ENVIRONMENTALLY RESPONSIBLE PURCHASING AND INVESTING Citizens for Media Literacy (38 1/2 Battery Park Ave, Ste. A, Asheville 28801; 704/255-0182): Links media literacy with the concepts and practices of citizenship. Promotes media literacy in the schools and home; examines the relationship between the media and commercialism; and analyzes how advertising and media violence affect children. Provides assistance on using the Freedom Of Information Act and the N.C. Open Records Law. Encourages public access to the media environment. Sponsors conferences and symposia. Publishes The New Citizen, a quarterly newsletter. N.C. Network for Animals (P.O Box 33565, Raleigh 27636; 800/280-6262): Promotes plant-based diets and distributes related information. Conducts various campaigns and projects. Eight chapters across the state. Triangle Vegetarian Society (P.O. Box 61069, Durham 27505-1069; 919/471-6915): Provides information on vegetarianism and sponsors lectures with experts in nutrition, philosophy, environmentalism, and animal rights. Publishes The Grapevine, a bimonthly newsletter. PUBLICATIONS: Beyond Beef: The Rise and Fall of the Cattle Culture. By Jeremy Rifkin. New York: Dutton Books, 1992. Companies With a Conscience. By Mary Scott and Howard Rothman. New York: Carol Publishing Group, 1992. A Consumer's Guide to Protecting the Ozone. A poster which lists ozone-destroying products and substitutes. Available from the Jobs and Environment Campaign Fund Southeast Regional Office (606-100 Willard Place, Raleigh 27603; 919/832-2629). Diet for a New America. By John Robbins. Walpole, NH: Stillpoint Publishing, 1987. (Also see Robbins' May All Be Fed) Diet for a Poisoned Planet. By David Steinman. New York: Harmony Books, 1990. Economics as if the Earth Really Mattered: A Catalyst Guide to Socially Conscious Investing. By Susan Meeker Lowry. Philadelphia: New Society Publishers, 1988. Ethical Investing. By Amy Domini and Peter Kinder. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1984. The Gaia Atlas of Green Economics. By Paul Ekins. New York: Anchor/Doubleday, 1992. The Green Consumer Supermarket Guide. By Joel Makower. New York: Penguin Books, 1991. Investing With Your Conscience. By John C. Harrington. New York: Wiley, 1992. May All Be Fed. By John Robbins. New York: William Morrow, 1992. National Green Pages. Available from Coop America (2100 M St., NW, Ste. 403, Washington, DC 20037; 800/424-2667) Safe Food: Eating Wisely in a Risky World. By Michael F. Jacobson, Lisa Y. Lefferts, and Anne Witte Garland. Venice, CA: Living Planet Press, 1991. Shopping for a Better World. Published annually by the Council for Economic Priorities. New York: Ballantine. Socially Responsible Investing. By Alan J. Miller. New York: Institute of Finance, 1991.