ABOUT THE ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE PROGRAM (ERP) The Environmental Resource Program (ERP) of the School of Public Health at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill was established in 1985 to provide a link between the resources of the University and the citizens of North Carolina. The ERP has three main program areas. Teacher Training in Environmental Education focuses primarily on grades K-12 and covers topics ranging from water quality to recycling. The ERP has trained close to 1,000 teachers over a four-year period. The Collaborative Decision-Making program brings together diverse groups including industry, government, and civic organizations for education and joint problem solving. The current focus of this program is the Sustainable North Carolina Project. Community Environmental Education, the third program area, sponsors conferences and workshops on environmental issues. A current outreach focus of this program is childhood lead poisoning prevention. ERP publications include the organization newsletter The Link, the Sustainable North Carolina Project newsletter Sustainable State News, and the biennial Guide to North Carolina's Environmental Groups.