FAMILY PLANNING OPTIONS County Health Departments: Offer most family planning services including options counseling. A few counties offer a broader range of women's health services including Norplant insertion and Depo Provera injections. Make referrals to other practitioners, clinics, and hospitals. Provide publications on family planning options and related topics. N.C. Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Women's Preventive Health Branch (P.O. Box 27687, 1330 Saint Mary's St., Raleigh 27611-7687; 919/733-7791): Provides assorted publications on family planning options and related topics. Publication list available. Planned Parenthood: Offers family planning options counseling, houses small libraries, sells books, and gives away pamphlets and booklets. Clinics receive issues of Current Literature in Family Planning, a journal published by the head librarian of Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA). Clinics are located in Chapel Hill, Asheville, Gastania, Raleigh, Wilmington, Greensboro, Winston-Salem, and Charlotte. (The clinics are all affiliates of PPFA.) PUBLICATIONS: The Complete Guide to Women's Health. 2nd revised edition. By Bruce D. and Carroll Shepard. New York: Plume, 1990. The Contraceptive Handbook: A Guide to Safe and Effective Choices. Edited by Beverly Winikoff, Suzanne Wymelenberg, and the Editors of Consumer Reports Books. Yonkers, NY: Consumer Reports Books, 1992. Summarizes all available contraceptive choices. Includes a discussion of doctors and other professional resources. Contraceptive Technology. 15th edition. By Robert A. Hatcher, et al. New York: Irvington Publishers, 1991. Describes existing contraceptive technologies. Includes sections on population, family planning, and global trends in family planning. Published biennially. Every Woman's Health: Complete Guide to Body and Mind. 5th edition. D.S. Thompson, Consulting Editor. Helene MacLean, Editor. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1993. The New Our Bodies, Ourselves: Updated and Expanded for the 90's. The Boston Women's Health Book Collective. New York: Touchstone/Simon and Schuster, 1992. Covers a wide range of women's health topics. Includes a chapter on family planning options. First published in 1976.