. Extension, Wilmington 28405-3845; 910/395-3900 ¥ 1424 Carolina Ave., Washington 27889; 919/946-6481 Environmental Management Commission (P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh 27626-0535; 919/733-7015): Forms rules to be followed by the Divisions of Environmental Management, Water Resources, and Land Resources in the protection, preservation, and enhancement of the state's water and air resources. Adopts rules for air quality standards, emission control standards, and classifications for air contaminant sources; for water quality standards and classifications; for the implementation of water and air quality reporting; and for governing underground tanks used for storing hazardous substances or oil. Grants and revokes permits in regard to dam construction and air and water pollution control; provides technical assistance; and declares pollution emergencies. Comprised of 17 members. N.C. Office of State Planning - State Data Center (SDC) (116 W. Jones St., Raleigh 27603-8003; 919/733-4131): A network of service agencies handling data received from the U.S. Bureau of the Census, U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, and N.C. state agencies. The network is comprised of a Raleigh office, state level coordinating agencies, multi-county planning regions, public libraries, academic contacts, and associate contacts. Each county is served by a library and Lead Regional Organization (LRO), which maintain data for its service area (and some statewide data). Academic affiliates and associate offices may serve nearby counties or the entire state. Libraries and LRO affiliates can refer data users to other components of the SDC network and other resources. Publishes a State Government Statistical Register which catalogs publications and data available from state agencies. The latest edition was published in 1988; a new edition is expected to be released in 1994. A booklet on the SDC is available for further description and contact information. Operates LINC (Log Into North Caroline), an online database of North Carolina data. State Library of N.C. (Library and Archives Bldg., 109 Jones St., Raleigh 27601-2807; 919/733-3270; fax 733-5679): Houses many federal publications and almost all N.C. state agency publications. The Library has access to many electronic databases from public and private sources; fees are often assessed for use of these databases. Serves as a source of information on the state as a whole or on areas within N.C. Reference librarians are available for phone, fax, and walk-in enquiries. Part of the State Data Center network. UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA SYSTEM: UNC-Chapel Hill Environmental Resource Program (Miller Hall, CB 8165, Chapel Hill 27599-8165; 919/966-7754): Publishes a Guide to North Carolina Environmental Groups which includes descriptions of approximately 125 organizations. FEDERAL: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): Headquarters Library (401 M. St., SW, Rm. 2904, Washington, DC 20460; 202/260-5921 or 5922; fax 260-6257): Major subject areas in the collection include hazardous waste management, water, and test methods. Materials are not loaned out to the public. Limited reference service is available. Public Information Center (PM-211B, 401 M St., SW, Washington, DC 20460; 202/260-7751; fax 260-6257): A primary point of contact between U.S. EPA and the public. Refers calls and letters to other sources of technical information and distributes general interest publications. Also serves as a walk-in visitors' center. Region IV Library (G6, 345 Courtland St., NE, Atlanta, GA 30365-2401; 404/347-4216): Collection covers a broad range of subjects with special attention to the environmental problems of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee. The public may borrow EPA documents but not other materials. Houses the Regional Public Information Center, which distributes EPA publications on a variety of topics including acid rain, global warming, and radon. Limited reference services are available to the public. National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) Library (North Campus Bldg. 18, 104 Alexander Dr., Research Triangle Park 27709; 919/541-3426): Collection covers environmental health subjects including toxicology, causation of cancer (carcinogenesis), genetic effects from chemicals (mutagenesis), and health effects of pollutants. Collection does not focus on pollution control, ecology, or regulation. Open to the public; limited reference services are available. Materials circulate to the public only through inter-library loan. NON-GOVERNMENT SOURCES: Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League (BREDL) (P.O. Box 878, Glendale Springs 28629; 910/982-2691): A network of 24 chapters across N.C., three in Virginia, and some in other southeastern states. Conducts advocacy, public education, and research on a variety of issues. Provides sample letters and technical assistance in using the Freedom of Information Act and examining state documents. Entries for BREDL appear in several chapters of this guide. Citizens for Business and Industry (CBI) - Environmental Concerns Committee (Hillsborough St., Raleigh; 919/828-0758): Comprised of 110+ N.C. manufacturing and small businesses involved in issues of environmental permitting, regulation, and legislation. Composes position papers and participates in the legislative and regulatory processes. CBI publishes North Carolina Magazine. Conservation Council (P.O. Box 37564, Raleigh 27627; 919/851-5870): A coalition of groups and individuals which monitors legislation and lobbies at the N.C. General Assembly and U.S. Congress. Cooperates with State administrative agencies, boards, and commissions. Works on a number of issues. Entries for the Council appear in several chapters of this guide. Sierra Club - N.C. Chapter: The work of the N.C. Chapter covers a wide range of environmental topics. Issue chair positions currently occupied are listed in the chapters of this guide. Enquiries which span several issues, are more general, or pertain to the N.C. Chapter as a whole can be directed to the individuals below. The Chapter publishes Footnotes, a newsletter. Molly Diggins, N.C. Chapter Chair (1135 Kenwood St., Winston-Salem 27103; 910/727-0636) Bill Holman, N.C. Chapter Lobbyist (1024 Washington St., Raleigh 27605; 919/755-1329): Lobbies at the N.C. General Assembly and provides information on Sierra Club policy positions. Roger Hart, Conservation Committee Chair (195 Marilyn Ln., Chapel Hill 27514; 919/933-5302): Coordinates work on national, international, state, coastal, and mountain conservation issues. Raine Lee, Conservation Coordinator for State Issues (411 Overland Dr., Chapel Hill 27514; 919/933-8267): Coordinates work on conservation-related state issues. PUBLICATIONS: Green Index 1991-1992: A State-By-State Guide to the Nation's Environmental Health. By Bob Hall and Mary Lee Kerr. Institute for Southern Studies. Washington, DC: Island Press, 1991. Depicts environmental conditions through text, tables, graphs, and maps with data on numerous specific indicators. Broken up into nine subject chapters. Also available from the Institute (P.O. Box 531, Durham 27702; 919/419-8311). The 1994 Information Please Environmental Almanac. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1994. Comprised of descriptive information and statistics on international, national, and state environmental conditions. Includes one page of basic environmental information for each state. Compiled annually by the World Resources Institute. Statistical Record of the Environment. Edited by Arsen J. Darnay. Detroit, MI: Gale Research, 1992. Composed of 851 tables and narrative text on a wide range of environmental topics and indicators. Some data is broken down by state. Data is national in coverage and occasionally international. Data sources are listed. Available in libraries (especially academic libraries).