----------------------------------------------------------------- NAVY & MARINE CORPS WORLD WAR II COMMEMORATIVE COMMITTEE A service of the Navy Office of Information (703)695-3161/DSN 225-3161 ----------------------------------------------------------------- World War II Commemorative Events This file lists the date of the event, what the event is, where the event will take place, the group sponsoring the event, and a phone number where more information may be obtained. April 25: "Homefront and Industrial Production" industrial commemoration ceremony in honor of those who were part of the shipbuilding industry. For local civilian shipyard workers and World War II veterans. Special invitation to original crew members of cutters Pontchartraine and Mendota. U.S. Coast Guard Yard, Curtis Bay, Baltimore, MD 21226. Information: Dottie Mitchell, (410) 636-7238. May 5-6: "The Marianas Turkey Shoot" and "American Aces," educational/social event, National Museum of Naval Aviation, Pensacola, FL. Sponsors: The Naval Aviation Museum Foundation and the United States Naval Institute. Reservations required--no fees for symposiums; fees for reception, luncheon and banquet. Information: The Naval Aviation Museum Foundation, (800) 327- 5002 or (904) 453-2389. May 28: Normandy commemoration and wreath-laying ceremony. U.S. Navy Memorial, 701 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20004- 2608. Information: Paul Haley: (202) 737-2300, ext. 713. May 30: Annual Memorial Day commemoration and wreath-laying ceremony, 11 a.m., Tomb of the Unknown Soldier/Amphitheater, Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington VA. Information: Ceremonies and Special Events, Military District of Washington, Fort Lesley J. McNair, Washington, DC 203l9-5050, (202) 475-1444. May 30: Annual North Carolina state Memorial Day observance honoring veterans of World War II aboard Battleship North Carolina, P.O. Box 480, Wilmington, NC 28402. Executive director: Capt. David Scheu (910) 251-5797. June 4: "D-Day 6 June Revisited," a lecture by military historian and author Dr. Larry Cable and a screening of the movie, "The Longest Day." Sponsor: Battleship North Carolina, P.O. Box 480, Wilmington, NC 28402. Executive director: Capt. David Scheu (910) 251-5797. June 1-5: D-Day Normandy Commemorative Celebration, Virginia Beach, VA, including landing re-enactment, parade, USO-type show, wreath-laying, educational seminars and more. Sponsors: War Memorial Museum of Virginia, City of Virginia Beach and Travel America. Information: Sean Brickell, City of Virginia Beach, (800) 333-6397. June 6: Dedication of the Eisenhower Plaza, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. For seating and information, write Office of Special Events, U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, 100 Raoul Wallenberg Place SW, Washington, DC 20024-2l50. June 6: Concert and commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the invasion of Normandy, Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, VA. Information: Ceremonies and Special Events, Military District of Washington, Fort Lesley J. McNair, Washington, DC 203l9-5050, (202) 475-1444. Aug. 31: Decommissioning of USS Guadalcanal (LPH-7). Naval Station Norfolk, Va. Host: Commanding Officer, USS Guadalcanal, invites all former crew members and WWII namesake battle veterans. For information or to receive official invitation: Lt. j.g. Frank Smith, USS Guadalcanal (LPH-7), FPO AE 09562-1635, (804) 444-1612. Oct. 12-16: Women Airforce Service Pilots (WASPs) of World War II Convention/Reunion. Gateway Marriott, Crystal City (Arlington), Virginia. Host: WASPs WWII, P.O. Box 2116, Arlington, VA 22202. Reunion chairwoman: Jersh O'Rourke (703) 521-1996. Oct. 20-22: World War II 50th Anniversary Ceremony and Symposium, MacArthur Memorial Museum, Norfolk, VA. Hosts: Old Dominion University, the General Douglas MacArthur Foundation and the Douglas MacArthur Memorial. Papers presented on topics such as strategic decisions, President Franklin D. Roosevelt, Admiral Ernest J. King, MacArthur, Philippine operations and more. Information: Dr. W. Preston Burton, MacArthur Memorial, MacArthur Square, Norfolk, VA 235l0, (804) 441-2965. ONGOING EVENTS Permanent exhibit, "D-Day, The Soldier's Story." (Opening May 14, 1994.) The Eisenhower Library and Museum, 200 SE 4th St., Abilene, KS 67410. Information: Colleen Cearley (913) 263-4751. May 27 - Dec. 31, 1994. Exhibit of combat watercolors, "Behind the Lines: A Wilmington Soldier Paints War-Torn Europe, 1944-45, by Henry J. MacMillan, Army veteran and artist. Cape Fear Museum, Wilmington, North Carolina. Host: Battleship North Carolina, P.O. Box 480, Wilmington, NC 28402. Information: Capt. David Scheu (910) 251-5797. Open indefinitely: National Archives exhibit, "Ten American Presidents: Their Roles in World War II." Contributions of Franklin D. Roosevelt through George Bush are sketched in this commemorative display. National Archives' Pennsylvania Avenue lobby, 7th & 9th Sts. NW, Washington, DC. (202) 501-5000. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Navy & Marine Corps World War II Commemorative Committee Navy Office of Information (CHINFO) The Pentagon, Room 2E352 Washington, DC 20350-1200 -----------------------------------------------------------------