From Strawnet@aol.comMon Apr 28 12:59:37 1997 Date: Mon, 28 Apr 1997 04:41:33 -0400 (EDT) From: To:, Subject: GBlist: DElightful News! Thought this little tidbit might be of interest... Last Thursday I recieved a phone call with tremendous potential significance. The call was from Roy Fewell, who works at ICBO (International Conference of Building Officials - the Uniform Building Code folks) headquarters in Whittier, California. Mr. Fewell asked me if I could provide him with copies of all the straw bale codes that had been developed to date. He said he had the California code but needed copies of the Tucson/Pima County, Arizona code, the New Mexico code and any others that I knew about. I told him about the Austin, Texas code as well, which should have been adopted by now (do you know anything about the status of this Bill Christensen? Perhaps you could give Ben Obregon a call and give us a status report). I said I could provide him those documents and asked what he planned to do with them. He said he had been speaking with a mutual friend, Bob Fowler (Pasadena, California Building Official and former Chairman of the Board of the ICBO). He said they planned to assemble this information to submit a proposal to the appropriate committee working on the new IBC (International Building Code), for the creation of a new chapter for straw bale construction. This code is being developed by the International Code Council (ICC, an organization made up representatives of the major code organizations which was co-founded by Bob Fowler) to develop a national performance, rather than prescriptive, building code. A long and encouraging conversation ensued. It was quite informative and enjoyable. We, of course, assembled the materials and sent them on to him. Okay, I hear you say, what exactly does that mean? My best guess is this: that the committee, when they get this material to review and go through it, will reject the initial request and describe a list of test and research results, upon which to judge the proposed code. This is both bad and good. Bad because it will take quantities of money and time to accomplish this body of work, which is what we've been trying to accomplish for some time. Good because we will have, for the first time, THEIR real research list, not ours, to use as the basis for seeking financial and technical support. The significance of the list and their initiation of the submittal for a new chapter is large, IMHO. Of course, who knows, perhaps they'll be convinced by the mezmerizing power of our work (and hopefully we'll be represented in person at the committee meeting) and they'll just let us through the gate :->. Much more likely is a years-long process to develop this information to their satisfaction, but this is a slightly different ball game, and we'll just have to wait and watch. It will be very interesting to watch this one unfold. Meantime, I just keep thinking ... They called us! David Eisenberg Director Development Center for Appropriate Technology (DCAT) PO Box 41144 Tucson, Arizona 85717 (520) 624-6628 (phone & fax) __________________________________________________________________ This greenbuilding dialogue is sponsored by Oikos ( and Environmental Building News ( For instructions send e-mail to __________________________________________________________________