ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Many generous and talented individuals have made the compilation and production of this guide possible. I would like to thank the staff of the Environmental Resource Program: Heather Sandner and Sally Beth Stone for their editing expertise, Fran Lynn an d Melva Okun for their help in identifying sources and determining content, and Sheila Pfaender for her organizational finesse. I thank Allen Spalt, Marjorie Bender, and John Runkle for their patient and plentiful help on the Agriculture and Energy chapters. Also, many thanks to the group representatives, government officials, and librarians for providing information of all sorts. Thanks to Larry London for uploading the handbook onto Sunsite and providing technical support. Special thanks to Andrew Koebrick and my family for their support. I hope that through their efforts and mine, this guide will facilitate the flow of environmental information between individuals, groups, and government agencies. Susan Hass Department of City and Regional Planning University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill