50 Years Ago - August 1944 Originally posted in Usenet newsgroup SOC.HISTORY.WAR.WORLD-WAR-II and on the World War II mailing list. Author: John Davis jbd@netcom.com Sources: "2194 Days of War" by Cesare Salmaggi and Alfredo Pallavisimi, "The World Almanac Book Of WW II" by Peter Young, "United States Naval Chronology, World War II" by Naval Historical Division - United States Navy, "Facts On File Yearbook 1944, Person's Index Of World Events" edited by R.L. Lapica. ============================================================================= On 01-AUG-1944, the following occurred - World War II - The Battlefronts ------------------------------- Western Front - The US 3rd Army is formed under General George S. Patton. The 3rd Army is composed of four corps - the VIII, XII, XV and XX and is given the sector to the right of the 1st Army. It forms the exteme right flank of the Allied line. The 3rd Armies' objective is Brittany. In the 1st Army sector, the VII and XIX Corps continue to advance in the area of Vire, northeast of Avranches, which has been taken. In the British 2nd Army sector, the XXX Corps is advancing towards Villers-Bocage. Eastern Front - The 3rd Belorussian Front, continues advancing towards Konigsberg in East Prussia. Elements of the 1st Baltic Front reach the Gulf of Riga. The Russians area unable to consolodate this advance and isolate the German Army Group North. In Poland, knowing that the Russians are near, Polish patriots rise up against the Germans in Warsaw. They reason that when the Russians arrive, they will find a free, independent capital, a solid basis for a free, independent Poland. The Russian advance halts suddenly at the suburb of Praga, however. The Polish patriots are surrounded by the Germans and are virtually annihilated by the Germans. The reasons for the Russian halt are never made clear. The Russians claim they stopped for military reasons while Western powers claim they stopped because of political reasons. Marianas - On Guam, the Marines and infantry continue to pursue the Japanese northwards. They have taken more than half the island. On Tinian, all organized resistance by the Japanese comes to an end. The Marines begin mapping up. New Guinea - Operations on the Vogelkop peninsula continue on a small scale. In the Aitape sector, the Americans advance as far as the Niumen stream, stabiilizing their advanced lines. China - The Japanese still surround Hengyang. The US 14th Air Force has carried out 4,454 missions since May 26th in support of the Chinese forces engaged in central east China. Foreign Affairs --------------- Finnish President Resigns - Finnish President Risto Ryti has resigned. His place is taken by Marshal Karl Gustav Mannerheim. The Homefront ------------- President Quezon Dies - President Manuel Quezon of the Philippine Commonwealth has died in Saranac Lake, New York. Quezon was 65 years old. He has suffered from TB for many years. Men Over 25 To Be Drafted - Major General Lewis B. Hershey, director of the Selective Services has issued orders to proceed with the induction of men over 25 who are making no contribution to the war effort. Liquor Production Resumes - Distilleries throughout the country resume production of alcoholic beveridges. Aircraft Production Down - The Aircraft Production Board reports that aircraft plants turned out only 8,000 planes in July, a drop of 5.9% from the scheduled output. He blames holiday absenteeism and the taking of inventories as the reasons. Baseball Standings - St. Louis still maintins the lead in both the American and National Leagues. ============================================================================= On 02-AUG-1944, the following occurred - World War II - The Battlefronts ------------------------------- Western Front - In the British sector, the VIII and XXX Corps are advancing towards the road that links Vire and Argentan. The US VIII Corps is pushing strongly towards Brittany. The 6th Armoured Division reaches Dinan; while the 4th gains ground around Rennes. The US VII Corps is advancing rapidly towards Mortain. The XIX Corps is advancing southeast of Tessy. Hitler orders a counter-attack between Mortain and Avrances to cut off the American units in Brittany. Eastern Front - The 3rd Belorussian Front captures Kaunas, capital of Lithuania. Marianas - On Guam, the 3rd Marine Division is advancing northwards unopposed. On the right flank, the 77th Infantry Division is held up near Barrigada by the Japanese resistance. On Tinian, the last organized resistance comes to an end. There are over 6,000 Japanese dead and 250 prisoners. The Americans have lost 390 killed and 1,800 wounded. New Guinea - In the Aitape sector, the Japanese renew their attack but with little success. Both sides are having very high losses. Burma/China - On the Salween river front, aircraft supporting the Chinese attacks on Teng-chung bomb the town walls and open a number of breaches. Naval Dispatches ---------------- US destroyer escort FISKE (DE-143) sunk by submarine torpedo, North Atlantic area. Foreign Affairs --------------- Turkey Breaks With Nazis - The Turkish Government has broken diplomatic relations with Germany. The German news agency reports "should Turkey continue along this dangerous road ... war will of necessity follow." Premier Sukru Saracoglu discloses that the break was requested by Great Britain, supported by the United States and adds that the Allies have promised Turkey economic and military aid. ============================================================================= On 03-AUG-1944, the following occurred - World War II - The Battlefronts ------------------------------- Western Front - Units of the VIII Corps (US 3rd Army) press on towards the west. The 8th Division attacks Rennes; while the 4th Armoured Division move on south of the city. The VII Corps (US 1st Army) takes Mortain. Further north, the XIX and V Corps advance southeast in the river Vire area. In the British sector, the 40th and 53rd Divisions (VII Corps) take positions on the road between Villers-Bocage and Caen. Eastern Front - The 1st Ukraine Front crosses the Vistula at Sandomierz and establish a bridgehead over the river. Marianas - On Guam, the 77th Infantry Division is advancing on the right flank and take Barrigada. The 3rd Marine Division moves ahead quickly on the left flank, occupying Finegayan and push on towards Tumon Bay. Mount Santa Rosa is shelled by navy ships. New Guinea - In the Aitape sector, the Americans attack towards the Torricelli Mountains along the Niumen stream. The Japanese offensive actions around the village of Afua is dying down. Burma/China - The Chinese 50th Division takes Myitkyina, capturing 187 Japanese. The rest of the garrison has either escaped or been killed. The struggle in this area has cost the Chinese and Americans more than 6,500 killed and wounded but is a very important victory for the Allies, since it reopens land communications between India and China. On the river Salween front, the Chinese 8th Army attacks Teng-chung and Sung Shan. Foreign Affairs --------------- King George Returns Home - King George VI has returned to England from a tour of the Italian battlefront. The Homefront ------------- Army Takes Over In Philadelphia - President Roosevelt has ordered the Army to take control of the Philadelphia Transportation Co. in a strike of 6,000 workers which has tied up 900,000 war workers. CIO Transportation Workers Union officials disavow the strike and admit that they can no longer control the strikers. Boxer Dies Of Ring Injuries - Lem Franklin, Negro heavyweight, died in a Newark, N.J. hospital of injuries received in the ring. He was knocked out July 24 in a bout with Larry Lane of Trenton, N.J. ============================================================================= On 04-AUG-1944, the following occurred - World War II - The Battlefronts ------------------------------- Western Front - In the US 3rd Army sector, the 6th Armoured Division is advancing on Brest; while the 4th moves northwest towards Vannes. The 13th Regiment of the 8th Division captures Rennes. In the 1st Army sector, the VII Corps reinforces its position at Mortain; while some of its troops move south towards Mayenne. The XIX is facing a new German counter-attack. In the British sector, the Canadian 1st Army is ordered to advance towards Falaise as fast as possible. The XXX Corps (British 2nd Army) captures Hermilly and Villers-Bocage. Eastern Front - The 1st Baltic Front is pushed back by the German Army Group North reopening the Estonia-Latvia corrider between Riga and the Russian salient north of Jelgava. Italian Front - New Zealand and Indian troops of the British XIII Corps reach the south bank of the Arno near Florence. Units of the South African 6th Armoured Division reach the south suburbs of Florence. Marianas - The 77th Infantry Division capture Mount Barrigada and link up with the 3rd Marine Division, advancing on their left. Naval ships continue to shell Mount Santa Rosa. Bonin Islands/Volcano Islands - Aircraft from a carrier task group (TF 38) commanded by RADM J.J. Clark attack a Japanese convoy near the Bonin Islands. At the same time, aircraft from a second carrier task group commanded by RADM A.E. Montgomery bomb airfield facilities on Iwo Jima, Volcano Islands. New Guinea - The Japanese withdraw southwards from the Afua area after one last desparate attack. Burma/China - On the river Salween front, the Chinese penetrate into the town of Teng-chung, where bitter house-to-house fighting takes place. The British XXXIII Corps occupies Tamu across the Burmese frontier. Naval Dispatches ---------------- Japanese destroyer MATSU sunk by carrier based aircraft, Volcano Islands. The Homefront ------------- Refugees Arrive - A group of 983 refugees from German occupied Europe have arrived in New York enroute to the U.S. Government refugee camp at Fort Ontario, Oswego, N.Y. Ship Production Slumps - The Maritime Commission says July production of cargo vessels fell to 126 against a scheduled output of 150 ships. 28 Killed In Crash - Twenty-eight persons, including 24 Army pilots and four crew members of a C-47 transport plane have been killed when the plane crashed near Atkinson, Nebraska. Jackie Cooper Accused - South Bend, Ind. Prosecutor Arthur Scheer has issued a warrant for the arrest of film actor Jackie Cooper, charging him with contributing to the delinquency of a 15-year old girl during an all-night hotel party in South Bend, where Cooper is a Navy V-12 student at Notre Dame University. Cooper and a fellow student are in Navy custody pending an investigation. ============================================================================= On 05-AUG-1944, the following occurred - World War II - The Battlefronts ------------------------------- Western Front - In Brittany, the VIII Corps is attacking simultaneously to the west, southwest and south. The 6th Armoured Division continues to advance west towards Brest. The 83rd Division attacks the outer defences of the fortress of St Malo. Units of the 4th Armoured Division reach Vannes. Further east the 90th Division captures Mayenne and the 79th Division approaches Laval. In the 1st Army sector, the VII Corps continues to advance southeast of Mortain. The 29th Division (XIX Corps) is pushing on towards Vire. Eastern Front - In southern Poland and northern Hungary, the Russians send the 4th Ukraine Front into the line south of the 1st Ukraine Front. The Homefront ------------- New Explosive - The Army has announced that pentolite, an explosive 20% more powerfull than TNT, is now being used in rocket projectiles. 45 Killed In Wreck - Forty-five Negro laborers have been killed and more than 30 injured when an Atlantic Coast Line train derailed near Stockton, Georgia. ============================================================================= On 06-AUG-1944, the following occurred - World War II - The Battlefronts ------------------------------- Western Front - The VIII Corps (3rd Army) continues its offensive in Brittany. Units of the 8th and 83rd Divisions attack the north coast of the Dinard peninsula, to the west of St Malo. The 4th Armoured Division is advancing on Lorient. Further east, the XV Corps is making good progress towards Le Mans; while the 79th Division captures Laval, south of Mayenne. The 3rd Armoured Division of the VII Corps (1st Army) also reaches Mayenne from the north. The 29th Division takes Vire. Italian Front - The Allied forces in Florence begin to cross the Arno into the northern half of the city. Marianas - On Guam, the Marines and Infantry now occupy two-thirds of the island. The Japanese send in tanks against the 305th Regiment of the 77th Infantry Division, inflicting serious losses on the Americans. New Guinea - In the Aitape sector, hard fighting is occuring between the Americans and the Japanese rearguards. Burma - The British and Indian XXXIII Corps are ordered to advance to the Chindwin and to occupy Sittaung and Kalewa. Naval Dispatches ---------------- German submarines U-471, U-642, U-952 and U-969 sunk by Army aircraft, Toulon, France. Foreign Affairs --------------- Hitler Pledges To Finish Fight - Berlin says that Hitler addressed Nazi Party leaders on August 4th and pledged "a fight to the finish with confidence in victory." He is also quoted as saying the July 20th bomb plot was the work of "a criminal clique limited in numbers but important in influence" and that "I believe I am necessary to the nation which needs a man who will under no circumstances capitulate." Regugee Ship Sinks - Ankara reports that the Turkish steamer Mefkure, carrying 240 Jewish refugees from Constnta, Rumania to Turkey was torpedoed in the Black Sea with loss of all by four of the passengers. The Homefront ------------- Philadelphia Strikers Return - Transit service has been restored in Philadelphia as most of the 6,000 striking transit workers have returned to work after Maj. Gen. Philip Hayes yesterday orderd the arrest of the leaders of the unauthorized walkout under provisions of the Smith-Connally anti-strike act. Troop Carrier Launched - The 20,000 ton troopship Gen. W.P. Richardson, eighth of a series, has been launched at the Federal Shipyards of the U.S. Steel Corp. in Kearney, N.J. Mathematical Robot - Harvard University has disclosed that Commander Howard S. Aiken, USNR, associate professor of applied mathematics in collaboration with the Internation Business Machines Corp. has developed an automatic calculator capable of solving any mathematical problem. The machine, six years in development, will be presented to Harvard by IBM but for the war's duration will be used by the Navy. Best Selling Books - "Strange Fruit" by Lillian Smith, "The Razor's Edge" by W. Somerset Maugham, "The Robe" by Lloyd C. Douglas, "A Tree Grows In Brooklyn" by Betty Smith. ============================================================================= On 07-AUG-1944, the following occurred - World War II - The Battlefronts ------------------------------- Western Front - The Germans open up a counter-offensive in the Avranches area. German tanks penetrate into the American positions between the VII Corps and XIX Corps (1st Army), recapturing Mortain and reach Le Mesnil_Tove where they are halted with assistance from Allied aircraft. The VII and XIX Corps prepare to counter-attack. The 6th Armoured Division (VIII Corps, 3rd Army) reach Brest in the evening. The 83rd Division continues the battle for St Malo. On the south coast the 4th Armoured Division attacks Lorient. The Canadian II Corps launches an offensive south of Caen, towards Falaise. Eastern Front - The Russians are being contained by the Germans almost everywhere. The Russians suspend their summer offensive for a while after advancing nearly 450 mile so as to reorganize their over-stretched supply lines. Marianas - On Guam, the 3rd Marine Division, the 77th Infantry Division and the 1st Marine Brigade, launch a heavy attack against Yigo and Mount Santa Rosa. They are able to take Yigo but their advance to the peak of Mount Santa Rosa is slowed by fierce Japanese resistance. The Japanese counter-attack during the night but are driven back. New Guinea - On Biak Island, the US 162nd Regiment advances along the track from Sorido to Korim Bay to link up the the 163rd Regiment. Foreign Affairs --------------- De Gaulle Asks French To Rise - Gen. Charles de Gaulle has broadcast an appeal from Angiers to all citizens in France to harass the Germans by fighting and sabotage and promises "a battle-hardened and well-equipped French Army will soon by fighting on French soil." The Homefront ------------- Penicillin Cures Gonorrhea Quickly - The U.S. Public Health Service says gonorrhea can be cured in seven and a half hours with penicillin. ============================================================================= On 08-AUG-1944, the following occurred - World War II - The Battlefronts ------------------------------- Western Front - The German garrision at Brest, in Brittany, rejects the surrender ultimatum from the US 6th Armoured Division. Heavy fighting continues around the outskirts of St Malo. The 79th Division (XV Corps) reaches and takes Le Mans; while units of the 5th Division advance towards Nantes and Angers. In the Avranches area, the German counter-offensive is still taking place. The Canadian II Corps does not succeed in reaching Falaise. Eastern Front - The Polish resistance forces have now managed to seize control of most of Warsaw and have expanded their strength with captured German equipment. SS General Bach-Zelewski is appointed to lead the German forces charged with defeating the Poles. The units to be employed are mostly SS, police and punishment battalions, all alike in their liking of cruel and violent methods. Marianas - On Guam, organized resistance ceases. the 77th Infantry Division takes Mount Santa Rosa and the entire area is cleared of the Japanese. China - The Japanese capture Hengyang. This is a prelude to the execution of the Ichi-Go plan, which will eventually lead to the capture of all US airfields in the southeast of China. Naval Dispatches ---------------- US submarine SEAWOLF (SS-197) lands men and supplies on Palawan, P.I. PT-509 sunk by naval gunfiler, off the Isle of Jersey, English Channel. Foreign Affairs --------------- Eight German Officers Hanged - The German radio has announced that eight German Army officers were hanged at noon today, two hours after a "people's tribunal" had found them guilty of treason in connection with the July 20th bomb plot against Hilter. Five other officers face similar trials. The Homefront ------------- Admiral Takes Life - Washington has announced that Rear Admiral Don Pardee Moon, 50, who commanded a task force in the Normandy invasion, committed suicide in Washington on August 5th apparently as a result of combat fatigue. ============================================================================= On 09-AUG-1944, the following occurred - World War II - The Battlefronts ------------------------------- Western Front - The US 3rd Army's offensive continues throughout Brittany; the 6th Armoured Division at Brest, the 83rd Division at St Malo and the 4th Armoured Division at Lorient. From Le Mans the XV Corps is moving south towards Alencon. The German counter-offensive in the Avrances sector loses some of its impetus, though there is still very heavy fighting taking place. The Canadian II Corps continues to advance along the line from Caen towards Falaise. Marianas - On Guam, mopping up operations continue in the northern part of the island. New Guinea - All Japanese actions cease in the Aitape sector. Burma/China - On the Salween river front, the Japanese carry out a successful raid against artillery emplacements and supply dumps in the Chinese 8th Army sector of Sung Shan. The Homefront ------------- No Draft Cuts In Sight - Selective Service Director Maj. Gen. Lewis B. Hershey says in Salem, Ore. that the end of the war in Europe will not reduce draft quotas because the Navy will need men for a growing fleet and the Army will use fresh men to replace those with long service. ============================================================================= On 10-AUG-1944, the following occurred - World War II - The Battlefronts ------------------------------- Western Front - In Brittany, the VIII Corps continues its operations against Dinard and St Malo, Brest and Lorient. To the south, the 4th Armoured Division enters Nantes and reach the Loire. The XV Corps continue to advance towards Alencon. In the Avranches-Mortain sector, the VII Corps takes the initiative and the German divisions begin slowly to withdraw to the east. In the Canadian 1st Army sector, the 49th Division and the Canadian II Corps advance towards Vimont, meeting strong resistance. Southern France - The Allies open the first phase of air operations in preparation for Operation Dragoon, the landing of Allied forces in the south of France. Eastern Front - The Polish patriots in Warsaw still have to bear the weight of the German repression by themselves. The Russians ignore their requests for even some air support. The patriots ask London for assistance. Troops of the 2nd Belorussian Front force the crossing of the river Narew near Bialystok. Italian Front - The Polish II Corps reaches the Cesano River. Marianas - On Guam, several hundred Japanese have been killed in the mopping up operations. This is the last serious opposition in the north of Guam. In the fighting for the capture of Guam, 1,400 Americans have been killed. The Japanese have lost over 10,000. Only 100 Japanese have been taken prisoner. There are various small groups of Japanese left holding out in jungle hideouts (one survivor at least will stay in the jungle until 1972). New Guinea - On Numfoor Island, the 503rd Regiment makes contact with the Japanese south-southwest of Inasi. The Homefront ------------- Meat Rations Change - The OPA have made lower grades of beef and lamb point-free effective August 13th, but restore hams, pork loins and canned fish to the ration list. Navy Surrenders Cooper - Jackie Cooper, former motion picture actor and George Bender, 24, Sheffield, Ill., another V-12 student have been surrendered to civil authorities in South Bend, Ind., on morals charges and are released on $1,000 bond. ============================================================================= On 11-AUG-1944, the following occurred - World War II - The Battlefronts ------------------------------- Western Front - In Brittany, the German garrisons at Dinard and St Malo hold out resolutely against attacks by the 83rd Division. In the VII Corps sector, the 30th and 35th Divisions close in on Mortain. Eastern Front - The 3rd Baltic Front resumes its offensive in the northern sector and breach the German lines south of Lake Peipus over a front of about 45 miles, and spread out northwards. Hitler's obstinacy has now ensured that the Army Group North will be virtually isolated from the main body of the German army. Italian Front - The first convoys carrying the assault forces for Operation Dragoon sail from Naples. The Homefront ------------- Fuel Oil Band - The OPA halts issuance of fuel oil rations for hot water and domestic heating and lighting to those applicants who have use of electrical equipment for these purposes. Three Convicted In Prisoners' Escape - Three Japanese-American sisters have been convicted in Federal Court, Denver, of conspiracy to aid the escape of two German war prisoners from an internment camp. Circus Heads Accused In Fire - Superior Court, Hartford, Conn. charges five officials of Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey Circus with manslaughter for the death of 167 person in the July 6 fire. ============================================================================= On 12-AUG-1944, the following occurred - World War II - The Battlefronts ------------------------------- Western Front - Units of the US 1st Army have completely wiped out the Germans in the Avranches area. In Brittany, the 83rd Division is still being held up outside St Malo and Dinard. The XV Corps, after reaching Alencon, advance rapidly northwards towards Argentan. The first PLUTO (Pipe Line Under The Ocean) is put into operation, carrying fuel from the Isle of Wight to Cherbourg. Italian Front - Allied forces complete the capture of Florence. The Homefront ------------- War Prisoners In U.S. - The Army reports 226,416 prisoners of war are in the United Stats as of August 1. The report says 89.5% of those available for work are being fully employed. ============================================================================= On 13-AUG-1944, the following occurred - World War II - The Battlefronts ------------------------------- Western Front - The US XV Corps (3rd Army) reaches the Argentan sector. The XX Corps advances simultaneously from the Le Mans sector towards the northeast, reaching the outskirts of Chartres. Southwest of Le Mans, the 4th Armoured Division and 35th Division are concentrated under the command of General Eddy (XII Corps); their first mission is to advance east towards Orleans. The VII Corps moves north towards the road connecting Vire with Argentan. China - General Chennault sends a number of aircraft of the 14th Air Force on a mission over Manila, in the Philippines. His action is immediatly criticized by Stilwell and MacArthur, who insist, on political grounds, that the Philippines must not be bombed. Naval Dispatches ---------------- US submarine FLIER (SS-250) sunk by external explosion, Balabac Straight, North Borneo. Foreign Affairs --------------- Churchill Sees Tito - Rome dispatches say Prime Minister Winston Churchill, whose arrival in Italy was announced yesterday, has soon Marshal Tito of Yugoslavia in Rome. The Homefront ------------- Three Fires - The third spectacular fire in the New York City area in three days sweeps the Palisades (N.J.) Amusement Park, routing 30,000 visitors and destroying 200 parked cars. Three persons have been killed and more than 100 injured. Yesterday a fire was started by a short circuit and destoyed half of Luna Park, Coney Island amusement center in Brooklyn. Thirty-five persons, including 12 firemen were injured. Fireboats continue to pour water on the smouldering ruins of the former Hamburg-American Line pier in Hoboken, N.J. The pier was swept by a fire that was set accidently. War supplies valued at several million dollars have been destroyed. ============================================================================= On 14-AUG-1944, the following occurred - World War II - The Battlefronts ------------------------------- Western Front - In Brittany, the German resistance in St Malo and Dinard continues. The XV Corps (3rd Army) moves east from Argentan towards Dreux. The 7th Armoured Division and the 5th Division (XX Corps) moves toward Chartres. The XII Corps continues advancing towards Orleans. The Canadian 2nd Division gets within 5.5 miles of Falaise, which has been heavily bombed by the British (the RAF has dropped 4,000 tons of bombs on Falaise, which has been virtually leveled). Eastern Front - In Warsaw, the RAF has begun dropping supplies and ammunition to the Polish patriots. Mediterranean - The convoys for Operation Dragoon continue towards the south coast of France after a stopover in Corsica. Naval Dispatches ---------------- US LST-921 sunk by submarine torpedo, English Channel. The Homefront ------------- Kennedy's Son Killed - Joseph P. Kennedy Jr., 29, son of the former U.S. ambassador to Great Britain, was lost in action on August 12th in the European war theater on a special air mission, the Navy announces. Women Spy Sentenced - Mrs. Velvalee Dickinson, who pleaded guilty to violation of censorship regulations in sending military information to Japanese agents, received a maximum sentence of 10 years in prison and $10,000 fine in Federal Court, New York. ============================================================================= On 15-AUG-1944, the following occurred - World War II - The Battlefronts ------------------------------- Western Front - In Brittany, the 83rd Division enters Dinard. The position of the German garrison at St Malo grows more critical. In the US 1st Army sector, the V Corps reaches the hills that dominate Tinchebray from the south. The British VIII Corps joins up with the US V Corps. In the Canadian 1st Army sector, the 4th Armoured Division (II Corps) advances towards Falaise. Northeast of Falaise the Polish 1st Armoured Division secures a bridgehead on the east bank of the river Dives. In the Avranches-Mortain sector, the German armoured divisions of the XLVIII Armoured Corps, which carried out the counter-attack on Avranches, now withdraw eastwards towards Falaise. They occupy a strip about 30 miles by 12 miles and are in danger of being encircled as a result of the simultaneous pressure of the Allies towards Falaise from the north and towards the Tinchebray-Argentan road from the south. Their predicament is made all the more worst by a sudden inexplicable disappearance of General von Kluge, Commander-in-Chief of the Western Front. This news sends Hitler into a frenzy, because he thinks von Kluge has gone over to the enemy. The facts are very different though. While traveling towards the headquarters of General Heinrich Eberbach's headquarters his car is attacked by enemy aircraft. Von Kluge escapes death but goes into hiding. He waits until twilight hidden in a cornfield, then manages to return to headquarters. Southern France - Allied forces land on the south coast of France. The invasion fleet is composed of some 2,000 transports and landing craft, escorted by 300 warships. At dawn, the US 1st Parachute Division is dropped in the region betwen Draguignan and Le Muy, about 20 miles west of Cannes. The American special troops (Sitka Force) and the French and Moroccans land on the islets east of Port Cros, at Cap Negre and at Point Esquillon. At 8:00 after heavy naval and air bombardment, the US VI Corps come ashore in Provence between Toulon and Cannes. There is hardly any resistance from the Germans. At least 94,000 men land during the course of the day and quickly establish a solid beachhead. Allied loses amount to only 183 men. Churchill who has come along to observe the operation from aboard a destroyer, seems bored by the lack of action. New Guinea - On Numfoor Island, the main Japanese garrison break off contact with the Americans and take refuge in the area of Pakriki. Naval Dispatches ---------------- US LST-181 sunk by radio-controlled bomb, Southern France. Submarine chaser SC-1019 damaged by explosion, Southern France. Foreign Affairs --------------- Rome Returned To Italians - Allied headquarters in Rome has announced that Rome and the Provinces of Littoria and Frosinone have been returned to the jurisdiction of the Italian Government of Premier Ivanoe Bonomi. The Homefront ------------- Nazi Prisoners Strike - About 500 of 1,800 German prisoners of war employed at the Army Ordinance Depot in Stockton, California call off a strike begun yesterday in protest against the War Department's order increasing the work day to nine hours. ============================================================================= On 16-AUG-1944, the following occurred - World War II - The Battlefronts ------------------------------- Northern France - The British II Corps enters Falaise and encounters heavy street fighting. To the north in the British 2nd Army sector, the British I Corps is moving towards the Seine. Polish troops in the I Corps begin to move over the River Dives. The US XV and XX Corps, which are advancing towards Paris, reach Dreux and Chartres. Southern France - Units of the US VI Corps (3rd Army) consolidate the beachhead in Provence. The French II Corps passes through the American lines to lead the advance. Eastern Front - The Russians reach Ossow, seven miles northeast of Warsaw; but they are pushed back by a German counter-attack. Naval Dispatches ---------------- US PT-202, PT-218 and minesweeper YMS-24 sunk by mines in Southern France area. LST 391 sunk by mine in Normandy area. The Homefront ------------- Roosevelt Leads Poll - Fortune magazine reports that voters favor President Roosevelt by 52.5% to 43.9% for Gov. Thomas E. Dewey. Popular Songs - Variety reports that the most popular songs are 1) Swinging On a Star, 2) I'll Be Seeing You, 3) I'll Walk Alone, 4) Amor and 5) Time Waits For No One. ============================================================================= On 17-AUG-1944, the following occurred - World War II - The Battlefronts ------------------------------- Northern France - In Brittany, the German garrison at the St Malo citadel surrenders. The American advance into the heart of France continues. Dreux, Chateaudun and Orleans are captured. Futher north and west, the Canadian 2nd Division (II Corps) captures Falaise. The damage to Falaise in the bombing and bitter street fighting has been so severe that in many places it is impossible to tell where the streets once were. The German 5th Armoured Army and 7th Army are withdrawn from the pocket betweeen Falaise and Argentan under orders from von Kluge without asking Hitler's permission. Hitler replaces von Kluge with Field-Marshal Model. Southern France - The Allies capture St Raphael, St Tropez, Frejus, Le Luq and St Maxime. There is little German resistance. Eastern Front - The German Army Group North counter-attacks in the area of Siauliai, in Lithuania. The aim is to prevent Riga from being cut off. Further south, the 3rd Belorussian Front reaches the border of East Prussia along the river Sesupe. New Guinea - The beachhead at Aitape is extended. The US 43rd Division advances in all directions. On Numfoor Island, the US 503rd Parachute Regiment succeeds in engaging and destroying the greater part of the Japanese garrison. On Biak Island Japanese resistance is almost exhausted. Foreign Affairs --------------- Refuge For Hungarian Jews - The State Department has notified Hungary through the International Red Cross that they will give temporary refuge to all Jews permitted to leave Hungary. The Homefront ------------- Service Men Replace Strikers - Army and Navy service men have replaced 400 laborers on strike at the Bethlehem Steel Corp. shipyards at Hoboken, N.J. and Brooklyn, N.Y. Polio Outbreak Reported - The National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis says outbreaks of the disease have reached near-epidemic proportions in five states. In New York, North Carolina, Kentucky, Pennsylvania and Virginia 4,182 cases have been reported so far this year. ============================================================================= On 18-AUG-1944, the following occurred - World War II - The Battlefronts ------------------------------- Northern France - Allied troops continue their westward advance towards the Seine. Forward units of the US 3rd Army reach Versailles. Units of the Canadian II Corps join up with advance guards of the US XV Corps between Falaise and Argentan, closing the so-called Falaise gap, through which the German 7th Army and units of the 5th Armoured Army have been withdrawing. Field-Marshall von Kluge commits suicide at Metz rather than be hauled before a People's Court. He leaves a letter for Hitler which says among other things "I do not know whether Field-Marshal Model will be able to restore the position. I hope so with all my heart. But if not, and if your new weapons, in which such burning faith is placed, do not bring success, then mein Fuhrer, take the decision to end the war. The German people have suffered such unspeakable ills that the time has come to put an end to these horrors." Southern France - The US VI Corps heads for Aix-en-Provence; while the French 1st Division advances westward towards Toulon and Marseilles. Eastern Front - The German counter-attack in the area of Siauliai, in Lithuania continues. The 1st Baltic Front is barely able to withstand the German onslaught. Units of the 1st Ukraine Front capture Sandomierz, on the west bank of the Vistula, in southern Poland. Naval Dispatches ---------------- Amphibious force flagship CATOCTIN (AGC-5) damaged by bombing, Southern France. Japanese escort carrier ORAKA sunk by submarine RASHER (SS-26), off northwestern Luzon, P.I. Japanese light cruiser NATORI sunk by submarine HARDHEAD (SS-365), east of Samar, P.I. ============================================================================= On 19-AUG-1944, the following occurred - World War II - The Battlefronts ------------------------------- Northern France - The XV Corps (US 3rd Army) reaches the Seine at Mantes Grassicourt. The fighting between Falaise and Argentan is still very fierce and continues to go badly for the Germans. In Paris, the French resistance begins operations against the Germans. Eastern Front - The 2nd Ukraine Front opens a powerful offensive in the area of Jassy. The 3rd Ukraine Front also takes part in this offensive, attacking in the area of Tiraspol, in Rumania. The goal of this offensive is to destroy the German-Rumanian 6th Army. The Homefront ------------- More Machine Plants Seized - President Roosevelt has ordered 99 more West Coast machine plants seized when workers persisted in their refusal to work more than 48 hours a week. ============================================================================= On 20-AUG-1944, the following occurred - World War II - The Battlefronts ------------------------------- Northern France - The last units of the German 7th and 5th Armies cross the Dives opposite St Lambert, avoiding encirclement by the Allies. American troops reach the Seine south of Paris, where the 7th Armoured Division and 5th Division (XV Corps) try to establish a bridgehead at Melun and Montereau. Other Allied troops reach the outskirts of Fontainebleau. Southern France - The US 3rd Division (VI Corps, 7th Army) reaches the outskirts of Aix-en-Provence. The French II Corps continue their advance towards Marseilles and Toulon. New Guinea - General Kruegar announces that operations on Biak Island are officially at an end. The Americans have lost 2,555 men killed, wounded and missing; while the Japanese have lost 4,700 dead and 220 men have been taken prisoner. Burma/China - On the Salween front, the Chinese blow up the Japanese fortifications at Sung Shan with mines. After a bloody assault with flame-throwers and bayonets, they succeed in seizing the position. Naval Dispatches ---------------- German submarine U-1229 sunk by aircraft from escort carrier BOGUE (CVE-9), North Atlantic area. Foreign Affairs --------------- Marshal Petain Arrested - At Vichy, the Germans arrest Marshal Petain, who refuses to leave the seat of government, and transfer him to Belfort. De Gaulle In Cherbourg - General Charles de Gaulle has arrived in Cherbourg from Algiers and says he will go to Paris as soon as it is liberated. The Homefront ------------- Four Warships Launched - The 27,000 ton aircraft carrier Anteitam and the 13,000 ton cruisers Chicago and Los Angeles are launched in a single ceremony at the Philadelphia Navy Yard. Kimmel Disputes Truman - Adm. Husband E. Kimmel, Navy commander at Pearl Harbor during the Japanese attack, disputes statements of Sen. Harry S. Truman in a magazine article that Kimmel had refused to cooperate with the Army and was not on speaking terms with Maj. Gen. Walter C. Short. He suggests that no more "false charges be made against me until a complete disclosure is made of the Pearl Harbor facts." ============================================================================= On 21-AUG-1944, the following occurred - World War II - The Battlefronts ------------------------------- Northern France - The entire Allied line is advancing towards the Seine. The Canadian II Corps is advancing in the north towards Rouen. In the center, the British XIX and XXX Corps and the US XV Corps are advancing towards the north of Paris. The US V, XX and XII Corps are advancing south of Paris. The US 79th Division (XV Corps) widens the bridgehead across the Seine. In the south the 4th Armoured Division enters Sens. Southern France - Units of the 3rd Division (US VI Corps) captures Aix-en-Provence. The 45th Division is advancing towards Avignon, while the 36th Division makes for Grenoble. In the French sector, the French II Corps makes progress towards Toulon and Marseilles. Units of the 1st Division and 3rd Algerian Division reach Aubagne. Eastern Front - The counter-offensive of the German Army Group North continues in the area of Siauliai, in Lithuania. The Homefront ------------- Nazi Defeat May Free 2,000,000 Soldiers - Selective Service Director Maj. Gen. Lewis B. Hershey says in Denver that Germany's defeat should permit "the gradual release of some 1,000,000 to 2,000,000 men from the armed services." He predicts those with dependents will be released first. Lana Turner Divorced - Lana Turner, film actress, has won a divorce in Los Angeles from Stephen Crane whom she remarried in March 1943 after obtaining and annulment in 1942. ============================================================================= On 22-AUG-1944, the following occurred - World War II - The Battlefronts ------------------------------- Northern France - The bridgehead established by the 79th Division (US XV Corps) at Mantes-Gassicourt withstands counter-attacks by the Germans. The XX Corps advances rapidly towards Melun and Montereau. The 5th Division (XX Corps) is advancing on Fontainebleau. After taking Sens, the 4th Armoured Division pushes on towards Villeneuve. Southern France - The 36th Division (US VI Corps) takes Grenoble against very light resistance. In the French sector, the 3rd Algerian Division and 1st Armoured Division (French II Corps) continues advancing along the coast against very strong German resistance. Eastern Front - The 2nd Ukraine Front captures Jassy, in Rumania. The 3rd Ukraine Front is extending its attacks northward toward Kishinev and has advances up to 50 miles in the past two days. Italian Front - The Polish II Corps occupies the south bank of the river Metauro from Sant Ippolito to the Adriatic coast south of Fano. Burma/China - On the Salween front, the Japanese counter-attack around Sung Shan but have little success. Arctic - Three fleet carriers and two escort carriers of the British Home Fleet attack the battleship Tirpitz in Kaafiord. The battleship Duke of York is in support. The attack is detected on the way in and is repelled by a heavy German barrage. Naval Dispatches ---------------- Japanese frigate SADO sunk by submarine HADDO (SS-255) and frigates MATSUWA and HIBURI are sunk by submarine HARDER (SS-257), Philippine Islands area. Foreign Affairs --------------- Dumbarton Oaks - Senior Allied representatives meet at Dumbarton Oaks to discuss plans for maintaining postwar security. They agree that there should be an assembly of all nations backed up by a council of leading states. There should also be an International Court of Justice. Japanese Homefront ------------------ Conscription Of Women - The Japanese government has introduced measures to conscript all women between the ages of 12 and 40 to do war work. All who do not volunteer face heavy penalties. The Homefront ------------- New Books Published - "Freedom Road" by Howard Fast, "You Are Younger Than You Think" by Dr. Martin Gumpert and "Invasion Diary" by Richard Tregaskis. ============================================================================= On 23-AUG-1944, the following occurred - World War II - The Battlefronts ------------------------------- Northern France - Paris is liberated!! The French Forces of the Interior (FFI) under General Koenig and Paris civilians free the French capital. Fighting has been taking place in Paris since August 19th when Koenig announced a general uprising against the Germans. The French 2nd Armoured Division (US V Corps) begin to move towards Paris in preparation for supporting the FFI. The US 4th Division captures Arpajon, south of Paris. The 30th Division (XIX Corps) enters Evreau. Further north, the 2nd Armoured Division captures Le Neubourg and head on towards Elfeuf. In the 3rd Army sector, the 79th Division (XV Corps) maintains firm control of the bridgehead at Mantes-Gassicourt, north of Paris. The 5th Division (XX Corps) takes Fontainebleau, while the 7th Armoured Division is approaching Melun. Southern France - The French 9th Colonial Division and the 1st Division (II Corps) enter the suburbs of Toulon and head towards the center of the city. The 3rd Algerian Division and 1st Armoured Division enter the outskirts of Marseilles. The German garrison in Marseilles rejects a surrender demand by the French. Eastern Front - The pincer formed by the 2nd and 3rd Ukrainian Fronts closes, surrounding the German and Rumanian 6th Army. About 130,000 men are caught in the pocket. Marianas - US destroyers shell Aguijan. The bombardment continues daily until August 26th. New Guinea - The battle for Numfoor Island is over and most of the US forces are withdrawn to other sectors. Burma/China - General Stilwell receives orders to construct a highway from the India-Burma frontier to Myitkyina and to improve the miserable track that leads from Myitkyina to China. On the river Salween front, the Japanese defending Lung-ling ask for reinforcements. Naval Dispatches ---------------- US PT-555 damaged by mine, Southern France area. Japanese destroyer ASAKAZE sunk by submarine HADDO (SS-255), Philippine Islands area. Japanese minesweeper No. 22 sunk by submarine BATFISH (SS-310), Palau Islands area. Foreign Affairs --------------- Rumania - A coup d'etat takes place in Bucharest. The pro-German premier, Jon Antonescu, is disposed and arrested. King Michael I asks the moderate Sanatescu to form a government and also orders the cessation of hostilities against the Red Army, accepting the unconditional surrender demands from Moscow. At the same time though, he allows the Germans in Rumania to leave the country unmolested. Swiss Break With Vichy - Switzerland has broken relations with France's Vichy regime "because Chief of State Marshal Henri Philippe Petain has been forced to leave Vichy and no longer can exercise his rights." The Homefront ------------- 76 Killed In Bomber Crash - a US 8th Air Force B-24 bombers has crashed into a school in Freckelton, Lancashire, England, killing 76 persons including 51 children. Roosevelt Says "Big Four" Can Keep Peace - President Roosevelt talking informally at the White House to delegates to the World Security Conference, says "the four of us" - the United States, Great Britain, Russian and China - can prevent war by force "if we remain friends." Roosevelt Leads In Gallup Poll - President Roosevelt wins 28 states to 20 for Gov. Thomas E. Dewey in a preliminary Gallup Poll and leads by 286 to 245 electoral votes. ============================================================================= On 24-AUG-1944, the following occurred - World War II - The Battlefronts ------------------------------- Northern France - In Paris, the Germans return to the attack and desperate fighting rages. The French 2nd Armoured Division nears the southwestern suburbs of Paris, running into heavy opposition. The US 4th Division prepares to attack Paris from the south. The US 3rd Army established two bridgeheads over the Seine at Melun and Montereau. Units of the XII Corps advance east towards Troyes, St Florentin and Courtenay. Southern France - Parachutists from the US 1st Airborne Task Force enter Cannes without opposition and head towards Antibes. The US 3rd Division reaches the Rhone at Arles. The battle in Toulon continues. Eastern Front - The German South Ukraine Army Group withdraws over the Danube in Rumania, hotly pursued by the 2nd and 3rd Ukraine Fronts. The Russians overrun the Rumanian 3rd Army, many of whose units lay down their arms. The Russians occupy Kishinev. Burma/China - The Japanese send reinforcements to Lunk-lin on the Salween front. Indian Ocean - Admiral Moody leads the carriers Victorious and Indomitable in an attack on Padang in the southwest of Sumatra. Naval Dispatches ---------------- Submarine HARDER (SS-257) sunk by depth charges, off west coast of Luzon, P.I. Foreign Affairs --------------- Balkan Developments - The new Rumanian government of Marshal Constantin Senatescu appears in firm control except in a few areas where there are still concentrations of German troops. The Homefront ------------- Mold Checks Tuberculosis Germ - Science magazine reports that a mold of the penicillin group, discovered in an ice box at the Univ. of Buffalo School of Medicine, inhibits growth of tuberculosis germs. The mold was found accidently growing luxuriantly on a tuberculosis culture. ============================================================================= On 25-AUG-1944, the following occurred - World War II - The Battlefronts ------------------------------- Northern France - The French 2nd Armoured Division enters Paris from the southwest at 7:00 am. Half and hour later the US 4th Division moves in from the south. General Deitrich von Choltitz refuses Hitler's oders to mine the public buildings, museums and bridges of Paris. At 3:15 pm he surrenders to General Leclerc. The British 15th Division (XII Corps, 2nd Army) prepares to cross the Seine opposite Louviers. The British 43rd Division establishes a bridgehead at Vernon. The US VIII Corps (3rd Army) begins an offensive against Brest, in Brittany. The German garrison in Brest is not giving up without a fight however. Southern France - The US 3rd Division enters Avignon. Fighting continues for Marseilles and Toulon. Eastern Front - In the northern sector, the 3rd Baltic Front captures Tartu, in Estonia. Italian Front - The British 8th Army attacks the Gothic line from the river Metauro. The Germans are caught be surprise and put up a patchy defence. New Guinea - General Krueger formally announces that operations in the Aitape sector are complete. In the course of this offensive, the Allies have lost 3,000 killed, wounded and missing. The Japanese have lost 8,821 dead and 98 prisoners. In the northwest corner of the Vogelkop peninsula, the Japanese carry out a daylight air raid. Naval Dispatches ---------------- Japanese destroyer YUNAGI sunk by submarine PICUDA (SS-382), Philippine Islands area. Foreign Affairs --------------- Rumania At War With Germany - Rumania has declared war against Germany after the Germans bomb Bucharest, attack Rumanian troops and strafe civilians. ============================================================================= On 26-AUG-1944, the following occurred - World War II - The Battlefronts ------------------------------- Northern France - General de Gaulle returns to Paris and takes part in a ceremonial parade despite the dangers from a few remaining German snipers. The Canadian 1st Army heads towards Calais after crossing the lower Seine. The British 2nd Army moves towards Belgium. The Allied forces resume their advance towards the east from their bridgeheads on the right bank of the Seine. The US 7th Armoured Division (XX Corps) is pushing northeast towards Chateau-Thierry and the river Marne. In Brittany, the Germans are still successfully defending Brest. Southern France - The German resistance in Toulon and Marseilles is weakening. Eastern Front - The 3rd Ukraine Front reaches the lower course of the Danube east of Galati. The 2nd Ukraine Front breaks through the gap opened in the German lines between Galati and Focsani. Italian Front - The 8th Army establishes bridgeheads over the river Metauro. The German 71st Division is pushed back by the V Corps. Naval Dispatches ---------------- Japanese destroyer SAMIDARE sunk by submarine BATFISH (SS-310), off Palau Islands. Foreign Affairs --------------- Bulgaria Withdraws From War - The Bulgarian government has announced that it has withdrawn from the war and that German troops in Bulgaria will be disarmed. The Homefront ------------- Super-Concrete - Northwestern University, Chicago, says that its labs have developed a new type of concrete, "stronger than steel and lighter than aluminum" and costing only a third as much as steel. It can replace structural steel columns. ============================================================================= On 27-AUG-1944, the following occurred - World War II - The Battlefronts ------------------------------- Northern France - The Canadian II Corps begins to cross the Seine between Pont-de-l'Arche and Elbeuf. The British I Corps reaches the mouth of the Seine. In the XII Corps sector, the 15th Division crosses the Seine east of Louviers. Th US 30th and 79th Divisions (XV Corps, 1st Army) attack across the river at Mantes-Gassicourt. The US XX Corps reaches the Marne at Chateau-Thierry. The XII Corps is advancing towards Chalons-sur-Marne. In Brittany, the VIII Corps (3rd Army) completely encircles Brest. General Eisenhower along with General Bradly visits Paris and confer with General de Gaulle. Southern France - The US 3rd Division nears Montelimar. The 45th Division pushes on towards Lyons from Grenoble. Eastern Front - In Rumania, the 2nd Ukraine Front takes Focsani and advances towards Ploesti. The 3rd Ukraine Front occupies Galati, the main river port on the Danube. Italian Front - The British 8th Army continues to advance towards the Gothic line. Burma - The British 38th Division advances along the road from Mogaung to Mandalay and captures Pinbaw. Foreign Affairs --------------- Fate Of Vichy - The AP reports that Marshal Henry Philippe Petain, Pierre Laval and former Premier Edouard Herriot were arrested by the Gestapo and removed to Germany a few days before the fall of Paris following refusal to transfer the government from Vichy to Belfort, near the Swiss border. The dispatch also gives the text of a supposed open letter to the French people from Petain calling on them to "unit behind leaders who will tell you to follow a policy of reconciliation and renaissance of France through reciprocal love and forgiveness of your fellow countrymen." The letter says that Petain was motivated by his desire to serve the best interests of France. ============================================================================= On 28-AUG-1944, the following occurred - World War II - The Battlefronts ------------------------------- Northern France - The Canadian II Corps expands its bridgehead towards Rouen. The British XXX Corps (2nd Army) crosses the Seine. Further south the US XV Corps further widens its bridgehead at Mantes-Gassicourt. The French 2nd Armoured Division and US 4th Division, leave Paris and advance towards the northeast. The US XX Corps (3rd Army) is approaching Rheims and in Brittany the VIII Corps continues the siege of Brest. Southern France - The French II Corps is advancing along the west bank of the Rhone. The US VI Corps, aiming at linking up with the Normandy invasion forces, is moving north along a line from Lyons towards Beaume and Dijon. The US 45th Division advances towards Lyons. The Germans in Toulon surrender to the French 9th Colonial Division. The German garrison in Marseilles also surrenders. Eastern Front - In Rumania, the 2nd Ukraine Front penetrates into Transylvania across the Oituz Pass in the Carpathians, threatening Hungary. The 3rd Ukraine Front takes Braila. Italian Front - The 8th Indian Division captures Tigliano, north of Pontassieve. The British 8th Army continues advancing towards the Gothic line. Foreign Affairs --------------- Hungary - A new government, led by General Lakatos, takes office. They announce they are ready to negotiate with the Russians. Koenig Rules Paris - Control of Paris has been turned over to Maj. Gen. Joseph-Pierre Koenig, as military commander. Koenig moves to end disorder by reorganizing the French Forces of the Interior. Many of its members are not in uniform and are roaming the streets causing confusion. Allied trucks begin bringing food into the city and rationing is imposed. The Homefront ------------- Congressional Medals Awarded - The Army has announced that the Congressional Medal of Honor has been awarded to Private William J. Johnston, 26, Colchester, Conn. and to Sgt. Jesse R. Drowley, 24, Luzerne, Mich. Johnston manned a machine gun for 24 hours without relief on the Anzio beachhead. Drowley rescued three companions wounded on Bougainville Island and then guided a tank against a Japanese pillbox holding up the American advance. Both me were seriously wounded in these actions. Nelson Wins All-American Title - Byron Nelson, Toledo, has won the All-American golf championship at the Tam O'Shanter club, Chicago and takes the $13,462 prize in war bonds. ============================================================================= On 29-AUG-1944, the following occurred - World War II - The Battlefronts ------------------------------- Northern France - General Eisenhower's orders are to push on northwards. The British XXX Corps lead the Allied columns in the northern sector, heading towards Amiens with the goal of crossing the Somme. To the southeast, the US 3rd Armoured Division (VII Corps, 1st Army) crosses the Aisne east of Soissons on the way to Laon. The 5th Division (XX Corps, 3rd Army) enters Rheims. Units of the XII Corps captures Chalons-sur-Marne. In Brittany, the German defences still hold up the efforts of the VIII Corps to take Brest. Southern France - The US 3rd Division concentrates on Voiron, northwest of Grenoble. The 36th and 45th Divisions continue to advance on Lyons. Eastern Front - In Rumania, the 3rd Ukraine Front captures Constanta, a port on the Black Sea. Bazau, east of Ploesti also falls. Italian Front - The British 8th Army reaches the river Foglia, just north of Pesaro. The German Gothic lines lies immediately to the north of the Foglia. China - The Japanese 11th Division, after regrouping after the capture of Hengyang, advance towards Kweilin and Liuchow, the sites of two major airfields of the US 14th Air Force. Naval Dispatches ---------------- Japanese minesweeper No. 28 sunk by submarine JACK (SS-25), off the Celebes. Foreign Affairs --------------- War Crimes - The Russians and the Polish communists jointly announce that they have found evidence that the Germans have murdered around 1,500,000 people in the former Majdanek concentration camp in Lublin, Poland. New York Times reporter W.H. Lawrence calls the place "the most terrible place on the face of the earth." This is the first of a series of such dreadful discoveries. Polish Resistance - The British and US Governements jointly declare that they recognize the Home Army (AK) as a responsible beligerent force and should be treated as such. The Germans reject this description. In Warsaw, the fighting continues to be very fierce and brutal. The Homefront ------------- Republican Campaign Opens - The Republicans have opened the presidential campaign with national radio broadcasts charging that President Roosevelt was renominated "by New Deal bosses" and "corrupt political machines"; while the Republican program has been charted by "the people, represented by their governors in 26 states." New Books Published - "Time Must Have A Stop" by Aldous Huxley, "Pastoral" by Nevil Shute and "Cluny Brown" by Margery Sharp. ============================================================================= On 30-AUG-1944, the following occurred - World War II - The Battlefronts ------------------------------- Northern France - The 7th Armoured Division (US XX Corps, 3rd Army) is approaching Verdun. Further south, the XII Corps reaches the area of St Didier. The British XXX Corps takes Beauvais. Southern France - The US 36th Division (VI Corps) and the French II Corps are advancing towards Lyons. Eastern Front - The 2nd Ukraine Front occupies Ploesti, a vital Rumanian oil center. This further increases the shortages imposed on the Germans by the American and British air offensive. Italian Front - The British 8th Army attacks the Gothic line. The Canadian I and British V Corps reach the river Foglia. The Polish Corps is fighting on the coast at Pesaro. Naval Dispatches ---------------- Submarine NARWHAL (SS-167) lands men and supplies on the east coast of Luzon, P.I. Foreign Affairs --------------- France - The Provisional Government of General de Gaulle is established in Paris and begins work. The Homefront ------------- Navy Builds 65,000 Ships - The Navy says 65,000 ships of all types have been built since Sept. 1, 1939. Nearly 36% of the total 9,000,000 tonnage has been combat ships. Lend-lease transfers to the Allies have included 1,784 combat ships. ============================================================================= On 31-AUG-1944, the following occurred - World War II - The Battlefronts ------------------------------- Northern France - The British XXX Corps reaches Amiens and crosses the Somme. The US 7th Armoured Division (US XX Corps, 3rd Army) establishes a bridgehead across the Meuse near Verdun. In Brittany, the VIII Corps operations against Brest are temporarily suspended. The 4th Armoured Division (XII Corps, 3rd Army) crosses the Meuse after establishing a bridgehead near Commercy. General Montgomery is promoted to field-marshal. Eastern Front - The 2nd Ukraine Front captures Bucharest, capital of Rumania. Italian Front - The US IV Corps (5th Army) crosses the Arno. In the British sector, the Polish II Corps continues the battle for Pesaro. Elements of the Canadian I and British V Corps penetrate the Gothic line. Iwo Jima/Bonin Islands - Aircraft from TF 38 under the command of RADM R.E. Davison, begin an attack lasting three days against Iwo Jima and the Bonin Islands. A naval bombardment by cruisers and destroyers also accompanies the air attack. New Guinea - Operations on Numfoor Island and the Sansapor area in the Vogelkop peninsula are declared officially over. Naval Dispatches ---------------- Submarine REDFIN (SS-272) lands supplies and evacuates some personnel from Palawan Island, P.I. Japanese minelayer SHIRATAKA sunk by submarine SEALION (SS-315), Luzon Strait, Phlippine Islands. The Homefront ------------- Ration Changes - The OPA has made dried beans, fruit butters and prune juice ration-free but has increased the point values for pineapple juice and canned corn. Meat and butter values remain unchanged. Army Needs Nurses - The American Red Cross says 4,000 recruits must be found for the Army Nurse Corps during September to help care for increasing casualties. =============================================================================