50 Years Ago Today - April 1944 Originally posted in Usenet newsgroup SOC.HISTORY.WAR.WORLD-WAR-II. Author: John Davis jbd@osbm.state.nc.us Sources: "2194 Days of War" by Cesare Salmaggi and Alfredo Pallavisimi, "The World Almanac Book Of WW II" by Peter Young, "United States Naval Chronology, World War II" by Naval Historical Division - United States Navy, "Facts On File Yearbook 1944, Person's Index Of World Events" edited by R.L. Lapica. Author's note - 27-APR-1944 is the first article in the series. ============================================================================= On 27-APR-1944, the following occurred - India - British IV Corps puts up desparate resistance while waiting for the monsoon rains to come and paralyze all operations in the region. North of Imphal, the 17th and 20th Indian Divisions are moved south of town to block the enemy advance. New Guinea - In Hollandia area, the Americans consolidate their beachhead. Italian Front - British XIII Corps relieved by Polish II Corps in the Monte Cassino sector. ============================================================================= On 28-APR-1944, the following occurred - New Guinea - Encounters take place between American troops and the small Japanese garrison in the Aitape area. Some Americans are transferred to Nyaparake, near the river Nigia, to hold up the advance of reinforcements sent to Aitape from Wewak. China - The Japanese offensive is stepped up in Honan. Yellow River bridges are bombed by the U.S. 14th A.F. Burma - Chinese and American forces open an offensive for the capture of Myitkyina. The Chinese 38th Division, attacking frontally, force the Japanese to withdraw towards Wala. Home Front - Frank Knox, Secretary of the Navy, dies. ============================================================================= On 29-APR-1944, the following occurred - Caroline Islands - A series of air attacks are launched against Truk by a part of Task Force 58 commanded by Vice Admiral Marc Mitscher. This task force includes 12 aircraft carriers. The attacks last for 2 days and the big Japanese base at Truk suffers a complete knock-out. 93 out of 104 Japanese aircraft at Truk are destroyed. New Guinea - Hollandia and Aitape airfields reopened by American engineers. ============================================================================= On 30-APR-1944, the following occurred - Eastern Front - Russian offensives are reported in the area of Ostrov, south of Pskov, near the Lithuanian border. Caroline Islands - While the main attack on Truk continues, a squadron of US cruisers and destroyers shell enemy positions on Satawan Island, in the central Carolines. Burma and India - The Chinese and American advance on Myitkyina continues. On the Indian front, the 20th Indian Division holds the Japanese in front of Palel, while the 5th and 23rd divisions push north towards Ukhrul. Balkans - Allies are asked by Tito to acknowledge him as head of Yugoslavia. =============================================================================