50 Years Ago Today - June 1944 Originally posted in Usenet newsgroup SOC.HISTORY.WAR.WORLD-WAR-II and on the World War II mailing list. Author: John Davis jbd@osbm.state.nc.us Sources: "2194 Days of War" by Cesare Salmaggi and Alfredo Pallavisimi, "The World Almanac Book Of WW II" by Peter Young, "United States Naval Chronology, World War II" by Naval Historical Division - United States Navy, "Facts On File Yearbook 1944, Person's Index Of World Events" edited by R.L. Lapica. ============================================================================= On 01-JUN-1944, the following occurred - World War II - The Battlefronts ------------------------------- Prelude to Operation Overlord - The first code message, giving a general warning to the French resistance that invasion is imminent, is transmitted by the BBC at 9:00 p.m. The Germans understand the rough significance of this verse which is part of the poem "Chanson d'Automne" by the French poet Paul Verlaine and on June 2nd will alert some units. Eastern Front - Russian couter-attacks are succeeding in retaking and holding disputed ground near Jassy. Italian Front - The German 14th Army continues to hold in the Albano sector and near Lanuvio despite strong pressure. After a strong struggle, the U.S. 36th Division takes Velletri. The U.S. II Corps opens the final offensive towards Rome, making for Highway 6. The 85th Division attacks Monte Ceraso on the left flank. On the right flank the U.S. II Crops launches a push towards Valmontone. Field-Marshal Kesselring, Commander-in-Chief of Army Group C, orders the 10th and 14th armies to carry out a fighting withdrawal to the Gothic line. This is ordered after the Gustov line is breached. New Guinea - U.S. troops resume the offensive on Biak Island and break out of their beachhead. The 168th Infantry Regiment moves north towards the center of the island, repulsing several strong Japanese couter-attacks. Units of the 162nd Infantry move out from their smaller beachhead and head across the jungle towards the center, hoping to join up with the 168th. In the Aitape area, the 1st battalion of the 126th Infantry are forced back slightly. Burma/China - The Chinese 22nd Division overcomes Japanese resistance and cuts the Kamaing road in the Mogaung valley. Since the Chinese 38th Division is already blocking the road at Seton, below Kamaing the Japanese garrison in the town is under serious threat. American reinforcements are sent to the Myitkyina area. The monsoons continue to slow down operations. This causes the Allied supply situation to worsen. The Americans only have rations for 24 hours; the Chinese for 2 days. On the Salween front, Chinese units reach the Shweli valley and join up with a regiment of the Chinese 198th Division coming from Mamien Pass. Two regiments of the Chinese cross the Salween. Chiang Kai-shek has finally decided to send adequate forces to Burma. Air Operations -------------- Europe - The first Me 262 jet fighters enter operational service with the Luftwaffe. Although they are vastly superior to all the Allied aircraft there will never be enough of them to cause any significant damage. They will be hindered by the continuing drop in fuel production and by attacks on their bases of operation. Naval Dispatches ---------------- Submarine NARWHAL (SS-167) lands men and supplies on the southwest coast of Mindanao. The Homefront ------------- Hull Pledge to Small Nations - Sec. of State Cordell Hull states that small nations will be kept on an equal level with all others in the postwar United Nations. Rationed Products - The Office of Price Administration has made canned citrus juices and cheese products ration-free effective June 4. Baseball Standings - The American League leader is St. Louis with 24 wins and 19 losses. The National League leader is St. Louis with 26 wins and 13 losses. ============================================================================= On 02-JUN-1944, the following occurred - World War II - The Battlefronts ------------------------------- Prelude to Operation Overlord - General Dwight Eisenhower, from a caravan in the woods near Portsmouth, issues orders for the invasion of France. He has under his command 1,700,000 Americans, 1,000,000 British and Canadians and 300,000 Free French, Poles, Belgians, Dutch, Norwegians and Czechs. The planned invasion date is Monday, June 5th. After intercepting the poem by Verlaine, the German 15th Army is alerted. Due to a misunderstanding between the Army Supreme Command (Jodl), Western General Headquarters (Rundstedt) and the Army Group B headquarters (Rommel), the German 7th Army which is guarding the Normandy coast never gets the warning. Italian Front - The German forces are gradually disengaging along the entire Allied front. Units of the 85th Division capture Maschio d'Ariano, Monte Fiore and Monte Ceraso. The 7th and 39th Regiments of the U.S. 3rd Division advance in the Palestina and Valmontone areas which have been recently abandoned by the Germans. New Guinea - The 186th Infantry attacks westward towards the airfields on Biak. In the coastal sector the battalions of the 162nd block a road that leads to the interior and force the Japanese out of one of their postitions. Burma/China - The final siege of Myitkyina begins. The Chinese dig tunnels to get inside the Japanese lines. On the Salween river front, the Chinese 36th Division captures the village of Kaitou and surrounds Chiaotou in the valley of the Shweli. India - On the Arakan front, Indian divisions have re-established contact and resumed the initiative against the Japanese. On the Indian front the 7th Indian Division succeeds in breaking through the lines of the Japanese 31st Division north of Kohima. The Japanese begin to withdraw slowly. Naval Dispatches ---------------- Japanese frigate AWAJI sunk by submarine GUITARRO (SS-363), off of Formosa. The Homefront ------------- Six Sentenced in Nazi Agent Case - Federal Judge Thomas F. Meaney has sentenced six former officials of the German-American Vocational League to two years imprisonment. All were convicted on May 18th of conspiring to evade registration as Nazi propoganda agents. $1,500,000,000 Road Program - The House Committee on Roads has approved a bill providing $1,500,000,000 for the construction of roads, bridges and railroad crossings. ============================================================================= On 03-JUN-1944, the following occurred - World War II - The Battlefronts ------------------------------- Eastern Front - The Germans make little progress against fierce Russian resistance on the Rumanian front. Italian Front - The Allied advance continues along the entire front. Albano, Lanuvia and Frascati are all captured by Allied forces. Units of the American 3rd Division and the French Expeditionary Corps advance along Highway 6. The Canadian I Corps reaches Anagni. Kesselring is given authorization by Hitler to evacuate Rome. Fighting south and southeast of Rome must be kept up as long as possible to give the German troops in Rome time to be evacuated. Respecting the agreement that Rome was an "open city" the German troops leaving the city do not blow up the bridges over the river Tiber nor any other structures. In exchange, the partisans do not harass the retiring troops. New Guinea - The U.S. 186th Infantry continues its movement west on Biak. The 162nd Infantry which is also moving west is halted by the Japanese in the Ibdi area. Burma/China - The Chinese and American forces launch an assault on the Japanese positions, but are driven back with heavy losses (especially to the American forces). Naval Dispatches ---------------- U.S. destroyer REID (DD-369) damaged by dive bomber in the western New Guinea area. The Homefront ------------- Peace Role Sought for Congress - A resolution is introduced in the House calling for a joint Senate-House committee to participate in future peace conferences. 155 Cargo Ships in May - The Maritime Commission reports the delivery of 155 new cargo ships in May, raising the year's total to 719 vessels. This figure for May includes 16 new Victory ships. Field Buys Station WSAI - Radio station WSAI in Cincinnati has been purchased by Marshall Field. Bounding Home Wins Belmont Stakes - Bounding Home won the $72,570 Belmont Stakes by half a length from favored Pensive. ============================================================================= On 04-JUN-1944, the following occurred - Rome Liberated!! World War II - The Battlefronts ------------------------------- Prelude to Operation Overlord - Convoys for the invasion of France are at sea but have to turn back because of bad weather in the channel. After consultation with the meteorological staff, General Dwight Eisenhower decides that the invasion will take place on June 6th when a break in the weather is expected. If the invasion can not take place on the 6th it will be sometime in July before the combination of moon and tides are correct for a succesfull invasion to take place. The bad weather has helped put the Germans off their guard. Rommel has decided to take this opportunity to go to Germany for his wife's birthday. Other more junior officers are also away from their posts, attending a training exercise in Brittany. At midnight of June the 4th the invasion convoys reform and set off again for France. Italian Front - The U.S. 9th Army captures Rome. The first of General Mark Clark's units enter the suburbs in the south just as the last of the German rearguards are leaving the city. At 7:15 pm the American 88th Division reaches the Piazza Venezia. New Guinea - Preparations are made for the invasion of Numfoor Island, west of Biak. Numfoor contains 3 airfields that can be used as jumping-off places against the central Pacific and also to control the sea routes west of Biak. Burma/China - Chinese artillery silence the Japanese batteries which have been shelling the Huei-jen bridge on the river Salween. The village of Lameng is occupied by the Chinese 28th Division. India - The 20th Indian Division advances north towards Ukhrul in the Imphal area and joins up with the 7th Indian Division. Naval Dispatches ---------------- German submarine U-505 is captured 150 miles off the coast of Rio de Oro, Africa. The U-505 is captured by a group composed of the escort carrier GUADALCANAL (CVE-60) captained by Capt. D.V. Gallery and destroyer escorts PILLSBURY (DE-133), POPE (DE-134), FLAHERTY (DE-135), CHATELAIN (DE-149) and JENKS (DE-665). U.S. light cruisers NASHVILLE (CL-43) and PHOENIX (CL-46) are damaged by horizontal bombing in the western New Guinea area. The Homefront ------------- Ku Klux Klan Disbands - The Atlanta Georgian reports that the KKK which had a membership of more than 5,000,000 some 20 years ago has disbanded and that Imperial Wizard J.A. Colescott, head of the order since 1938, has left Atlanta. ============================================================================= On 05-JUN-1944, the following occurred - World War II - The Battlefronts ------------------------------- Prelude to Operation Overlord - Beginning in the early morning hours the invasion convoys have set off for France. At 10:15 pm the second half of the Verlaine poem is sent out to the French resistance. Shortly after 10:00 pm the airborne troops take off. A vast fleet is in-route to the French coast. Some 2,727 ships of every kind carry or tow more than 2,500 landing craft. They are escorted by over 700 warships, including 5 battleships (British WARSPITE and RAMILLIES, American TEXAS, ARKANSAS and NEVADA), 23 cruisers and 104 destroyers. Convoys total 21 American and 38 British and Canadian. As midnight of June 5th comes around the sky over Normandy, bright as day with flares is filled with the rumble of aircraft and German anti-aircraft guns as Allied night bombing opens the assault. Italian Front - The Allied troops enter Rome and are given a tremendous welcome by the population. The Allies continue through Rome and take up the pursuit of the German 14th Army. Problems of traffic congestion prevent the allies from using their full strength however. The German retreat makes full use of skillful rearguard actions. New Guinea - On Biak, the 186th Infantry Regiment advances as far as the biggest hill on the island, north-east of the Mokmer airfield. The 162nd Infantry wipes out the Japanese blocking the track that leads to the interior of Biak and makes contact with the 186th. The Japanese resistance is still unbroken however. In the Aitape area, American forces have to evacuate the Yakamul area by sea. Additional units are sent inland from Aitape with the plan of getting behind the Japanese which are advancing from the east and to try take them from the rear. Burma/China - The Chinese 71st Army has now crossed the river Salween with 20,000 troops. India - The battle of Kohima ends in Allied victory with the British 2nd Division finishing off Japanese resistance on the Aradura spur, south of Kohima. The road from Kohima to Imphal is still closed however. Thailand - The first bombing mission against Bangkok is carried out by B-29 Superfortresses from the U.S. XX Bomber Group. Naval Dispatches ---------------- Submarine NAUTILUS (SS-168) lands supplies at Tucuran, Mindanao. U.S. minesweeper OSPREY (AM-56) is sunk by a mine off Normandy, France. U.S. LST 981 is damaged by a mine off Normandy, France. The Homefront ------------- Senate Votes OPA Extension - The Senate has approved a bill that would extend wartime price, wage and rent controls through the end of 1945. Polish Premier in U.S. - Premier Mikolajczyk has arrived in Washington at the invitation of the U.S. government for discussions with President Roosevelt and Sec. of Stae Hull on issues involved in the boundary dispute with Russia. Bestselling Books - "Return Of The Traveller" by Rex Warner, "The Rest Of Your Life" by Leo Cherne, "Tailor's Progress" by Benjamin Stolberg and "Leave Her To Heaven" by Ben Williams. ============================================================================= On 06-JUN-1944, the following occurred - D-DAY!! Operation Overlord - The Invasion of France ------------------------------------------- The Allies land in Normandy on the north coast of France during the early hours of June 6th. The long awaited second front has finally arrived. The Allied Expeditionary Force is headed by General Dwight D. Eisenhower, U.S. Army. The invasion is composed of landings by airborne troops and along five beachheads: Utah, Omaha, Gold, Juno and Sword. Utah and Omaha are in the American 1st Army sector; while Gold, Juno and Sword located further east are in the British 2nd Army sector. Airborne Landings - The airborne forces are composed of three airborne divisions, the American 82nd and 101st and the British 6th for a total of about 20,000 troops. The 82nd and 101st are to be dropped inland between Ste Mere Eglise and Carentan in support of the Utah beach landings; while the British 6th is to be dropped east of the river Orne in the Caen area in support of the Sword beach landings. The two American divisions begin to land shortly after midnight. Due to a combination of the inexperience of the pilots, anti-aircraft fire and also some cloud cover the men of both the 82nd and 101st are dropped in a widely scattered area. In addition, many men are lost due to drowning in the swamps which have been intentionally flooded by Rommel. Because of the wide scattering it is difficult for the various units to join up. At dawn, the 101st only has 1,100 under command out of 6,600. Small groups of men are having to attempt tasks planned for battalions. In a multitude of small gallant and successful actions the Americans capture Ste Mere Eglise by dawn. This is the first French village liberated. In the British sector, many of the troops are not landed in their correct places also. The drops are successful though and all the British objectives are achieved and where necessary held until reinforcements can fight their way in from the beaches. Utah Beach - The Utah assault is carried out by the U.S. 4th Infantry Division. The assault force encounters some problems due to rough seas but this is partially offset by the landing craft commander who orders the craft in closer than normally allowed. The landings occur by mistake on the southern sector of the beach and there is little resistance. The troops advance quickly inland held up more by the marshy swamp land rather than German defenses. By the end of the day 23,250 men have gone ashore at Utah; which is described as an unqualified success. Less than 200 men are listed as dead at Utah beach. Omaha Beach - The Omaha beach, east of Utah, runs from Pointe de la Percee to St Honorine and has been assigned to the U.S. V Corps. The Omaha beach terrain is not at all easy. Low hills just inland from the beaches are interspersed with heavily defended gullies. The assault begins poorly. To begin with the landing craft are loaded way off shore in rough seas. In addition, 446 Liberator bombers are sent to attack but only 329 actually arrive to carry out the bombing and most of these release their bombs too far inland. The rocket craft which are supposed to provide a final curtain of fire are largely aiming short. Return fire from the German defenses is strong and immediately there are heavy casualties. The first wave is totally disorganized. The attack is held at the water's edge in the beginning. As subsequent waves of troops occur, some forward momentum begins. This slow forward momentum combined with very short range bombardment by destroyers is the story for the rest of the day. As dusk arrives, some 34,250 American troops are ashore at Omaha but none are more than a mile from the beach. More than 1,000 men are dead on Omaha beach and many more wounded. Gold Beach - The Gold beach runs from Arromanches to La Riviere and is assigned to the British 50th Infantry Division and the 8th Armored Brigade of the XXX Corps. Due to the tides, the landings here and on the other British assigned beaches occur later than at Utah and Omaha. This means that there is no possibility of meeting a surprised enemy. These beaches are heavily fortified and many of the German gun emplacements and strongholds survive the initial bombardment. The landings west of Le Hamel suffer the most but with the help of the armored brigade are quickly cleared. The advance inland occurs fairly rapidly. The designated objectives of Bayeux and the road to Caen are not reached however. Altogether 25,000 men are landed at Gold beach with 500 men killed. Juno Beach - Juno beach runs from La Riviere to St Aubin and is assigned to the 3rd Canadian Infantry Division and the 2nd Canadian Armored Brigade. Due to the late start of landing and the higher tides the underwater obstacles are particularly bothersome. Amphibious tanks play an important part in silencing strongpoints. Once off the beach the tanks and infantry move inland quickly heading for Breteville and Caen. Some 21,400 men go ashore at Juno beach on June 6th. Sword Beach - Sword beach is assigned to the British 3rd Infantry Division, 27th Armored Brigade and several Marine and Commando units. Sword beach runs from Lion sur Mer to the Orne. The amphibious tanks are launched from too far offshore but most do reach the shore with no problems. By 10:00 a.m. most of the exits from the beach are clear after strong fighting. Commando units hurry inland to relive the airborne troops olong the Orne. The main problem at the beach is one of congestion and supporting tanks are unable to make much forward progress. This causes the regular infantry to move at a slower pace against the German resistance at Hermanville. By late afternoon, Bieville has been reached. At that point the counterattack from the German 21st Panzer comes in. The counterattack is beaten off but it is able to reach the sea dividing the Juno and Sword beaches. It is not strong enough to achieve much though at this point. Some 28,850 men are landed at Sword beach. All of the day's objectives are not met but the Orne bridges have been seized and protected. As dusk arrives, the fighting dies down along the entire front. The Allies are too exhausted to think of following up their offensive immediately, while the Germans have neither the men or equipment to mount a strong counterattack. From a tactical standpoint, the Allies have not reached most of their main targets but D-Day is still a great success. Almost 150,000 have been put ashore, a tremendous force for the Germans to have to drive back into the sea. Naval Dispatches ---------------- U.S. destroyer CORRY (DD-463) sunk by mine at Normandy. U.S. submarine chaser PC-1261 sunk by mine at Normandy. U.S. LST 375 damaged by collision at Normandy. ============================================================================= On 07-JUN-1944, the following occurred - World War II - The Battlefronts ------------------------------- France - As dawn comes about fighting begins anew after the lull during the night. The most pressing problem of the Allies it to consolidate the beachheads and reaching the previous day's objectives as soon as possible. For the German defenders it is a matter of life or death to drive the Allies back before the breach can be widened. The American 4th Division (II Corps) advances north in the direction of a line between Quineville and Montebourg. It is halted by strong German resistance on the line of fortifications from Crisbecq to Azeville. Columns from the 8th Infantry converge on Ste Mere Eglise to support the 82nd Airborne against a strong German counter-attack which is coming from the north. Additional units of the 82nd reach the east bank of the Merderet, where they meet strong opposition at the La Fiere bridge. South of Ste Mere Eglise units of the 101st Airborne hold up their attacks to establish a bridgehead over the river Douve. German units at Le Port and La Barquette surrender to the 101st. The U.S. V Corps advances toward Isigny and Bayeux. Units of the 29th Division reach the St Laurent area and head on towards Louvieres and Montigny. On the right of the sector the 26th Regiment fails to capture Formigny; while in the center of the sector the 18th Regiment pushes on towards Engranville, Manderville and Mosles. The 16th Regiment captures Huppain. The Germand defenders are maintaining a solid grip on the corrider separating the British and American forces. In the evening units of the U.S. 2nd Division begin landing ashore. In the British sector, Bayeux is taken by the 50th Division and some units press on south towards Route 13 which links Bayeux and Caen. Construction of the artificial harbors and sheltered anchorages begins off the Normandy beachheads. Italian Front - Units of the U.S. 43rd Division occupy Bracciano and Civitavecchia. The docks are in good enough condition to be used immediately. In the evening General Clark withdraws the 85th and 88th Divisions (II Corps) from the front and sends in the French Expeditionary Corps to take their place. The South African 6th Armoured Division, followed by the 78th Division of the British XIII Corps heads towards Orvieto which is an important road junction. New Guinea - On Biak, the U.S. 186th Infantry Regiment captures the Mokmer airfield and reaches the south coast of the island without opposition. Later on the entire area is subjected to intense Japanese artillery and machinegun fire. The 162nd Infantry begins the transfer by sea of the bulk of its forces to the coastal sector south of the airfield. American artillery begins to neutralize the Japanese fortifications in caves in the eastern part of the island. Fighting continues in the areas around the Hollandia and Aitape beachheads. Burma/China - The Americans and Chinese prepare to mount a fresh offensive against Myitkyina. On the Salween front the Chinese 88th Division reaches the eastern edge of Lungling. The Chinese 87th Division, advancing along the Burma Road is also approaching the town. Naval Dispatches ---------------- U.S. submarine GUDGEON (SS-211) is sunk in the Pacific Ocean. Minesweeper TIDE (AM-125) is sunk by mine at Normandy. Transport SUSAN B. ANTHONY (AP-72) is sunk by mine at Normandy. Destroyer HARDING (DD-625) is damaged by grounding at Normandy. Minesweeper PHEASANT (AM-61) is damaged by grounding at Normandy. Japanese destroyer HAYANAMI is sunk by submarine HARDER (SS-257) in Celebes Sea. The Homefront ------------- U.S. General Demoted for Loose Talk - Maj. Gen. J.F. Miller, former commander of the U.S. 9th Air Force Service Command in Great Britain has been sent back home and demoted to a permanent rank of Lt. Colonel for careless talk about the invasion date of France at a London cocktail party. Soldiers' Pay Increase Bill - The House Military Affairs Committee has approved a bill increasing the pay of skilled infantrymen from $5 a month to $10 a month. Exchanges Arrive - The liner Gripsholm has reached Jersey City, N.J. with 51 wounded American soldiers, 37 Canadian soldiers and 37 civilians who have been exchanged for Axis prisoners. AP correspondent Larry Allen is one of those exchanged and warns against expecting a quick internal collapse of Germany. NBC Drops Stokowski - NBC has decided not to renew Leopold Stokowski's contract to share direction of the NBC Symphony Orchestra with Arturo Toscanini. NBC refused to discuss reports that this was done after objections to renewal by Toscanini. Polygamists Sentenced - Nine members of the Fundamentalist sect have been convicted of the Mann Act and kidnapping charges and have been sentenced to prison terms raning from one to four years. Judy Garland Divorced - Judy Garland, film actress, has won a divorce suit in Los Angeles court against Dave Rose, composer and orchestra leader who is with the U.S. Air Forces overseas. ============================================================================= On 08-JUN-1944, the following occurred - World War II - The Battlefronts ------------------------------- France - The second wave of Allied troops has finished landing. The US 1st Army and the British 2nd Army join up near Port-en-Bessin. Units of the US 4th Division and the 82nd Airborne advance towards Cherbourg. The 22nd Regiment of the 4th Division fail in their attempt to cross the line of German fortifications from Azeville to Crisbecq. The 82nd Airborne is in a strong fight with the German 243rd Division along the banks of the river Merderet. On the southern sector the 101st Airborne begins the battle for Carentan, trying to join up with the American V Corps as quickly as possible. The V Corps reaches Isigny and its 115th Regiment pushes south of the river Aure passing Longueville. The 26th Regiment of the 1st Division takes Tour-en-Bessin and Ste Anne. The Germans are able to withdraw most of their forces from Port-en-Bessin between the US and British sectors. In the British sector the 47th Regiment Royal Marines enter Port-en-Bessin in the early hours of the morning. Italian Front - German resistance slows down the American advance by the US VI Corps (5th Army). The US II Corps is nearing Viterbo. In the British sector on the Adriatic coast, the British V Corps continues marching north as the Germans retreat. In the center of the Allied line, the South African 6th Armoured Division makes quick progress towards Orvieto. The British 6th Armoured Division is stopped west of Monte Maggiore at the Corese Pass. Eastern Front - The Russian 23rd and 21st Armies of the Leningrad Front attack the Finnish positions in the Mannerheim line in the isthmus of Karelia, between Lake Ladoga to the east and the Gulf of Finland to the west. The Russians have been trying to negotiate Finland out of the war without success. New Guinea - The islets south of Biak have been completely occupied by American forces. A major PT base is activated at one of the islets. On Biak the US 186th Infantry consolidates its positions around the airfield. The US 162nd Infantry encounters strong Japanese resistance in the area of the eastern caves on the island. In the Parai Defile area the Japanese put up a strong resistance to combined units of the US 163rd, 186th and 162nd Regiments. Advance guards of the 162nd reach the outskirts of Mokmer. Near Aitape the Americans go on the offensive and come within a mile of the river Tirfoam. During the night an Allied naval squadron commanded by British RADM Crutchley intercepts five Japanese destroyers off the Schouten Islands and forces them to retire. The squadron is composed of 2 US light cruisers and destroyers. Burma/China - On the Salween Front, the Chinese 88th Division achieves a limited penetration into the defences of Lungling. The Chinese 87th Division reaches the north gate of the town and breaks the Japanes supply route between Tengchung and Lungling. Naval Dispatches ---------------- US submarine HARDER (SS-257) evacuates coast-watchers from the northeast corner of North Borneo. US destroyer escort RICH (DE-695) sunk by mine in Normandy area. LST 499 sunk by mine in Normandy area. Destoyer GLENNON (DD-620) damaged by mine in Normandy area. Destroyer MEREDITH (DD-726) damaged by mine in Normandy area. Japanese destroyer HARUSAME sunk by Army aircraft near Biak Island, New Guinea. Japanese destroyer KAZAGUMO sunk by submarine HAKE (SS-256) near Mindanao, P.I. The Homefront ------------- Labor Department Denounced - George Meany, AFL secretary, says that the US Department of Labor "no longer represents the views of labor". ============================================================================= On 09-JUN-1944, the following occurred - World War II - The Battlefronts ------------------------------- France - The American 4th Division (VII Corps) makes progress in its advance on Cherbourg. The 22nd Regiment forces the German Azeville fortifications to surrender. Both the 82nd and 101st Airborne mount attacks, the 82nd on the river Merderet and the 101st to the south against Carentan. In the central sector, the 38th Regiment of the 2nd Division enters Trevieres. The 9th Regiment pushs towards Rubercy. Troops from the 1st Division reach Agy and Dodigny. The US 2nd Armoured Division begins to land. In the British sector the I Corps encounters strong resistance near Caen. Italian Front - Units of the 34th Division of the US VI Corps takes Tarquinia. Viterbo falls without a shot being fired. to the US 1st Division. In the British sector the South African 6th Armoured Division makes contact with the Americans at Viterbo and pushes on towards Orvieto. The British 6th Armoured Division continues towards Terni. New Guinea - Near Aitape the Americans break the Japanese resistance and reach the river Tirfoam. Naval Dispatches ---------------- US destroyer MEREDITH (DD-726) sunk by horizontal bombing in Normandy area. LST 314 sunk by torpedo in Normandy area. LST 376 damaged by torpedo in Normandy area and subsequently sunk by US. Minesweeper YMS-305 damaged by coastal defense gun in Normandy area. Japanese destroyer MATSUKAZE sunk by submarine SWORDFISH (SS-193) off Bonin Islands. Japanese destroyer TANIKAZE sunk by submarine HARDER (SS-257) in Celebes Sea. The Homefront ------------- Anti-4th Termers Meet - An estimated 30 leaders of the Democratic party met in Shreveport, LA to oppose the renomination of President Roosevelt to a 4th term. Haupt Convicted Second Time - Hans Max Haupt, father of executed Nazi saboteur Herbert Haupt, is convicted a second time in Chicago for treason. The Federal District Court jury recommends mercy. Blondell Sues Powell - Film actress Joan Blondell has filed suite against actor Richard Powell for divorce citing cruelty. ============================================================================= On 10-JUN-1944, the following occurred - World War II - The Battlefronts ------------------------------- France - The American V and VII Corps of the US 1st Army join up at Auville-sur-le-Vey. The town of Carentan is still held by the German 17th Armoured Division. The 101st Airborne begins to surround Carentan. The American 9th Division begins to land; making the total number of Allied forces 325,000 men. The US V Corps reaches the road linking Bayeux to St Lo. The British I and XXX Corps are still putting pressure on Caen. The British 7th Armoured Division begins attacks toward Tilly-sur-Seulles and meets strong resistance from the German Panzerlehr Division. Italian Front - Units of the British V Corps reach Chieti and Pescara on the Adriatic coast. The South African 5th Armoured Division is slowed down at the outskirts of Bagnoregio by German readguard actions. The New Zealand 2nd Division tapes Avezzano. New Guinea - The Americans on Biak are meeting stronger Japanese resistance; while resistance in the Aitape area is weakening. Burma/China - The American and Chinese attacks against Myitkyina fail. Chinese trrops beseige Kaming in the Mogaung valley. The Chinese 87th and 88th Divisions attack Lungling on the Salween front. In China the Japanese advance along the river Liu-yang with five divisions and threaten Changsha which is north of Canton. Naval Dispatches ---------------- US Destroyer GLENNON (DD-620) sunk by coastal defense gun in Normandy area. Japanese submarine RO-42 sunk by destroyer escort BANGUST (DE-739) near Marshall Islands. The Homefront ------------- Broughton Discounts "Revolt" - Gov. J. Melville Broughton of North Carolina says in New York that the anti-Roosevelt "revolt" against a 4th term election is unlikely to cost the President electoral votes. Boyington Reported Safe - Mrs. E.J. Hallenbeck, mother of Major Gregory Boyington, has received word that Boyington who is missing is action is safe on an undisclosed island. ============================================================================= On 11-JUN-1944, the following occurred - World War II - The Battlefronts ------------------------------- France - Carentan and Tilly are still the center of strong fighting. Gunfire support is provided by US battleships off Normandy. Cerentan is finally taken by the Allies. Elsewhere in Tilly and in the British sector the German resistance is strengthening. Lison is also captured by the Allies. Eastern Front - The Leningrad Front armies penetrate 15 miles into the Finnish lines. The front is 30 miles wide. Italian Front - Montefiascone is captured by the French forces. Further inland the British are fighting near Cantalupo and Barnoregio. Marianas - Fighter strikes are sent against Saipan, Tinian and other islands in the Marianas group by Vice Admiral Marc Mitschers Task Force 58 composed of nine fleet and six light carriers. Thirty-six Japanese planes are shot down. Admiral Lee with Task Group 58.7 composed of seven battleships provides close escort. Admiral Spruance is in overall command of the Marianas campaign. Air Operations -------------- Europe - Plans from the 15th Air Force based in Italy attack the Rumanian airfield at Focsani. After dropping their bombs, the plans continue on to Russia. Naval Dispatches ---------------- US battleship MISSOURI (BB-63) is commissioned at New York, NY. US LST 496 sunk by mine in Normandy area. Ocean tug PARTRIDGE (ATO-138) by torpedo in Normandy area. Destroyer NELSON (DD-623) damaged by torpedo in Normandy area. LST 538 damaged by torpedo in Normandy area. Japanese submarine RO-111 sunk by destroyer TAYLOR (DD-468) north of Bismarck Archipelago. German submarine U-490 sunk by aircraft from escort carrier CROATAN (CVE-25) and by destroyer escorts FROST (DE-144), HUSE (DE-145) and INCH (DE-146) in north Atlantic Ocean. The Homefront ------------- Byrd Wins Golf Tournament - Sam Byrd wins the $17,400 Inquirer golf tournament in Philadelphia and takes the first prize of $6,700 in war bonds. ============================================================================= On 12-JUN-1944, the following occurred - World War II - The Battlefronts ------------------------------- France - The US 4th Division attacks the German strongholds at Montebourg, Crisbecq and near Azeville. The Germans are able to hold onto Montebourg. Units from the VII Corps are fighting across the Cotentin Peninsula southwest from Carentan. The V Corps is assisting in these attacks as well as attacking towards St Lo. Caumont is taken and the Foret de Cerisy and Bayeux road is reached. The third wave finishes landing. There are currently 326,000 men ashore as well as 104,000 tons of supplies and 54,000 vehicles. Italian Front - The American IV Corps is advancing against growing German resistance up the Tyrrhenian coast. New Guinea - The strong Japanese defense continues on Biak. Marianas - The carrier operations continue. Three groups attack Tinian and Saipan while a fourth attacks Guam. The Japanese fleet sails from Tawitawi and Batjan in response to these assaults. The main Japanese force is sighted by an American submarine. This main force is composed of 5 fleet carriers, 2 light carriers and 2 seaplane carriers as well as 5 battleships. Even though the Japanese our outmatched in every way they continue on with the plan of relying on land based aircraft from the Marianas for support. Unknown to Admiral Toyoda the land based aircraft have been drastically reduced by the American air attacks. The local commanders in the Marianas have not informed the Japanese commander-in-chief of this lost. Naval Dispatches ---------------- US destoyer KALK (DD-611) damaged by horizontal bombing in New Guinea area. Japanese torpedo boat OTORI sunk by carrier-based aircraft in Marianas. The Homefront ------------- Senate Passed "GI Bill of Rights" - The Senate has passed a modified bill of rights for GI's and it has been approved in conference with the House. The bill provides for unemployment compensation of $20 a week for 52 weeks, job placement and hospitalization, education assistance of $500 a year plus subsistence of $50 a month and $25 a month for dependents and loan guarantees. Estimates of the cost of the program range from $3,000,000,000 to $6,500,000,000. ============================================================================= On 13-JUN-1944, the following occurred - World War II - The Battlefronts ------------------------------- France - The 7th Armored Division of the XXX Corps makes rapid progress towards Villers Bocage but a strong German counter-attack throws them back. The 17th Panzer initiates a fierce attack to retake Carentan. This attack is held off with great difficulty. Elsewhere US troops make some progress towards St Lo. They also take Pont l'Abbe in the Cotentin. Italian Front - The South African 6th Armoured Division takes Bagnoregio east of Lake Bolsena. Narni is taken by the British 6th Armoured Division. New Guinea - On Biak, the Japanese cave positions are gradually being worn down. Mokmer airfield is opened for American aircraft use. Kuriles - A small cruiser and destroyer group commanded by Admiral E.G. Small bombards the Japanese on Matsuwa. England - The first V1 Flying Bomb lands in England. Ten bombs are initially launched of which four cross the Channel successfully. One lands in London, killing six civilians. The V1 gets its name from Vergeltung which in German means "reprisal". Developed at Peenemunde, the V1 is 26 feet long with a wing span of 16 feet. The total weight of the V1 is two tons, including about 1,800 lb of explosive. The V1 flies at about 3,000 ft. and at a maximum speed of 375 mph. Marianas - American intelligence reports that Saipan is occupied by about 17,000 troops and Tinian by 10,500 troops. The intelligence reports are wrong; actually the garrison is contains 30,000 troops. Vice Admiral Lee's squadron of 7 battleships and 11 destroyers bombard both Saipan and Tinian. The Japanese air defense is non-existent. Burma/China - Severe fighting is occuring around Myitkyina. Japanese counter-attacks win them small penetrations in the American and Chinese lines. Naval Dispatches ---------------- US submarine NARWHAL (SS-167) shells oil tanks at Bula, Ceram Island, Netherlands East Indies. Japanese submarine RO-36 sunk by destroyer MELVIN (DD-680) in Marianas area. The Homefront ------------- Gable Civilian Again - Major Clark Gable, recently put on the Army inactive list after 22 months of service with the Army Air Force has returned to civilian clothing in Hollywood where he is completing an air service training film. ============================================================================= On 14-JUN-1944, the following occurred - World War II - The Battlefronts ------------------------------- France - In the British sector, the offensive towards Caen is slowed both east and west of the river Orne. The US 1st Division replaces the British 7th Armoured Division which retires to Parfourn l'Eclin. In the American sector, the 4th Division is proceeding along the east coast of the Cotentin peninsular while the 82nd Airborne, 9th and 90th Divisions proceed west of the river Merderet in an attempt to cut off Cherbourg. The 79th Division comes ashore on Utah beach. Italian Front - The advance of the US IV Corps continues in the Tyrrhenian sector towards Leghorn and Florence. The German 14th Army is slowly withdrawing. The South African 6th Armoured Division captures Orvieto. Eastern Front - After breaking the outer defenses of the Mannerheim line, the Russian 21st and 23rd Armies advance into the Karelian Isthmus. New Guinea - Fighting continues on Biak. US forces are get closer to the Japanese defenses in the caves in the west part of the island. General Fuller if replaced by General Eichelberger as Commander of Task Force Hurricane. Marianas - The invasion convoy nears the islands. Battleships, cruisers and destroyers continue to bombard both Saipan and Tinian. The coastal batteries hit the battleship California and a destroyer, causing a number of casualties. Minesweeping operations begin around the islands. Burma - The attack against Myitkyina continues. In the Mogaung valley, the Chinese forces tighten the encirclement around Kamaing. The Japanese mount strong counter-attacks on the Salween river front and succeed in retaking an important bridge. China - Japanese troops capture Liuyang. Naval Dispatches ---------------- US battleship CALIFORNIA (BB-44) damaged by coastal defense guns, Marianas Islands. Destroyer BRAINE (DD-63) damaged by coastal defense guns, Marianas Islands. LST 280 damaged by submarine torpedo, Normandy area. The Homefront ------------- Pearl Harbor Explosion Details - The US Navy has revealed that a May 21 explosion in Pearl Harbor killed 27 men and wounded 380 men and has left 100 men missing. Nineteen of these casualties were civilian. The explosion occured while ammunition was being unloaded from LSTs in the harbor. Report Assails Army Engineer - The House Military Affairs Committee has filed a report charging that Col. Theodore Wyman, Army engineer responsible for supervising the construction of an air raid warning system in Hawaii, was negligent and permitted the work to fall behind the planned completion date of June, 1941, thus contributing to the success of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. Navy Traitor Sentenced - Seaman Joseph Becker, 19, has been convicted by a Navy court martial in Miami, Florida of selling military secrets and is sentenced to life imprisonment. May War Expenditures - War expenditures for May, 1944 amounted to $7,918,000,000, an increase of 5.7% over April. Mickey Rooney Inducted - Actor Mickey Rooney has been inducted into the Army in Los Angeles, California. ============================================================================= On 15-JUN-1944, the following occurred - World War II - The Battlefronts ------------------------------- France - The US VIII Corps takes over the offensive on the west side of the Cotentin peninsula. The main goal of the offensive in this area is to cut the peninsula in two so as to capture Cherbourg as quickly as possible. Eastern Front - Under pressure from the Russian 21st and 59th Armies, the Finnish IV Corps withdraws to positions in front of Vilipuri. Italian Front - The VI Corps is assigned to the US 7th Army for Operation Anvil, the invasion of southern France. The IV Corps (5th Army) reaches the river Ombrone. Patrols are sent out towards Grosseto. The British 3rd Division replaces the Indian 4th Division on the front line in the British sector. England - V1s attack England again during the night. A total of 244 bombs are launched. Of these 144 actually cross the channel and 73 of these reach London causing severe damage. New Guinea - The Japanese counter-attack with tanks on Biak Island. The counter-attack is repulsed however. Marianas - The invasion fleet carrying the 2nd and 4th Marine Divisions and one reserve regiment appears off Saipan. Altogether 67,500 men form the invasion force, while the Japanese defenders under Admiral Nagumo is composed of about 30,000 troops. The amphibious force is commanded by Admiral R.K. Turner and the Marine divisions by General H.M. Smith. The pre-invasion bombardment begins at 5:45 am and the first of the 700 landing craft goes ashore at 8:40 am on the west coast of Saipan. The 2nd Division lands north of Point Afetna and the 4th Division south of it. The landings are farther apart than has been planned and the fierce Japanese resistance prevents the beachheads from being linked up. Japanese artillery is especially destructive on the landing craft. At the end of the day the Marines have established a beachhead over 5 miles wide and three-quarters of a mile deep. The flanks are not very secure and Point Afetna is still controlled by the Japanese. The Japanese counter-attack during the night but the Marines are able to maintain the beachheads. The reserve regiment makes a landing to the north at the same time as the main landing to draw the Japanese forces off. Air Operations -------------- Japan - B-29 Superfortresses of the US 20th Bomber Command carry out their first bombing raid on Japan. Flying from bases in China they drop over 200 tons of bombs on steelworks at Yawata, on Kyushu Island. Europe - 300 Lancaster bombers attack Boulogne sinking 14 small warships as well as other craft. Naval Dispatches ---------------- US battleship TENNESSEE (BB-43) damaged by coastal artillery, Marianas Islands. LSTs 2, 266, 307, 331 and 360 damaged by coastal artillery, Normandy area. LST 133 damaged by mine, Normandy area. German submarine U-860 sunk by aircraft (VC-9) from escort carrier SOLOMONS (CVE-67), South Atlantic. The Homefront ------------- House Passes Army Bill - The House has passed the Army Appropriation Bill totaling $49,109,002,795. Armstrong Stops Davis - Henry Armstrong knocks out Al Davis in the 2nd round of a scheduled 10 round match in New York. ============================================================================= On 16-JUN-1944, the following occurred - World War II - The Battlefronts ------------------------------- France - The 82nd Airborne enters St Sauveur-le-Vicomte after overcoming strong German opposition. The Germans withdraw in disarray. The American VII Corps reaches the river Douve and establishes a beachhead over it. The 29th Division along with the 2nd Division of the V Corps advances towards St Lo. King George VI visits the invasion forces. Italian Front - Units of the British X Corps approach Perugia. The Germans are continuing their withdrawal of their 10th and 14th Armies behind the Gothic line. New Guinea - Fighting continues in the area of the western caves on Biak Island. Marianas - A squadron of battleships, cruises and destroyers bombard Guam. On Saipan, the US 2nd Marine Division consolidates its positions and captures Point Afetna, joining up with the 4th Marine Division. The 4th Division is advancing inland against very strong resistance. During the previous night the Japanese have lost more than 1,000 men in their counter-attacks. Burma - Troops of the Chinese 50th Division captures Kamaing. Beyond Kamaing the Chinese 38th Division links up with the Indian 3rd Division at Gurkhaywa. On the Salween river front, the Japanese counter-attack, driving the Chinese 87th back 3 miles. The Chinese 2nd and 36th Divisions capture Chiaotou. China - The Japanese start an offensive against Changsha. The garrison at Changsha withdraws to Paoching. Naval Dispatches ---------------- Japanese submarine RO-44 sunk by destroyer escort BURDEN R. HASTINGS (DE-19), Marshall Islands. Japanese submarine RO-114 sunk by destroyer MELVIN (DD-680) and WADLEIGH (DD-689), Marianas Island area. The Homefront ------------- 99% of Wounded Saved - Allied headquarters in Great Britain reports 99% of Americans wounded on the Normandy beachhead are being saved by prompt medical attention with new drugs. ============================================================================= On 17-JUN-1944, the following occurred - World War II - The Battlefronts ------------------------------- Western Front - A powerful offensive is launched by the US 9th Division (VII Corps) towards Carteret on the western coast of the Cotentin peninsula. A column reaches Carteret during the night. This cuts off Cherbourg and the northern part of the peninsula. Rommel urges Hitler to evacuate the peninsula but Hitler refuses to discuss the question. Rommel has no choice but to order the divisions in the area to sacrifice themselves for Cherbourg. Hitler summons Rundstedt and Rommel to Margival, near Soissons. He accuses the German soldiers of cowardice. Rommel argues with Hitler citing the greater number of Allied troops in the area. Hitler will not give way on the question however. He says the V1 flying bombs will force Britain out of the war. In the XIX Corps sector, the 29th Division is in heavy combat with the German 3rd Parachute Division. Italian Front - The Polish II Corps relieves the British V Corps. The 8th Division meets stiff resistance southeast of Perugia. Troops from the French Expeditionary Corps land on the island of Elba and occupy it (Operation Brassard). New Guinea - On Biak, the US 186th and 162nd Regiments occupy a hill overlooking the Japanese defenses in the island's western caves. Burma - The Chinese 87th and 88th Divisions withdraw in the area of Lungling. Marianas - The US 27th Division reaches Saipan. The Marines are unable to advance into the interior of the island because of the strong Japanese resistance. Carrier based aircraft are not playing very much of a role in support of the land forces because they are out looking for the Japanese fleet. Naval Dispatches ---------------- US escort carrier FANSHAW BAY (CVE-70) damaged by horizontal bombing, Marianas Islands. Minesweeper YMX-377 damaged by mine, Normandy area. LST 84 damaged accidently by US naval gunfire, Marianas Islands. Japanese submarine RO-117 sunk by naval land based aircraft (VB-109) from Eniwetok. The Homefront ------------- Merchant Marine Casualties Drop - The American Merchant Marine Institute says that personnel losses at sea during the first five months of 1944 were 334 as compared with 1,418 during the same period of 1943. Total merchant marine casualties since December 7, 1941 are 5,727 dead and missing and 600 prisoners. ============================================================================= On 18-JUN-1944, the following occurred - World War II - The Battlefronts ------------------------------- Western Front - In the St Lo area the situation remains unchanged with the XIX Corps being held up north of town. On the Cherbourg front the US VII Corps begins its advance on the city with the 9th, 79th and 4th Divisions carrying the attack. Eastern Front - The Leningrad Front breaks through the Mannerheim line towards Viipuri and Vuosalmi, on the isthmus of Karelia. Italian Front - Troops from the French 1st Motorized Division reach Radicofani, north west of Orvieto. The British are meeting some resistance as they converge on Perugia. The Germans abandon Citta della Pieve, which is then occupied by the British XIII Corps. New Guinea - Reinforcements arrive on Biak Island. The troops in the Wadke-Sarmi area are ordered to resume their offensive on the river Tirfoam line. Marianas - On Saipan, naval gunfire prevent the Japanese from moving reinforcements up against the Tanapag Harbour beachhead. The 2nd Marine Division is maintaining their position; while the 4th Division is advancing rapidly towards the east coast of the island. The Japanese forces are thus cut in two. The newly arrived 27th Infantry Division takes the Aslito airfield on the south of the island and advances as far as Magicienne Bay. Taking advantage of the absence of the US carrier based aircraft (which has been withdrawn in preparation for the imminent naval battle), Japanase air forces attack the American transports and the beachheads. They loose about twenty airplanes by anti-aircraft fire. Battle of the Philippine Sea - The Japanese fleet, commanded by Vice-Admiral Ozawa is composed of nine carriers. The US fleet, Task Force 58 commanded by Admiral Mitscher, is composed of 15 carriers. The US fleet rendezvous point is west of the Marianas. The fleet is spotted late in the afternoon by Japanese scout planes. The Japanese plan is to launch their strike planes early the next morning from a very long range. After attacking, the planes are then to fly on to Guam where they can be refueled and rearmed. Once this is done they can attack again on their return trip. There is one very major weakness in this plan. The Japanese base on Guam has been very seriously hit by the American attacks and has failed to inform the fleet of this fact. China - Japanese troops capture Changsha. Naval Dispatches ---------------- US PT-63 and PT-107 sunk by fire off New Ireland. Destroyer PHELPS (DD-360) sunk by coastal artillery, Marianas Islands. Oiler NESHANIC (AO-71) and SARANAC (AO-74) damaged by horizontal bombing, Marianas Islands. The Homefront ------------- Rome Synagogue Reopens - The Jewish synagogue in Rome, closed by the Germans on Sept. 9, 1943 was reopened on June 16th. Rome's normal Jewish population was reduced from about 14,000 to 10,000 during the German occupation. ============================================================================= On 19-JUN-1944, the following occurred - World War II - The Battlefronts ------------------------------- Western Front - The final attack on Cherbourg begins. The 9th Division is advancing in the direction of Helleville, St Christophe-du-Foc and Couville. The 79th Division is advancing towards a line from Golleville to Urville and for Bois-de-la-Brique. On the right side of the advance, the 4th Division, the most advanced division, is meeting fierce German resistance defending Cherbourg itself. It is officially announced that the famed British 7th Division, "The Desert Rats" are fighting in Normandy. England - Additional V1 bombs fall on southern England. Berlin propaganda makes the most of the bombing by saying that "the roads from London are choked with refugees". New Guinea - On Biak Island, the 168th Infantry succeeds in getting behind the Japanese positions in the western caves. The 34th Infantry occupies the airfields at Borokoe and Sorido. Marianas - On Saipan, the 4th Marine Division, having reached Magicienne Bay on the east coast, turns north. The 27th Infantry Division is left behind to mop up the Japanese still holding the southern part of the island. Battle of the Philippine Sea - The Japanese carriers launch four waves of strike aircraft for a total of 372 planes. The US fleet is well positioned to meet the air attack. The battleships are slightly to the west of the carriers to provide a large anti-aircraft barrier. With the help of radar there is no question of surprise. The Americans dispatch a strike against Guam further reducing the air force there. As the Japanese approach the US fleet, American fighters rush to meet them while at the same time the American bombers are flown off the carriers to clear the decks. Interceptions occur up to 50 miles out and many of the Japanese aircraft are shot down. Still more are shot down by anti-aircraft fire and only a handful actually make an attack. The Japanese loose 240 aircraft and the Americans only loose 29. More of the Japanese planes are destroyed before landing at Guam and most of the ones that survive are destroyed on the ground. Soon after launching their aircraft the Japanese carriers Taiho and Shokaku are sunk by the US submarines Cavalla and Albacore. These were two of Japan's largest and most effective ships. Due to the overwhelming losses to the Japanese the American airmen and gunners name this battle "The Great Marianas Turkey Shoot". Burma/China - The Chinese capture Kutung and advance towards Teng-chung on the Salween river front. Indian Ocean - Port Blair in the Nicobars is attacked by aircraft from the British carrier Illustrious. Naval Dispatches ---------------- LST 523 sunk by mine, Normandy area. Minesweeper YMS-323 damaged by coastal artillery, Marianas Islands. Ocean Tug ATR-15 damaged by grounding, Normandy area. Japanese submarine I-184 sunk by aircraft from escort carrier SUWANNEE (CVE-27), central Pacific. The Homefront ------------- Work on Normandie Ends - The Navy has cancelled plans to rebuild the transport Lafayette, formerly the French luxury liner Normandie, in drydock near New York. ============================================================================= On 20-JUN-1944, the following occurred - World War II - The Battlefronts ------------------------------- Western Front - The offensive against Cherbourg continues; the 4th and 79th Divisions are about 5 miles outside the city. Units of the 29th Division try to advance towards St Lo without very much success. Eastern Front - The Russian armies of the Leningrad Front take Viipuri. Italian Front - The US 5th Army reaches a point halfway between the Tiber and the Arno. The 2nd Moroccan Division is replaced by the 1st Motorized Division so that the 2nd can take part in Operation Anvil. The 6th Armoured Division enters Perugia. New Guinea - The Japanese positions in the western caves are attacked by the 162nd Infantry, but with no success. The 34th Infantry occupies Borokoe and Sorido; they then block the road by which the Japanese might send reinforcements to the western caves area. The Japanese reinforce their positions in the Aitape beachhead area. The US 6th Division advances to the west across the river Tirfoam. Marianas - On Saipan, the 4th Marine Division continues moving to the north, linking up with the 2nd Division. The 27th Infantry Division makes for the extreme south of the island, but its progress is suddenly held up by strong Japanese resistance. Battle of the Philippine Sea - The Japanese fleet withdraws temporarily to refuel, not realizing the extent of their losses. They believe most of their aircraft have reached Guam safely. Admiral Mitscher pursues the Japanese fleet and in the afternoon dispatches 216 planes to attack. They meet only 35 defending fighters and sink the carrier Hiyo and damage two other carriers, a battleship and a cruiser. The Americans loose 20 planes in the attack; but an additional 72 crash in attempting to land back on their carriers in the dark. Only 16 flyers and 33 aircrew are lost, the rest are successfully picked up. By contrast the Japanese have saved almost none of their pilots. During the night the Japanese withdraw and are not pursued. After this great victory the Japanese realize that the outcome of the war has been decided. Burma/China - The Chinese 36th Division takes Watien in the Shweli valley. US Vice President Henry A. Wallace arrives in Chungking for talks with Generalissimo Chiang Kia-shek and General Chennault, Chief of the US air forces in China. Naval Dispatches ---------------- US destroyer PHELPS (DD-360) damaged by coastal artillery, Marianas Islands area. Battle of the Philippine Sea - American Ships Damaged ----------------------------------------------------- Battleship SOUTH DAKOTA (BB-57) damaged by dive bomber. Battleship INDIANA (BB-58) damaged by suicide plane. Carrier BUNKER HILL (CV-17) damaged by dive bomber. Carrier WASP (CV-18) damaged by dive bomber. Heavy cruiser MINNEAPOLIS (CA-36) damaged by horizontal bombing. Destroyer HUDSON (DD-475) damaged accidently by US naval gunfire. Battle of the Philippine Sea - Japanese Ships Sunk -------------------------------------------------- Carrier SHOKAKU sunk by submarine CAVALLA (SS-244). Carrier TAIHO sunk by submarine ALBACORE (SS-218). Carrier HIYO sunk by carrier based aircraft. The Homefront ------------- Mayer Takes $560,000 Salary Cut - Louis B. Mayer, of Loew's Inc., for years the highest salaried executive in the country, has agreed to acces a salary of $50,000 a year, a reduction of $560,000 from his last reported salary. ============================================================================= On 21-JUN-1944, the following occurred - World War II - The Battlefronts ------------------------------- Western Front - The VII Corps prepares for the final assault on Cherbourg. At sundown General Collins, the Corps commander, invites General Karl Wilhelm von Schlieben, commander of the Cherbourg garrison, to surrender. No reply comes from Cherbourg. Eastern Front - An attack is launched by the Russian 7th Army against the Finnish VI Corps between Lake Ladoga and Lake Onega. The Russians also begin to occupy the islands off of the Karelian Isthmus. Italian Front - Advance guards of the Polish II Corps reach the river Chienti and establish a bridgehead. The South African 6th Armoured Division captures the hills overlooking Chiusi, but they can not enter the town. The US 36th Division continues its slow advance along Highway 1 and comes within 8 miles of Grosseto. New Guinea - The American offensive in the western cave area on Biak comes to a halt. In the Sarmi beachhead area, the western advance is also halted by heavy enemy fire. Units of the US 6th Division are forced to retire behind the Snaky River. Marianas - There is slight progress by the US 27th Division in its push towards Point Nafutan. Naval Dispatches ---------------- US destroyer DAVIS (DD-95) damaged by mine, Normandy area. The Homefront ------------- Most Popular Songs - Variety reports that the most popular songs, based on sales and broadcasts are: I'll Be Seeing You; Long Ago And Far Away; I'll Get By; San Fernando Valley and Armor. ============================================================================= On 22-JUN-1944, the following occurred - World War II - The Battlefronts ------------------------------- Western Front - The final attack on Cherbourg begins with an intensive air bombardment. The air attack which lasts two hours drops more than 1,000 tons of bombs on Cherbourg. The three divisions of the VII Corps advance over the rough terrain with difficulty. The German resistance is mixed; some units resist stubbornly while others quickly surrender. Eastern Front - The Russian offensive against the Germans begins between the Pripet Marshes and the Dvina river. The German Army Group is composed of 40 divisions and is commanded by Field-Marshal Busch. Twenty-eight of the forty divisions are in very immediate danger of being surrounded by a skillful Russian pincer movement. Finland - The German Foreign Minister, Ribbentrop, visits Helsinki to try to persuade the Finnish government not to surrender to the Russians. Due to the desperate military situation, surrender seems imminent. New Guinea - Mokmer airfield on Biak Island is open for use by US fighters. The attack of the 162nd Infantry Regiment against the western caves is renewed. In the afternoon, the area is declared to be free of enemy forces, but during the night escaped Japanese troops attack the American positions. On the mainland, in the Wadke-Sarmi area the Japanese counter-attack after dark and succeed in cutting off two American battalions. Marianas - On Saipan, the 2nd Marine Division begins to attack northwards. They take Mount Tipo Pale and get close to the summit of Mount Tapotchau. In the south, the US 27th Infantry continues mopping up Point Nafutan. Burma/China/India - The 3rd Indian Division together with units of the Chinese 38th Division begin the assault on Mogaung. On the Salween river front, Chinese troops prepare to attack Teng-chung. In India, the British IV and XXXIII Corps link up after reopening the Dimapur-Kohima-Imphal road. The Japanese speed up their withdrawal in heavy monsoon rains. The Japanese have lost 30,000 men in their long campaign to penetrate into India. Naval Dispatches ---------------- US battleship MARYLAND (BB-46) damaged by aerial torpedo, Marianas Islands. LST 119 damaged by coastal artillery, Marianas Islands. Japanese submarine I-185 sunk by destroyer NEWCOMB (DD-586) and minesweeper CHANDLER (DMS-9), Marianas Islands. The Homefront ------------- GI Bill Signed - President Roosevelt has signed the "GI Bill of Rights". At the signing he expressed hope that Congress will provide a similar bill for the merchant marines and will speed up a program for the transition of war workers to peace jobs. ============================================================================= On 23-JUN-1944, the following occurred - World War II - The Battlefronts ------------------------------- Western Front - The outer defenses of Cherbourg are penetrated by the VII Corps. The 60th Regiment of the 9th Division takes the Flottemanville sector. In the center, The 79th Division advances toward La Mare-a-Canards but is unable to capture this strongpoint. On the right, the 4th Division is advancing with difficulty towards Tourlaville. In the British sector, the 5th Division (I Corps) takes Ste Honorine, which is north east of Caen. Eastern Front - The German/Russian front extends 350 miles. The Russian army has massive air and artillery support. The German troops are spread very thin along the front and a large part of the German air support has been transferred to the western front. Russian advances of up to 11 miles are claimed on the first day of the offensive. In the Finnish sector, Krutikov's troops manage to cross the Svir. Italian Front - Units of the British XIII Corps enters Chiusi after bitter fighting. The 4th Division takes over the XIII Corps central sector between Vaiano and Lake Chiusi, relieving some units of the 78th Division. New Guinea - The mopping up of the western caves continues; the Japanese have decided to fight to the death. In the Sarmi area, the Japanese attack the American lines west of the beachhead, inflicting heavy losses on the Americans. The two American battalions cut off in the Snaky River sector are unable to to reopen the way back to their lines. Marianas - On Saipan, the Marines manage to take some heights near Mount Tapotchau and to make some progress in what has already been christened "Death Valley". A Japanese counter-attack with tanks along the valley occurs during the night. In the south, the 105th Infantry Regiment is unable to wipe out the 500 or so Japanese defenders in the Point Nafutan area. Aircraft from a carrier task force commanded by RADM J.J. Clark attack the Japanese air facilities on Pagan Island. China - US Vice President Wallace and Chiang Kai-Shek agree that a group of American observers is to be sent to the Chinese Communist army in the north of the country. The Homefront ------------- Liberty Ship Report - The Senate Truman committee calls the Liberty Ship the "the truck horse of the sea" but opposes its use as a troop transport or hospital ship because of its slow speed. ============================================================================= On 24-JUN-1944, the following occurred - World War II - The Battlefronts ------------------------------- Western Front - Fighting continues around Cherbourg. Units of the 9th Division press on the city from the north west. In the center, regiments of the 79th Division capture La Mare-a-Canards and Hameau-Gringer and advance toward Forte-du-Roule. General Schlieben informs Berlin that he doubts whether another attack can be repulsed. Eastern Front - The Russian offensive in the isthmus of Karelia continues. On the German front, the German Army Group Centre is breaking up under the Russian thrust. The advance is now as much as 25 miles deep in some places. The Orsha-Vitebsk rail line has been cut. Italian Front - The 1st Motorized Division of the French Expeditionary Corps leaves Italy to take part in Operation Anvil. In the American sector, the IV Corps continues its advance north, meeting strong resistance from the German rearguard. New Guinea - In the Sarmi beachhead area, the Americans land small units west of the Snaky River and try to get to the rear of the Japanese forces that have cut off the two American battalions in the sector. Marianas - On Saipan, the 27th Infantry Division joins the forces in the center of the island, where the Marines are meeting very strong resistance from the Japanese. Fighting is particularly intense on Mount Tapotchau and in Death Valley. General Smith, Commander of the 27th Infantry Division, is accused of inefficiency and is replaced by General Jarman. Bonin Islands - The Japanese bases on Iwo Jima and Chichi Jima are attacked by US carrier aircraft. The Japanese loose 66 aircraft. The attack carriers include the Hornet, Yorktown, Bataan and Beleau Wood. RADM J.J. Clark is in command of the carrier force. Naval Dispatches ---------------- PT-193 damaged by grounding and subsequently sunk by US forces, western New Guinea area. Japanese submarine I-52 sunk by aircraft (VC-69) from escort carrier BOGUE (CVE-9), Atlantic Ocean. ============================================================================= On 25-JUN-1944, the following occurred - World War II - The Battlefronts ------------------------------- Eastern Front - Even though naval and air bombardments are crippling the resistance of Cherbourg and General Schlieben is certain that the loss of the city is inevitable; Hitler orders the city to be held to the last round. The VII Corps is in the suburbs of Cherbourg. The 9th Division is entering from the west while units from the 79th are coming from the south. The 79th captures Forte-du-Roule. To the east the 12th Regiment of the 4th Division is the first unit to actually enter Cherbourg. In the British sector, the 49th Division (XXX Corps) opens an offensive against Rauray, 10 miles to the west of Caen. Eastern Front - On the German front, the Russians surround Vitebsk trapping five German divisions and cutting the Smolensk-Minsk road. In Germany, rather than admit the Wermacht has insufficient forces in the East, Nazi propaganda spreads stories of treachery in high military circles. Italian Front - The US 36th Division takes Piombino harbour without resistance. This is the final action in Italy for this division, which leaves to take part in Operation Anvil. The British 78th Division widens its breachhead near Pescia. The 4th Division drives the German rearguard out of Vaiano. The French Expeditionary Corps begins crossing the Orcia in force. New Guinea - The Japanese evacuate the area in the center of Biak Island where the have been cut off by the Americans. American attacks in the Sarmi area force the Japanese to withdraw towards the west. Marianas - On Saipan, the Marines reach the summit of Mount Tapotchau. The 27th Infantry Division puts pressure on enemy positions in Death Valley. In the south, the 105th Infantry Regiment breaks through the Japanese positions near Point Nafutan. Burman/China - On the Salween river front, the Japanese inflict a serious defeat on the 261st Regiment of the Chinese 87th Division in the Lungling area. Chiang Kia-shek sends the Chinese 8th Army up from Indo-China towards Teng-chung and orders them to resume the offensive against Lungling. Naval Dispatches ---------------- US battleship TEXAS (BB-35) damaged by coastal artillery, Normandy area. US destroyers BARTON (DD-722), LAFFEY (DD-724) and OBRIEN (DD-275), damaged by coastal artillery, Nomandy area. The Homefront ------------- Tornado Death Toll Heavy - The toll of a tornado that sewpt through parts of Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Maryland the night of June 23rd stands at 146 dead and more than 1,000 injured. Physicians Face Draft - New York city draft boards have been ordered to reclassify as 1-A doctors and dentists under 39 years old. ============================================================================= On 26-JUN-1944, the following occurred - World War II - The Battlefronts ------------------------------- Western Front - The circle around Cherbourg tightens. Units of the US 9th Division are stopped near the dockyard. The 39th Regiment reaches Octeville and the outer suburb of St Sauveur-le-Vicomte where 1,000 Germans are taken prisoner including General Schlieben and Admiral Hennecke. The harbour has been completely distroyed so that the Allies will not be able to use it. Eastern Front - The Russians capture Vitebsk as well as Zhlobin Italian Front - The French Expeditionary Corps is advancing on Siena. The South African 6th Armoured Division takes Chiusi. Marianas - On Siapan, the 2nd Marine Division takes an important position north of Mount Tipo Pale. The 27th Infantry is still being held up in Death Valley. The 4th Marine Division is mopping up the Kagman peninsula. In the south, the 105th Infantry Regiment is approaching Point Nafutan after repulsing a night counter-attack by the Japanese. Burma-China - The Chinese 38th Division and units of the 3rd Indian Division take Mogaung. Across the Chinese border, American B-25s attack Teng-chung. China - Japanese troops take Hengyang airfield, a major American airbase north of Canton. Kuril Islands - A US naval squadron commanded by RADM Small bombards Paramushiro Island. The Homefront ------------- Republican Convention Opens - Gov. Earl Warren, California, opens the Republican national convention in Chicago with a keynote speech pledging the party to international cooperation. Backers of Governor Thomas E. Dewey are claiming 844 of 1,057 convention votes. ============================================================================= On 27-JUN-1944, the following occurred - World War II - The Battlefronts ------------------------------- Western Front - The dockyard in Cherbourg surrenders. Units of the 4th and 9th Divisions advance towards Cap-Levy and Cap de la Haque (the extreme north west point of the Cotentin peninsula). In the British sector, the attack of the 49th Division west of Caen continues. Rauray is captured by the 49th. A small bridgehead is established over the Odon. Eastern Front - Russian troops capture Orsha and surround a huge German force at Bobruysk. Orsha was one of the main German bastions on the front and is on the direct rail line and highway to Minsk. New Guinea - On Biak, the Americans complete the mopping up of the western cave area. Minor skirmishes occur in the area of the other beachheads in New Guinea, Sarmi and Aitape. Marianas - On Saipan, the Marines capture some positions west of Mount Tapotchau. In the south, all Japanese resistance comes to an end at Point Nafutan. ============================================================================= On 28-JUN-1944, the following occurred - World War II - The Battlefronts ------------------------------- Western Front - The US 9th Division prepares for the final assault on Cap de la Hague. The 79th Division (VII Corps) moves from the Cherbourg sector to the US VIII Corps sector, southwest of the Cotentin peninsula. West of Caen, British troops cross the Odon on a two mile front near Mondrainville. Eastern Front - The Russian 7th Army takes Petrozavodsk, on the west bank of Lake Onega, cutting the rail line to Murmansk. The Finnish II and VI Corps is still presenting a strong defence. Model replaces Busch in command of the German Army Group Centre. In Finland Keitel, Chief of Staff of the OKH, goes to Helsinki and promises to send reinforcements from Estonia. This meeting is a follow-up meeting to Ribbentrop's recent visit. The Germans are trying desperately to avoid the separate peace that seems imminent. Italian Front - The American IV Corps advances along Highway 68. The 34th Division is advancing on the left flank, while the 1st Armoured Division is on the right. The South African 6th Armoured Division reaches Chianciano. New Guinea - Command of Task Force Hurricane is handed over to General Doe. The Japanese begin to vacate the eastern caves, preparing to go over to guerrilla warfare in the absence of in reinforcements and supplies. Marianas - On Saipan, fighting continues around Mount Tipo Pale and Mount Tapotchau. The 27th Infantry Division suffers considerable losses in Dath Valley and on Purple Heart Peak. China - The Japanese take Hengyang and for the first time run into strong resistance from the Chinese. Burma - In the north, the Chinese 14th Division is advancing towards Sitapur. On the Salween river front, Japanese aircraft drop supplies to the garrison of Sung Shan. Resistance ---------- France - The Vichy Minister of Propaganda, Philippe Henriot, is assassinated in Paris. Naval Dispatches ---------------- Japanese coastal defence vessel no. 24 sunk by submarine ARCHERFISH (SS-311) in western Pacific area. The Homefront ------------- Republican Party Picks Candidates - At the Republican Party Convention in Chicago, Governor Thomas Dewey of New York wins the nomination for President and Governor John Bricker of Ohio, Vice-President. Meat and Vegetable Ration Changes - The Office of Price Administration has announced that effective July 2, lamb will be removed from the point-free list and will be subject to rationing. In addition, the points required for beef steaks and roasts will be raised an increase of one and two points each. Cheeses are also returned to the ration list with a value of four points per pound. Vets Get Preference - President Roosevelt has signed a bill giving government employment preference to war veterans, veterans widows and wives of disabled service men. Civilian Penicillin Increased - The War Production Board announces that penicillin allotments for 2,000 civilian hospitals will be increased to 15 billion units in July from the May allotment of 12.2 billion. ============================================================================= On 29-JUN-1944, the following occurred - World War II - The Battlefronts ------------------------------- Western Front - The 101st Airborne Division is sent to Cherbourg. Eastern Front - The armies of the 1st Belorussian Front capture Bobruysk. Marianas - On Saipan, the 106th Regiment of the US 27th Infantry Division, advances about 3/4 of a mile into Death Valley. New Guinea - The Australian forces, which are advancing from Wewak, reach the River Sepik. Naval Dispatches ---------------- US minesweeper VALAOR (AMC-108) sunk by collision, off Newport, R.I. Japanese minelayer TSUGARU sunk by submarine DARTER (SS-227), Netherlands East Indies area. The Homefront ------------- War Optimism Deplored - A joint statement has been issued by General George C. Marshall, General Henry H. Arnold and Admiral Ernest J. King warning against optimism over an early military victory and urging war workers to stay on their jobs. Anti-Measles Serum - The American Red Cross has announced the development of a serum to prevent measles. The serum, called immune serum globulin, will be manufactured by five pharmaceutical companies which will make it available to public health departments at cost. ============================================================================= On 30-JUN-1944, the following occurred - World War II - The Battlefronts ------------------------------- Western Front - The US 9th Division captures Cap de la Hague. The 4th Division is replaced by the 101st Airborne in front of Cherbourg. The 3rd Armoured Division continues its slow advance south of St Lo. Since D-Day, the Allies have landed 630,000 men, 600,000 tons of supplies and 177,000 vehicles in Normandy. The Allies have lost 62,000 dead and wounded. Italian Front - The 34th Division continues its attack against Cecina. Inland, the main Allied advance is being slowed down by a new German defensive line south of Siena and Arezzo. Marianas - On Saipan, the 2nd Marine Division advances north of Mount Tipo Pale and Mount Tapotchau. The 27th Infantry Division succeeds in capturing Death Valley and Purple Heart Peak, making contact with both the 2nd Marines and the 4th Marines. This marks the end of the battle in the central area of Saipan. New Guinea - The main phase of the attack on Biak Island is declared over. Part of the landing force is pulled back to the beachhead, while the rest remain behind to mop up any remaining Japanese resistance. Mopping up actions are also occuring on the mainland in the Wadke-Sarmi area. Resistance ---------- Denmark - A general strike begins in Copenhagen. The Germans proclaim a state of emergency on July 1, but are forced to concede some points on July 4 when the strike ends. The Homefront ------------- Diplomatic Actions - The US breaks diplomatic relations with Finland. The break is noted in a message from Secretary of State Cordell Hull to Finnish Charge d'Affairs Alexander Thesleff. The reason for the break is that Finland has entered into a hard and fast military partnership with Nazi Germany. WPA Ends - The Works Progress Administration, depression agency for the unemployed, ended officially at midnight. During its eight year existence it gave employment to nearly 8,500,000 people and spent almost $13,000,000,000. Outstanding June Films - "Two Girls and a Sailor" MGM release featuring Jimmy Durante, "Once Upon a Time" Columbia release starring Cary Grant and Janet Bair, "Home in Indiana" 20th Century-Fox release starring Walter Brennan. Baseball Standings - St. Louis is still the league leader in both the National and American leagues. =============================================================================