Here's the latest Official sci.military List of Naval and Maritime Museums. It is provided free of charge, and may distributed freely, as long as there is no charge for said distribution. Last updated: 3/30/94 The contributors, in no real order: Juan Carlos Barroux Juan.Barroux@Corp.Sun.COM Aryk Nusbacher John Mosbarger Knut Erik Hagen Ed Rudnicki James Stricherz William Bligh-Glover Bob Underdown Thomas A. Russ Bob McCormick Gunter Ahrendt Andrew Odlyzko Rick Anderson Al Wesolowsky Daniel Christopher Ladd Robert E Beville Chris Thompson Mike Vevea Mikael Borgman Paul Tomblin J. D. Baldwin Randolph Bentson bentson@grieg.CS.ColoState.Edu Robb Pryor Richard Pierson John J Seitz CDR Tim Taylor, USN Silvio E. G. Melo cov90105@ufrj.bitnet Brent G. Newsome Bob Cromwell Bill Gawne Ken Rolt Evan Gamblin Harri Hansen Joar Ankarstein Larsen Eric Kozowski Gregory K. Ramsey Bill McCormick Markku Luoto Martin Briscoe David R. Wells Mark Stoffan Richard Gerrard Frank Dunn Jan Mattsson Dean F. Kling Jeremy Follick Elizabeth Brooks BROOKSE@CITADEL.EDU Gene Kennedy James Dusek William Schleihauf John VanDeWouw Jr. T. Stuhlreyer Anthony Lee James Jennings Stephen Savelle Keith Coman J. M. King The list is generally in the following format: COUNTRY State, Province, Region, etc. City Museum name and location Museum phone number Ships Class (CV, BB, etc.), number Highlights As you will see, I don't have all the information for all the places, and I am always interested in reports of visits to these places, since it makes me feel useful, so please EMAIL any reports, additions, corrections or updates to: Note: Even if you don't think you have a maritime museum nearby, check your phone book and local tourist information source - you might be surprised. For example, I have listings for Iowa, Kentucky and other landlocked U.S. states. If you do find one that's not on the list, let me know. If you find errors, or want to update the listing, let me know. The listing is archived at ( in pub/history/maritime/museums.txt. My thanks to Mike McCarthy, the maintainer of that site. Note: I'm contemplating taking on the other two lists: making a military museums list (land weapons) and updating Bill Standerfer's aviation museum list, with his permission, if he's still out there. Disclaimer: Some information here was confirmed and/or corrected using the Sea Classics magazine annual Naval and Maritime Museums issue and OPSail'92, the Official Magazine of Operation Sail. Also, be warned that this list is very long. Here's the list: AUSTRALIA Sydney Maritime Museum Vampire BRASIL Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro Naval and Oceanographic Museum Rua Don Manuel, 15 (021) 221-7626 History of Brasilian Navy: maps, models of ships, publications and pieces on history and oceanography. Intinerant at ports of Brasil Naval Museum Bauru FF British Bentick class frigate of WWII that operated on anti-submarine patrol in South Atlantic from 1943 to 1945. Today she is an operational museum ship based in Rio, on exhibition at principal coastal ports of Brasil. CANADA BRITISH COLUMBIA Vancouver Maritime Museum St. Roche RCMP vessel St. Roche transited Northwest Passage on several occasions, including first successful Pacific - Atlantic crossing around 1920. Look for the stuffed walrus. NEW BRUNSWICK St. John New Brunswick Museum Large collection of ships' figureheads, paintings, etc. During the late 1800s, something like a third of the wooden ships in Lloyd's Register had been built in the St. John area. NOVA SCOTIA Halifax Maritime Command Museum Extensive information on the past and present ships of Canadian Navy, including ensigns, colours, ships plaques, photographic archives, uniforms, ships' logs. Just about anything relating to Canadian Navy can be found with help from curators. Halifax Maritime Museum of the Atlantic Sackville Corvette Details both Military and Civil Naval Transportation. Sackville is the last surviving and actively commissioned WWII corvette. Open for tours all summer. Funds are currently being sought for further restoration of the engineering spaces. Originally a "short-f'ocsle" corvette, she was refitted during the war - this alteration is easily seen when inside the messdeck. Excellent collection of small boats. Memorabilia from Mont Blanc, a munitions ship that exploded in 1917 and wiped out downtown Halifax. Also artifacts from Titanic - some victims were buried in Halifax. Lunenburg Maritime museum has some interesting sailing ships. Smith & Rhuland's yard, where both Bluenoses were built. Bluenose II presently spends summer in Halifax. Rumrunner was broken up. ONTARIO Kingston Small museum containing traditional boats, such as St. Lawrence skiffs, and canoes. Ottawa National War Museum Sussex Drive Highlights of all Canadian involvement in military actions, including artifacts, equipment from WWI and WWII. Special exhibit on role of Canadian Peace Keeping Forces around the world. Toronto Haida DD Ship saw limited service in WWII and Korea. Only surviving Tribal class. Guns used in annual Toronta Symphony Orchestra concert of the (what else?) 1812 Overture. Marine Museum of Upper Canada Exhibition Place (416) 392-6827 Ned Hanlan Steam Tug Number of small watercraft in collection. Operated by Toronto Historical Board. CHILE 9 Region Talcahuano Talcahuano Chilean Naval museum Huascar BB This battleship belonged to the Peruvian Navy, but was captured by Chile during the Pacific War (1879) during the Battle of Angamos. It is one of the last classic ironclads afloat. Peru is still asking for the return of their ship. ESTONIA Tallinn, Pirita Lembit SS (Mine laying sub) Sub owned by Estonia, saw action under Soviet flag in WWII. Built 1936 in England. FINLAND Ahvenanmaa (Aland), Marianhamn Ahvenanmaan merenkulkumuseo (The Ahvenanmaa maritime museum) Pommern Steel barque She is kept in sailing condition. Mostly sailing merchantmen history. Helsinki, Hernesaari Russian Foxtrot-class SS Museum. In active service until sold to some Finnish businessmen. In full working order, bridge and tower closed. Helsinki, Hylkysaari Suomen merimuseo (Finland's Maritime museum) Tel. 90-664306 Mostly merchant history. On a island 3 km from Helsinki centrum - get there by ferry. Helsinki, Hylkysaari Maritime museum Kemi Lightship The last Finnish lightship. Helsinki, Suomenlinna Island Fortress, built 1750's. 2 km. from Helsinki Centrum, about 15 min by ferry. One of the largest sea-fortresses in the world, with some 2,000 guns and 8,000 men. 20 kilometers of fortifications. Owned by Russians 1808-1917. Some part of the islands, fortifications and guns from that time period. Was attacked by England in the Crimean (?) war 1854. Has also served as prison. Now 700 inhabitians living on the islands. Protected by Unesco. There are several museums on Suomenlinna: Vesikko SS Last survivor of 5 Finnish subs. Saw action 1939-40 and 1941-1944 Coastal artillery museum Ehrensvard museum Designer of Suomenlinna fortress. Gunnery officer, artist, ship designer. Naval academy - need permission to visit. (Shouldn't be hard to get) Finnish naval history 1700 - Guns, mines, machine guns, torpedo, uniforms, Models of ships, stuff from Russian frigate St. Nikolai, sank 1790. Kotka Tarmo Icebreaker Served as a AA-ship in WWII, was hit by Russian bomber. Kotka Vmv 11 Patrol Motor Boat of WWII Kotka, Varissaari Ruotsinsalmen museo Museum of the Ruotsinsalmi battles in 1789 & '90. Some 500 ships took part in the Battles. In '89 Russia won, '90 Sweden-Finland won. Russian lost 53 of 273 ships and some 9000 men. Raahe Raahen museo -museum A little museum. 18th century diving suit, possibly oldest in the world. Turku Sigun Sail Barque Floating museum. One of the few wooden sailing merchantmen in the world. Turku Suomen Joutsen (The Swan of Finland) Sailing frigate, ex-school ship and sub-mothership of the navy. FRANCE Bayeux, France Normandy Invasion Museum On ring road around town, right across from the British Cemetery. Much larger inside than it looks. Uniforms and equipment of all principles involved. Rather complete collection of small arms, separate wing has vehicles (including pieces of aircraft found in the the Channel in the last few years). Labeling is all in French, but lots of the material (newspapers, manuals, posters, signs, etc.) is in English. Arromanche Arromanche Museum Just down the road from Bayeux, at the beach. Part of floating harbor is still there (it's *big*). Small museum with a film, scale models showing how it was made. GERMANY Bremerhaven Wilhelm Bauer, ex-U-254D Type XXI Raised from the bottom after the war? German Maritime Museum 1 of 2 props from Prinz Eugen Keil U-995 Kwajalien Atoll, Marshall Islands Prinz Eugen CA Kwajelien Atoll is restricted - US Army's western ICBM test range impact area. The ship rests upside down on the lagoon side of Ennylabegan Island. The ship was fully outfitted for the A tests including full fuel load (which still leaks into the lagoon) and things like plates and dishes (original). (Yes, I know this is United States territory, but she was a German ship. Or is that he? I can never remember with which sex Germans refer to ships.) Munich Deutsche Museum U1 pre-WW1 submarine Several smaller vessels Large number of beautiful models, ship components and drive demonstrators, a tow tank, and mockups simulating ship interiors. GREECE Poros Poros naval base, on island of Poros in the Aegean. Georg Averoff Armoured cruiser/pocket battleship ~10,000 tons, 4x10" 8x6" main armament, built in UK 1910 Check before visiting; ~13 years ago it was still an active training base, only open Wednesday and Saturday afternoons. It is possible the base might have been closed or the ship moved since then. Day trip from Athens. HOLLAND Amsterdam National Maritime Museum (?) Full-size replica of early 18th C Dutch East Indiaman, built from original plans. Also two small 20th C. vessels, a minesweeper and torpedo boat(?); not fully open as of summer '91. Large collection of ship models and artifacts housed in old East India Company's magazine. About 1/2 mile east of main railway station. ISRAEL Haifa Clandestine Immigration and Naval museum 204 Derekh Allenby 536249 Af-'Al-Pi The museum is housed mostly in the ship, which ran the British blockade before WWII to save Jews from Nazi Germany. The naval portion of the museum has models of current and former Israeli navy ships, maps and historical displays on wartime activities; and various memorabilia, including the surrender flag from an Egyptian frigate that was captured while trying to bombard Haifa in 1956. JAPAN DD Famed Russo-Japanese war veteran. See Nimitz Museum at Texas, US for reference. Yokahama Mikasa BB Flagship of Admiral Tojo at Tsushima Straits during Russo-Japanese War. NORWAY Bergen (west coast) Haakonsvern Naval Base Number of German WW2 minisubs as well as tower of submarine B-2 by the UVBI. This is a fully operational naval base, so access is limited. Contact the base before entering. Drobakk Oslofjord Coastal Batteries of Oscarsborg The Krupp guns of 1900 Moses, Aron and Joshva that sunk the German cruiser Blucher in 1940. Oscrasborg is still in use as a training center; access might be limited. Horten (60km south of Oslo) Marinemuseet RNN base Karl Johansvern Rap PT (built 1875) Large collection different items related to the Navy, including guns, turrets, torpedo batteries. Lake Mjosa Skibladner Paddlesteamer 125 years old, still operates during summer. Oslo Bygdoy Sjofartsmuseet Fram Exploration vessel used by Amundsen and Fr. Nansen Ra, Kon-Tiki Thor Heyerdal's ships Civilian shipping, polar and exploration vessels. Oslo Bygdoy Vikingskipsmuseet Restored 1000 year old longboats found in this century. Oslo Forsvarsmuseet Oslo Castle (central Oslo) Models and artifacts from the Norwegian Navy, mainly 1905 - 45. Torpedoes, guns, Hs293 guided missile, Enigma cipher machines, historical library for researchers. The Royal Norwegian Navy operates the museum vessel Hitra, a fully restored subhunter from the US, used for commando operations on Norwegian coast during WWII. POLAND Gdynia Blyskawica DD Served with Free Polish forces in Royal Navy during WWII. Warszawa (Warsaw) Polish Military Museum Complete military museum, including naval displays. Has static displays of aircraft, armor, artillery, naval weapons outside. Uniforms and a Salyut inside. Really cheap, even cheaper for students. All labeling is in Polish. RUSSIA St. Petersburg Aurora Cruiser One of three (four?) surviving pre-Dreadnaught cruisers. SWEDEN Gothenburg Goteborgs Maritima Centrum (Gothenburg Maritime Center) Packhuskajen, Lilla Bommen +46 31 101290 Smaland DD Nordkaparen SS Fryken Freighter Gothenburg Sjofartsmuseet med akvariet (The museum of shipping and the aquarium) Karl Johansgatan 1-3 +46 31 612901 Indoor museum. Exhibitions covering all aspects of civilian shipping. Gothenburg Nya Ilvsborgs Fistning (The New Ilvsborg Fortress) Ferry from Packhuskajen, Lilla Bommen Fortress is located in the entrance to the river Gotaalv. It successfully defended the city from naval attack during the 18th and 19th centuries. Exhibitions includes display on Thordenskiold, the Norwegian naval commander who led the attacks on Gothenburg, and museum covering the excavations of the 19th century East India tradeship Gothenburg, which after 3 years in East India sank just outside the fortress. Malmo Technical Museum 1940's era submarine Stockholm Sjohistoriska Museet (The Maritime Historical Museum) Djurgordsbrunnsvogen 24 Good selection of models of commercial and military subjects from all times. Stockholm Vasamuseet (Vasa Museum) Galarvarvet, Djurgarden +46 8 6664800 Vasa Wood ship-of-the-line Lightship Ship sank on her maiden voyage around 1628. She was found and raised in 1950's or 60's, and is being refurbished. Possibly oldest preserved ship-of-the-line in the world. UNITED KINGDOM ENGLAND Birkenhead, Merseyside East Float Dock HMS Plymouth FFG HMS Onyx SS Both Falklands veterans. Plymouth is a Type 12 Rothesay class frigate. Onyx is an Oberon class sub. Chatham, Kent The Historic Dockyard 0634 812551 Wednesday through Sunday Duxford (near Cambridge) Imperial War Museum Expunger SS Stickelback SS X-craft submarine Fast patrol boat (circa 1920's) Duxford Air Musuem Midget submarine Some naval aircraft and a piece of Tirpitz's belt armour. Gosport (across from Portsmouth) Submarine Museum Holland 1 SS Walk-through tour of full-size sub, also very early submarine. Greenwich National Maritime Museum Archives RN material -- logbooks, ship plans, the lot. Kirkbean On the Solway Firth Cottage where John Paul Jones was born. London Imperial War Museum Lambeth Road 01-735-8922 Vast collection of material, records, photos. London Science Museum London Thames River Cutty Sark Clipper ship Belfast CL Belfast is WWII era. Cutty Sark is at Greenwich, downriver from the Belfast. Portsmouth, West Sussex Portsmouth Dockyard HMS Mary Rose Restoration project of 15th century ship HMS Victory Nelson's flagship at Trafalgar HMS Warrior Trend-setting 1860's armored frigate May be getting a small WW1 monitor. Several first class museums in the area. Yeovilton, Ilchester, Somerset Royal Naval Air Station Fleet Air Arm Museum 0935-840551 ext. 521 SCOTLAND Glasgow The Clyde Warship Irvine Scottish Maritime Museum UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ALABAMA Mobile Alabama Memorial Park Highway 90 (205) 433-2703 Alabama BB 60 Drum AGSS 228 CALIFORNIA Long Beach Pier J (215) 435-4747 Queen Mary Luxury liner She is now a floating hotel. Hercules H.2 flying boat Spruce Goose was there but has been moved to Oregon. Monterey Allan Knight Museum 550 Calle Principal (408) 375-2553 Library and museum - renowned model collection. This museum is currently (11/4/92) closed and is in the process of moving. Oakland Oakland Airport The "Halcyon" Shorts Sunderland flying boat Port Hueneme SeeBee Museum Naval Construction Batalion Center History of the USN Construction Battalions. San Diego San Diego Maritime Museum 1306 N. Harbor Drive (619) 234-9153 Berkeley Ferryboat Star of India Full-rigged ship San Francisco Golden Gate National Recreation Area San Francisco Maritime National Historic Park (405) 929-0202 or (415) 556-0560 or (415) 556-3002 Pampanito SS 383 Jeremiah O'Brien Liberty ship Balclutha Steel hull square-rigged merchant ship Other ships Pampanito is at Pier 45 on Fisherman's Wharf. The O'Brien is the last unaltered Liberty ship in operating condition in the USA, and is at Fort Mason Center. San Francisco Treasure Island Museum (415) 395-5067 Island in the bay, museum of US sea combat in the Pacific. San Pedro Berth 52 Outer Harbor Lane Victory Liberty ship Being restored. CONNECTICUT Bridgeport Captain's Cove Seaport 1 Bostwick Ave. (203) 335-1433 HMS Rose Sail warship Replica of ship that patrolled Long Island Sound during the American Revolution. Essex Connecticut River Museum Foot of Main St. (203) 767-8269 Groton Nautilus Memorial and Submarine Force Museum (800) 343-0079 or (203) 449-3174 Nautilus SSN 571 World's first nuclear propelled vessel and a submarine museum. Since there are new subs being built nearby, be careful what you photograph. There is a second sub in Groton that Ed Rudnicki says is the Croaker (which I have listed as in Buffalo) in a private museum between General Dynamics and the Nautilus. Could someone get me some more information on both museums? Mystic Mystic Seaport Museum 50 Greenmanville Ave. (203) 572-0711 Joseph Conrad Steel hulled square-rigger Charles W. Morgan Whaler Steam launch Grand Banks schooner Plethora of small vessels Replica whaling town of 1800's. Nearby is Mystic Marinelife Aquarium. Morgan is the last whaler still afloat. New London US Coast Guard Museum US Coast Guard Academy Route 32 (203) 444-8511 South Norwalk Maritime Center at Norwalk 10 N. Water St. (203) 852-0700 Nautical history and ecology of Long Island Sound. Includes an aquarium and an IMAX theater. DELAWARE Chesapeake City C & D Canal Museum Documents and artifacts relating to the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal and a working model of a canal lock. Lewes Thompson Country Store Historic Complex Overfalls Lightship replica Wilmington Battle of the Atlantic Memorial Foot of King St. (302) 656-0400 In the process of building a replica of the sailing ship Kalmar Nyckel, which brought the first Swedish settlers to Delaware in 1638. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Naval Museum Washington Navy Yard Building 76 (202) 433-4882 Barry DD 953 Historical retrospective. Models, aircraft, paintings. United States Marine Corps Museum Navy Yard On same grounds as Naval Museum. The Smithsonian Institution Constitution Ave. at 12th St. (202) 357-2025 Philadelphia Sail gunboat Remains of first warship built in what would become the US, in the Hall of Armed Forces History(?). Operated by Army, as Navy wasn't yet formed. Ship models are on display in the Hall of American Maritime Enterprise, the Technology building and the Air and Space Museum. FLORIDA Key West The Wrecker's Museum 322 Duval St. (305) 294-9602 Panama City Beach Museum of Man in the Sea 17314 Back Beach Rd. (940) 235-4104 Diving and undersea exploration. Pensacola Pensacola Naval Air Station Naval Aviation Museum (904) 452-3543 GEORGIA Columbus Confederate Naval Museum 101 Fourth St. (404) 327-9798 Houses remains of 2 Civil War ironclads fished out of southern rivers during 1960's Centennial. Both are little more than half of a burned hull surrounded by iron armor sections, cannon, and other metal items recovered from the rivers. Additional displays of uniforms, equipments, models, etc. Savannah Ships of the Sea Museum 503 East River St. (912) 232-1511 More than 150 ship models. HAWAII Honolulu Arizona Memorial 1 Arizona Memorial Place (808) 422-2771 Arizona BB 39 Honolulu Hawaii Maritime Center Pier 7 (808) 523-6151 Falls of Clyde Full-rigged ship Hokule'a Polynesian canoe - replica Utah Memorial Ford Island Utah Target ship, ex-BB 31 Ford island is still a Naval base, so call ahead for information. Pacific Fleet Submarine Museum 11 Arizona Memorial Drive (808) 423-1341 Bowfin SS 287 Outside are 2-man Japanese subs and a Regulus I. ILLINOIS Chicago Chicago Museum of Science and Industry 57th St. and Lake Shore Drive (312) 684-1414 U-505 SS (German) U-boat was captured by CVE USS Guadalcanal during WWII. Museum has an exhibit called "Ships Through the Ages." IOWA Dubuque Woodward Riverboat Museum 2nd St., Ice Harbor (319) 557-9545 William M. Black Sidewheeler Upper Mississippi navigational history including a collection of vessels. Keokuk River Museum Victory Park (319) 524-4765 George M. Verity Steam sternwheeler Museum of the Mississippi and riverboats. Le Clair Buffalo Bill Museum 200 N. River Dr. Includes displays on upper Mississippi water transportation, and one of the few surviving wood riverboats. KENTUCKY Louisville 4th Ave. and River Rd. (502) 625-2355 Belle of Louisville Steamboat Built in 1914, now makes day trips. Carries museum about steamboats. LOUISIANA Baton Rouge Louisiana Naval War Museum 305 S. River Rd. (504) 342-1942 Kidd DD Displays from former Louisiana Maritime Museum. Dedalo, ex-Cabot CVL 28? Possibly being turned into museum after Spain retired her. MAINE Bath Maine Maritime Museum 243 Washington St. (207) 443-1316 Restored shipyard, plus >100 small craft. Boothbay Grand Banks Schooner Museum Route 27 (207) 633-4727 Sherman Zwicker Schooner History of fishing and fishing vessels of the north Atlantic. Greenville Moosehead Marine Museum (207) 695-2716 Katahdin Lake steamer History of western Maine's lakes. Kittery Kittery Historical and Naval Museum Rogers Rd. (207) 439-3080 History of Maine's oldest settlement. Rockland Shore Village Museum 104 Limerock St. (207) 594-0311 Lighthouse artifacts. Searsport Penobscot Marine Museum Church St. (207) 548-2529 Fishing and seafairing history. Paintings and small boats on display. South Portland Spring Point Museum Southern Maine Technical College Fort Rd. (207) 799-6337 Museum of the port of Portland. Includes bow of clipper ship Snow Squall, built in Portland. MARYLAND Annapolis U. S. Naval Academy Preble Hall (410) 267-6100 (Academy) (410) 267-2108 (Museum) or (301) 267-2108 Academy itself is National Historic Shrine, containing multitude of monuments and relics, including foremast of BB USS Maine and crypt of John Paul Jones. Museum run by the U.S. Naval Institute. Contains a brand new model ship gallery which contains some of the most spectacular items from the Naval Academy's impressive model ship collection. Baltimore Baltimore Harbor Pier 1 Constellation Dock (410) 539-1797 or -1798 Constellation Sail frigate Torsk AGSS 423 Taney USCG Cutter, WHEC 38 Chesapeake Lightship John M. Brown Liberty ship Constellation is last wooden warship built in US. The US Navy used funds appropriated for repair of vessels to completely rebuild frigate Constellation of War of 1812 fame. Taney is the last remaining ship afloat, Japanese or American, from Pearl Harbor. Baltimore 100 Light St. Pride of Baltimore Sailing ship Interpretation of a "Baltimore Clipper". Second ship of the name. First was lost at sea some years ago. Baltimore Radcliff Maritime Museum 201 W. Monument St. (301) 685-3750 Historic St. Mary's City Rosecroft Rd. (301) 862-0990 Maryland Dove Sailing ship The Dove is an interpretation of one of the ships that brought early settlers to Maryland. St. Michaels Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum Navy Point (301) 745-2916 >80 vessels and small boats. Solomons Calvert Marine Museum Routes 2 and 4 (301) 326-2042 Drum Point Lighthouse and number of small craft. MASSACHUSETTS Boston Boston National Historical Park (617) 242-5601 Constitution Sail frigate Cassin Young DD Constitution is oldest ship on US Navy lists. Crewed by Navy personnel wearing period uniforms. Cambridge Hart Nautical Gallery Bldg. 5, 1st floor Massachusetts Institute of Technology 77 Massachusetts Avenue Gallery has three parts: collection of ship models from ancient to modern, hull half-sections of various boats/ships/subs and sail craft, and modern displays changed about every year. No fee. Look for full size anchors on loan from US Navy. Fall River Battleship Cove (508) 678-1100 Massachusetts BB 59 Joseph P. Kennedy DD Lionfish SS 298 PT 796 Self-guided tour of the battleship include hand-held radio listening devices that give audio background on the ship. Fall River Marine Museum of Fall River 70 Water St. (508) 674-3533 History of Fall River Line, steam power. >100 models. Glouchester Cape Ann Histoical Association 27 Pleasant St. (508) 283-0455 Fishing and works of Fitz Hugh Lane Glouchester Harbor Loop (508) 283-0455 Adventure Fishing schooner Last old-time Glouchester schooner still sailing. Hull Hull Lifesvaing Museum 6 Circuit Ave. (617) 925-5433 Nantucket Nantucket Historical Association 2 Union St. (508) 228-1894 New Bedford 10 Union St. (508) 992-4900 Ernestina Schooner Fished the Grand Banks, sailed in the US Navy, and worked carrying immigrants between New England and Cape Verde Islands. New Bedford New Bedford Whaling Museum 18 Johnny Cake Hill (508) 997-0046 Half-size model of whaler Lagoda in main building. Plymouth Mayflower II/Plimouth Plantation Replica of Mayflower in recreated Pilgrim settlement and Wampanoag Indian village. Quincy U.S. Naval Shipbuilding Museum Salem CA-139 New museum. Possibly at or near Bethlehem-Quincy shipyard. Salem Peabody Museum of Salem East India Square (508) 745-1876 Largest collection of marine art in US. Salem Salem Maritime National Historic Site 174 Derby St. (508) 744-4323 Sharon Kendall Whaling Museum 27 Everett St. (617) 784-5642 MICHIGAN Detroit Dossin Great Lakes Museum 100 Strand Belle Isle (313) 267-6440 History of Great Lakes transport, focused on Detroit. Douglass Blue Star Highway and Union St. Keewatin Passenger steamer Reiss Steam tug Helen McLeod Fishing boat Mackinaw City Marina (616) 436-5563 Replica of British sloop of war from around 1775 is centerpiece. North Muskegan (616) 744-9117 Silversides SS 236 Sault Ste. Marie Johnson and Water Streets (906) 632-3658 Valley Camp Lake ore freighter Contains a museum of Great Lakes shipping MINNESOTA Duluth Canal Park Marine Museum 600 Lake Avenue S. (218) 722-2497 Duluth 350 Harbor Dr. (218) 722-7876 William A. Irvin Iron ore carrier Lake commerce and boat technology. Winona Lee Park (507) 454-6880 Julius C. Wilkie Steamboat One of the few surviving wood sternwheelers. MISSISSIPPI Biloxi Biloxi Seafood Industry Museum 115 First St. (601) 435-6320 Vicksburg Vicksburg National Military Park Cairo Ironclad riverboat Union boat that sank in the Mississippi. She was propelled by a split stern wheel arrangement. NEBRASKA Omaha (402) 345-1959 Marlin SST 2 Peru Meriwether Lewis Museum Brownville State Recreation Area (402) 872-3815 Museum is aboard former Corps of Engineers dredgeboat. NEW HAMPSHIRE Portsmouth Port of Portsmouth Maritime Museum Market St. Extension (603) 436-3680 Albacore AGSS 569 History of locally built submarines. Tour of boat is primary attraction. NEW JERSEY Hackensack New Jersey Naval Museum River and Court Streets (201) 342-3268 Ling AGSS 297 Torpedo, plus Regulus, Talos and other missles on lawn. Submarine-oriented museum. Highlands Twin Lights Historic Site Lighthouse Road History of twin lights of Navesink and navigation. Highlands Sandy Hook Series of naval defense batteries were built on the site, incl. 12 inch mortars, one of which is on display. Sandy Hook was also national proving grounds until 1907, when moved to Aberdeen. Two Nike? missles stuck in the ground. Jersey City New Netherland Museum Half Moon Sailing ship Replica of Henry Hudson's exploration vessel. Docked at wharf for boats to Ellis Island, near old NJ Central RR station. Small museum on history of New Netherland colony. Morristown Canal Society of New Jersey Museum Waterloo Village (201) 235-8454 Paterson Great Falls Historic District Paterson Museum Spruce and Market Sts. 201-279-9587 (Historic District phone number) First Holland sub, launched 1881. John Holland was a citizen of Paterson. Pine Bluff Farragut Marine Museum Admiral Farragut Academy (201) 349-4829 There is a group called the Battleship New Jersey Historical Museum Society trying to bring BB 62 to New Jersey as a memorial. I have the address of the society, so if you want it, email me. NEW YORK Blue Mountain Lake Adirondack Museum (518) 352-7311 Collection of >200 small boats. Fort Schuyler, The Bronx, NYC Maritime Industry Museum SUNY Maritime College (212) 409-7218 Two tugs and a merchant ship. Evolution of seafaring. Buffalo Buffalo and Erie County Naval and Servicemen's Museum 1 Naval Park Cove (716) 847-1773 Little Rock CLG 4 The Sullivans DD 537 Croaker SS 246 PT Museum has collection of models of many ships, mostly Great Lakes vessels, including large before and after models of the Wolverine, one of two side-wheelers converted into aircraft carriers during WWII for flight training (other was Sable.) Several static displays around the grounds. Clayton Antique Boat Museum 750 Mary St. (315) 686-4104 World's largest recreational boat museum. Cold Spring Harbor Cold Spring Harbor Whaling Museum Main St. (516) 367-3418 Collection includes over 700 scrimshaw pieces. East Hampton East Hampton Marine Museum 101 Main St. (516) 324-6850 Fishing, boatbuilding, whaling and sportfishing history. New Hyde Park, Queens, NYC Franklin Delano Roosevelt Library Major collection of ship models and paintings that belonged to FDR plus his personal book collection, as well as papers from when he was Secretary of the Navy. King's Point American Merchant Marine Museum US Merchant Marine Academy (516) 773-5515 Small museum on history since WWI. Kingston Hudson River Maritime Center 1 Rondout Landing (914) 338-0071 Steam tug from 1898 and various other vessels. Lake George Village Minne-ha-ha Paddlewheeler Not a museum per say, the Minne-ha-ha is a steam-powered paddlewheel excursion vessel that sails on Lake George. The engine room is enclosed in glass and the ship sports a steam calliope. New York City American Museum of Immigration Ellis Island Ferry from Battery Park or Liberty State Park in Jersey City Lots of material - posters, postcards, photos, models - on various ships which carried immigrants to the US. New York City Intrepid Sea-Air-Space Museum Pier 88, 12th and West 46th (212) 245-2533 Intrepid CV 11 Edson DD 933 Growler SSG 577 (Take 'er down!) Nantucket Lightship #? Naval tug (?) Flight deck and hanger hold large display of carrier aircraft, including and SR-71. Vehicles and planes on display on pier. Museum inside carrier has wide range of displays, including models and a film on carrier operations. New York City Museum of the City of New York 103rd St & Park Ave Permanent display: Maritime New York - artifacts (some large), photos, models, paintings New York City South Street Seaport Museum East side, just south of Brooklyn Bridge Peking Square-rigged four-masted cargo sailing ship Wavertree Square-rigged sailing ship Ambrose Lightship Museum located in the midst of a tourist trap, right next to the fish market. Lots of shops and restaurants, becoming yuppified. Tours of New York harbor available on both steamships and a sailboat. New York City Seamen's Church Institute Water Street (just north of South Street Seaport's Low Building Galleries) Outstanding collection of ship models, though the times they are open can be irregular. Oswego H. Lee White Marine Museum Derrick barge It has some interesting exhibits, especially on the War of 1812. Poughkeepsie 12 Market St. Clearwater River sloop This is the ship's dock, but she is usually sailing the Hudson River. Rome Erie Canal Village 5789 New London Rd. (315) 337-3999 Chief Engineer Canal packet Re-created canal village. Sag Harbor Sag Harbor Whaling Museum Main and Garden Streets (516) 725-0770 Syracuse Erie Canal Museum 318 Erie Blvd. (315) 471-0593 Housed in former weigh station. Display includes replica canalboat in the weighlock. West Sayville Suffolk Marine Museum Montauk Highway (516) 567-1733 Two restored oyster sloops. Shell-fishing and recreational boating history. Whitehall Skenesborough Museum Skenesborough Drive (518) 499-1155 Early US naval history and commerce on Lake Champlain and the upper Hudson River. NORTH CAROLINA Beaufort North Carolina Maritime Museum 315 Front St. (919) 728-7317 Manteo Elizabeth II State Historic Site Replica of smallest of three ships that brought settlers to North Carolina in 1585. Southport Southport Maritime Museum Covers the maritime history of the area. The museum is small, located in a storefront in Southport. A fee of several dollars is charged for admission. The museum is about a 40 minute drive south from the USS North Carolina exhibit in Wilmington. Wilmington Eagle Island (919) 752-1829 North Carolina BB 55 Well done display. Nighttime sound and light show. Wilmington New Hanover County Museum 814 Market St. Emphasis on Civil War blockade and blockade-running. OHIO Ashtabula Great Lakes Marine and US Coast Guard Memorial Museum 1071 Walnut Blvd. (216) 964-6847 Cleveland E. 9th St. Pier William G. Mather Great Lakes bulk ore carrier Cleveland N. Marginal Road (216) 566-8770 Cod SS 224 Open May through October. Fairport Harbor Front Street (?) Converted lighthouse and keeper's quarters. Pilot house of lake freighter. Marietta Ohio River Museum 601 Second St. W. P. Snyder. Jr. Steam towboat Maritime and natural history of Ohio River. Put-In-Bay Perry's Victory and International Peace Memorial Niagara Brig This a restored version of the Niagara. Maritime Museum at Put-In Bay Sandusky, Ohio, Niagara Brig This is the REAL Niagara. Toledo 26 Main St. (419) 698-8252 Willis B. Boyer Lake freighter Vermillion Great Lakes Historical Society Museum 480 Main St. (216) 967-3467 Maritime history of the Great Lakes. OKLAHOMA Muskogee USS Batfish Park (918) 682-6294 Batfish AGSS 310 Museum is sub oriented. OREGON Astoria Columbia River Maritime Museum 1792 Marine Drive (503) 325-2323 Columbia Lightship Knapp DD 563 (Bridge only - centerpiece of museum.) Rasher SS 269 (Periscopes and part of conn only.) Artifacts from battleship Oregon, local Indian canoes, Lewis and Clark artifacts, whaling. Hammond Fort Stevens State Park Museum Site of attack by Japanese sub I-25 during WWII. Photos and artifacts in display. Portland Oregon Maritime Center and Museum 113 SW Front Ave. (503) 224-7724 Portland Steam tug Museum of Oregon's nautical history. Tug is steel-hulled sternwheeler. Along seawall across street. Portland Oregon Museum of Science and Industry Blueback SS 582 Last diesel boat produced for the US Navy, once set a record for crossing the Pacific Ocean underwater and was featured in the 1990 film "The Hunt for Red October." PENNSYLVANIA Easton Hugh Moore Historical Park 200 South Delaware Dr. (215) 250-6700 Josiah White Canal boat American canal history and technology. Erie 164 E. Front St. (814) 871-4596 Niagara Sail barque Replica of Perry's flagship on Great Lakes during War of 1812. Philadelphia Penn's Landing (215) 922-1898 Olympia Cruiser 6 Becuna SS 319 Olympia was Dewey's flagship at Battle of Manila Bay in Spanish American War. Note that 8 in. turrets are fabrications, as originals were replaced with barbettes during WWI. Philadelphia Philadelphia Maritime Museum 321 Chestnut St. Maritime US history, 30 small boats, 10,000 artifacts. Philadelphia Philadelphia Ship Preservation Guild Chestnut St. and Delaware Ave. Gazela of Philadelphia Barkentine Jupiter Tug Barnegat lightship Philadelphia Port of History Museum Delaware Ave. and Spruce St. (215) 925-3804 Emphasis on Atlantic coast. Pittsburgh (412) 622-3303 Requin AGSS 481 Willow Grove/Hatboro Willow Grove Naval Air Station Rt. 611 WWII and more recent aircraft, including P-2 Nepture, on static display. RHODE ISLAND Bristol Herreshoft Marine Museum 7 Burnside St. (401) 253-5000 Newport Museum of Yachting Fort Adams State Park (401) 847-1018 Shamrock V J boat History of yachting, America's Cup and solo sailing. Newport Naval War College Museum Coasters Harbor Island (401) 841-4052 Evolution and technology of sea warfare, including a history of the development of the torpedo in the US. SOUTH CAROLINA Charleston Charles Towne Landing 1500 Old Towne Rd. (803) 556-4450 Adventure Ketch (replica) Mt.Pleasant Patriot's Point Naval and Maritime Museum (803) 884-2727 Yorktown CV 10 Laffey DD 724 Clamagore SS 343 Ingham USCG Cutter Savannah Nuclear powered cargo ship Bills itself as World's Largest Naval Museum. Savannah is only nuclear powered commercial vessel ever built. Cutters served in Atlantic in WWII on U-boat patrol. TEXAS Corpus Christi Corpus Christi Museum 1900 North Chaparral (512) 883-2862 Primary exhibit is artifacts recovered from two Spanish ships wrecked in 1554. Corpus Christi Lexington CV/AVT 16 Fredricksburg Chester Nimitz Museum Museum of the Pacific War Ship sections, including the fire control area of a cruiser. Display on famed Japanese warship from Russo-Japanese war: while touring Japan after the war, Nimitz found the ship in terrible condition, and had it set in concrete and made suitable for display. Galveston Seawolf Park (409) 744-5738 or (713) 744-5043 Cavalla AGSS 244 Stewart DE Self-guided tours. Galveston Texas Seaport Museum 2016 Strand (409) 763-1877 Elissa Bark La Porte 3527 Battleground Rd. (713) 479-2411 Texas BB 35 Self-guided tours. Recently restored. Rockport Texas Maritime Museum 1202 Navigation Circle (512) 729-1271 Texas maritime history. Several Texas coastal workboats. VERMONT Basin Harbor Lake Champlain Maritime Museum (801) 475-2317 Revolutionary War museum. Replica of gunboat Philadelphia, plus numerous small boats. Shelburne The Shelburne Museum Route 7 (802) 985-3346 Ticonderoga Passenger steamer Colchester Reef lighthouse. Boat is dry-docked on the lawn. VIRGINIA Dahlgren Naval Surface Warfare Center Newport News The Mariners' Museum 100 Museum Drive, exit 62-A off I-64 (804) 595-0368 Ship models, scrimshaw, figureheads, working models of classic steam engines, small craft from around the world. Norfolk Norfolk Naval Base (804) 444-7955 On most weekends, one or two Navy ships at Norfolk offer tours for visitors. For information call the Naval Base Tour and Information Office at above number. Norfolk Hampton Roads Naval Museum Located on Norfolk Naval Base Pick up pass at Tour and Info office, 9809 Hampton Blvd., Norfolk (804) 444-8971 Paraphrased from brochure: Introduces you to over two centuries of naval activity in and around the harbor of Hampton Roads. Tour begins with Battle off the Virginia Capes in 1781. Ship models, artwork and retrieved underwater naval artifacts continue the naval story through the Civil War and into the 20th century. Portsmouth Portsmouth Naval Shipyard Museum 2 High St. (804) 393-8591 America's first naval shipyard. Portsmouth lightship is nearby. Williamsburg Jamestown Settlement (804) 229-1607 Susan Constant, Godspeed and Discovery Replicas of ships that brought colonists to Jamestown in 1607. Yorktown Yorktown Victory Center Route 238 and Colonial Parkway (804) 887-1776 (Cute number, eh?) American Revolution, primarily naval victory at Yorktown. WASHINGTON Aberdeen Grays Harbor Historical Seaport 813 E. Heron St. (206) 532-8611 Lady Washington Brig Lady is replica of first American ship to explore the Pacific Northwest. Working shipyard is part of museum. Bremerton Turner Joy DD One block from Navy yard. Has photographs of shipyard over the years, large model of an aircraft carrier with frames and plate of clear plastic. and what may be the oldest existing cannon - a wooden device from China. Turner Joy is (in)famous for the Tonkin Gulf incident. Tours given of naval graveyard, including BB Missouri, carriers, subs both nuke and conventional, crusiers and other types. Ilwaco Nearby, on Columbia river Cape Disappointment Lighthouse Maritime museum - most northwesterly point Lewis and Clark reached. Keyport Naval Undersea Warfare Museum Adjacent to Navy torpedo test facility. Has models of support ships and boats. Also has actual research and rescue subs. Seattle Center for Wooden Boats 1010 Valley St. (206) 382-2628 Boatbuilding shop, boat livery, display of many small boats. Seattle Coast Guard Museum/Northwest Pier 46 1519 Alaska Way S. (206) 286-9608 Collection of ship and boat models and uniforms of the U.S. Coast Guard. Two high-endurance cutters and two icebreakers dock there, and are part of the tour. Seattle Puget Sound Maritime Historical Society 2700 24th Avenue East (206) 324-1126 Part of Museum of History and Science WISCONSIN Manitowoc Maritime Museum (414) 684-0218 Cobia AGSS 245 --- Joseph Poutre, aka The Mad Mathematician N2KOW Systems Administrator, Lehman Bros. Anyone who cannot cope with mathematics is not fully human. At best he is a tolerable subhuman who has learned to wear shoes, bathe and not make messes in the house. -- Lazarus Long, "Time Enough for Love"