PRELIMINARY NOTE: Population is gaining attention by people around the world as an environmental issue. The population of the world stands in 1993 at 5.5 billion, and population projections for the year 2025 range from 8 to 12 billion. While North Carolina's population is growing more slowly than that of the rest of the world, it faces population growth more rapid than the United States average. Scientific opinion is generally in agreement that the earth's ecosystems cannot sustain unchecked population growth. Population as an issue is complex; it is intertwined with issues of poverty, women's status, access to family planning, social custom, health status, and education. GOVERNMENT INFORMATION SOURCES: LOCAL: Municipal and county planning departments can provide information on population demographics for your community or county. STATE: N.C. Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources (DEHNR): Center for Health and Environmental Statistics (CHES) (P.O. Box 29538, Raleigh 27626-0538; 919/733-4728): Receives and maintains statistics from DEHNR agencies including demographic, social, and economic indicators; and vital statistics (pregnancies, births, deaths). Houses the state's Geographical Information System (GIS), a computer database of natural and cultural resource information. Distributes CHES Primer newsletters which explain statistical methods. Publication list available. Publications include: Basic Automated Birth Yearbook: North Carolina Residents (BABY Book). Tables of statewide counts and percentages for resident live births classified according to assorted infant and maternal characteristics. Not broken down by county, although county data is available on microfiche. Published annually. North Carolina Chartbook on Population and Health. Includes graphs and other figures on population, pregnancy and live births, fetal and infant mortality, other mortality, and morbidity and its precursors. Much information is broken down by county. Published intermittently. North Carolina Detailed Mortality Statistics. Tables list resident deaths classified according to cause of death. Indicates sex, "white" or "nonwhite", and age at death. County tables are available on microfiche at respective county health departments. Published annually. North Carolina Health Statistics Pocket Guide. A small booklet of brief narratives and tables including data on births, deaths, abortions, population demographics, and disease. Many are broken down by county. Published biennially. North Carolina Reported Pregnancies. Includes data on live births (race, maternal age, unmarried mothers, low and very low-weight births, no prenatal care); fetal deaths (race, maternal age); and induced abortions (occurrence data, resident data, complications, and terminating procedures). Information broken down by county and region. Published annually. North Carolina Vital Statistics, Volume 1: Births, Deaths, Population, Marriages, Divorces. Tables summarize annual and five-year data by race, sex, and other variables for N.C. and each DEHNR region (there are seven), Perinatal Care Region (PCR), county, and major incorporated city. Maps, graphs, and text indicate geographical patterns and statewide trends. Published annually. North Carolina Vital Statistics, Volume 2: Leading Causes of Mortality. Cause-specific annual and five-year data including numbers of deaths, unadjusted death rates, and age-race-sex-adjusted death rates. Maps depict five-year county rates for each cause. Maps and tables on infant mortality and multiple conditions. Published annually. Maternal and Child Health Division (P.O. Box 27687, 1330 Saint Mary's St., Raleigh 27611-7687; 919/733-3816): Promotes and protects the health of families, with emphases on women of child-bearing age and children. Programs include family planning, maternal and child care, developmental disabilities, and infant mortality reduction. N.C. Office of State Planning (116 W. Jones St., Raleigh 27603-8003; 919/733-4131): Comprised of the State Demographer, the State Data Center, and the State Planning Section. The State Demographer conducts population projections for N.C. and counties and single-year population estimates for N.C., counties, and municipalities. Variables for projections and estimates include age, race, and sex. Publishes the North Carolina State Data Center Newsletter. Other publications include: North Carolina Municipal Population. Population totals for each municipality and county as estimated by the State Demographer. Ranks the largest and fastest growing municipalities. Published annually. North Carolina Population Projections. Projected population totals by race and sex and selected age groups for N.C. and counties. Published irregularly. Will be updated for 1990 census data and recent birth rate information. Statistical Abstract of North Carolina Counties. (1991) A collection of tables, many broken down by county. Includes sections on population and vital and health statistics. Data is now available on LINC (Log Into North Carolina), an online database operated by the State Data Center. State Library of N.C. (Library and Archives Bldg., 109 Jones St., Raleigh 27601-2807; 919/733-3270; fax 733-5679): The lead agency for responding to enquiries regarding N.C. census information. Enquiries can be made by phone, fax, or in person. Houses reproducible census maps and all available printed, microfiche, and CD-ROM (compact disk-Read Only Memory) data from the U.S. Census Bureau. Maintains the most extensive collection of historical census statistics in the State Data Center network, many other federal statistical publications, and virtually all N.C. State publications. UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA SYSTEM: Western Carolina University Center for Improving Mountain Living (Cullowhee 28723; 704/227-7492): Annually publishes County Development Information reports for all 100 counties. The reports include estimates of total population, percent change in population between the 1980 and 1990 censuses, population distribution by age and sex, and population density. State averages are given for various categories in each report.