HAZARDOUS HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS AVOIDING HAZARDOUS HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS AND FINDING SUBSTITUTES N.C. Cooperative Extension Service: Most Cooperative Extension Service Centers provide publications on hazardous household products, managing hazardous cleaners, tips for reducing their use, and good storebought and homemade substitutes. Centers are located in each county and the Cherokee Reservation. SunShares (1215 Briggs Ave., Ste. 100, Durham 27703; 919/596-1870): Focuses on the Durham area. Helps people make their homes, churches, and daycare centers more environmentally sound by conducting workshops, environmental audits, and installations at volunteer sites and then assisting individuals in carrying out recommendations (which can be applied to other buildings). Recommendations cover the reduction of household toxins and other topics. PUBLICATIONS: Clean and Green: The Complete Guide to Nontoxic and Environmentally Safe Housekeeping. By Annie Berthold-Bond. Woodstock, NY: Ceres Press, 1990. A Consumer's Dictionary of Household, Yard, and Office Chemicals. By Ruth Winter. New York: Crown Publishers, 1992. The Healthy Home: An Attic-to-Basement Guide to Toxic-Free Living. By Linda Mason Hunter. New York: Pocket Books, 1990. Home Ecology: Simple and Practical Ways to Green Your Home. By Karen Christensen. Golden, CO: Fulcrum Publishing, 1990. The Natural House Book: Creating a Healthy, Harmonious, and Ecologically-Sound Home Environment. By David Pearson. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1989. The Nontoxic Home and Office: Protecting Yourself and Your Family from Everyday Toxics and Health Hazards. Edited by Debra L. Dadd. Los Angeles: Jeremy P. Tarcher Press, 1992. RECYCLING OR DISPOSING OF HAZARDOUS HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS Local recycling departments: Provide information on collection programs in your area or in other communities or counties. Services for recycling or disposing of household hazardous wastes vary by municipality and county. N.C. DEHNR Office of Waste Reduction (3825 Barrett Dr., Ste. 300, Raleigh 27619; 919/733-2314): Provides information on services across N.C. for recycling of disposing of household hazardous wastes. Publishes Directory of NC State and Local Contacts for Recycling Information and Assistance (1991) which cross-references information on local contacts for recycling programs and county and municipal governments and types of recyclable materials.