WASTE REDUCTION IN THE HOME AND WORKPLACE NOTE: For more sources, see the non-governmental information sources section. For publications on composting, see the publications list in the "Sustainable Food Production and Pest Control Techniques" section in the Agriculture chapter. County Extension Service Centers: Most provide publications on composting, including one detailing a plan for constructing your own compost bin. Distributes a brochure called "Grasscycling: An Ecologically and Financially Sound Program for Your Lawn." County and municipal solid waste or public works departments: Many provide information on how to reduce waste. N.C. DEHNR Office of Waste Reduction (3825 Barrett Dr., Ste. 300, Raleigh 27619; 919/571-4100): Distributes a brochure on backyard composting. Maintains a library with related materials and acts as an information clearinghouse. N.C. Recycling Association (P.O. Box 25368, Raleigh 27611; 919/851-8444): Has five councils including a composting council, which holds periodic meetings for networking, strategizing, and brainstorming (anyone may attend). Council members are generally involved in the field. SunShares (1215 Briggs Ave., Ste., 100, Durham 27703; 919/596-1870): Focuses on the Durham area. Provides information on composting and waste audits. Researches source waste reduction, the marketing of problematic recyclables, and composting. Operates curbside recycling programs and three permanent backyard composting exhibits. Helps people make their homes, churches, and daycare centers more environmentally sound by conducting workshops, environmental audits, and installations at sites and then assisting individuals in carrying out recommendations which can be applied to other buildings.