50 Years Ago Today - May 1944 Originally posted in Usenet newsgroup SOC.HISTORY.WAR.WORLD-WAR-II. Author: John Davis jbd@osbm.state.nc.us Sources: "2194 Days of War" by Cesare Salmaggi and Alfredo Pallavisimi, "The World Almanac Book Of WW II" by Peter Young, "United States Naval Chronology, World War II" by Naval Historical Division - United States Navy, "Facts On File Yearbook 1944, Person's Index Of World Events" edited by R.L. Lapica. ============================================================================= On 01-MAY-1944, the following occurred - Balkans - Stalin threatens a full-scale invasion if Hungary, Rumania and Bulgaria fail to join the Allies. Caroline Islands - A detachment of aircraft carriers and battleships from TF 58 under the command of Vice Admiral Lee bombs and shells targets in the atoll of Ponape, in the eastern Caroline Islands. New Guinea - American troops occupy the village of Kamti, which the Japanese have previously evacuated. Kamti is off the beachhead of Aitape. ============================================================================= On 02-MAY-1944, the following occurred - Spain - Spain changes it's pro-Axis political attitude by withdrawing it's volunteers from the Azul Division on the Eastern Front. ============================================================================= On 03-MAY-1944, the following occurred - Burma - The Chinese 22nd Division advances along the Kamaing road towards Inkangahtawng in the Northern sector. Japan - Admiral Soemu Toyoda is appointed Commander-in-Chief of all Japanese air and naval forces. He succeeds Admiral Mineichi Koga who died in an air crash in the Phillipines. Toyoda has had no experience of command at sea. US Homefront - Meat rationing ends with the exception of steaks. ============================================================================= On 04-MAY-1944, the following occurred - New Guinea - No action in the Aitape sector. Since the date of landing on April 22nd, the Japanese have lost 525 dead and 25 prisoners; the Americans have lost 20 dead and 40 wounded. ============================================================================= On 05-MAY-1944, the following occurred - Actions on Fronts ----------------- Eastern Front - The final attack against Sevastopol is launched by the Russian 51st Army, the 2nd Guard Army and the Independent Maritime Army. Russian forces far outnumber the Germany and Rumanian forces. Admiralty Islands - The US 8th Calvary Regiment begins the final phase of mopping up of Manus Island. Burma and India - In upper Burma, Chinese and American forces are fighting in the jungle against the Japanese in the area of Myitkyina. Naval Actions ------------- Destroyer escort FECHTELER (DE-157) is sunk by a submarine in the Western Mediterranean. PT-247 is sunk in the Solomon Islands area by a coastal defense gun. Social/Economic/Political ------------------------- India - Mahatma Gandhi is set free by British. ============================================================================= On 06-MAY-1944, the following occurred - Actions on Various Fronts ------------------------- Burma - Chinese and American forces attack the village of Ritpong, northeast of Kamaing, without success. Naval Actions ------------- Destroyer Escort BUCKLEY (DG-51) is damaged by intentional ramming of a German submarine in the mid-Atlantic. Norway - A series of operations off the Norwegian coast is begun by the British Home Fleet. These operations, entitled Fortitude North, mainly are designed to serve as a deception ploy for D-Day. ============================================================================= On 07-MAY-1944, the following occurred - Actions on Various Fronts ------------------------- Burma - Chinese and American forces block all the ways out of Ritpong; halting an attempt by the Japanese to withdraw during the night. New Britain - Units from the US 40th Division occupy the airfield at Cape Hopkins without opposition. ============================================================================= On 08-MAY-1944, the following occurred - Actions on Various Fronts ------------------------- Eastern Front - The German defences of Sevastopol crumble under the on-slaught of the Russians. Evacuation of Germans and Rumanians has already begun in defiance of Hitler's initial orders. Eventually Hitler gives his permission for a full-scale withdrawal from the Crimea. German and Rumanian naval craft succeed in taking at least 130,000 men to Rumania across the Black Sea. Europe - General Dwight Eisenhower sets June 5th as D-Day (later changed). New Guinea - The beachhead perimeter at Aitape is reinforced. Burma - The village ot Ritpong is shelled by the Americans and Chinese. A regiment from the Chinese 30th Division is sent in to take the village by assault. The assault is repulsed however. Units from the Chinese 39th Division advance on Kamaing and other troops from the same division prepare to attack Warong. Naval ----- Carrier TICONDEROGA (CV-14) is commissioned at Newport News, Va. Social/Economic/Political ------------------------- London - Exiled Czech government and U.S.S.R conclude convention. The Russian army is to liberate Czechoslovakia. ============================================================================= On 09-MAY-1944, the following occurred - Actions on Various Fronts ------------------------- Eastern Front - Russian troops capture the fortress of Sevastopol. The remainder of the garrison retreats to Cape Kersonessky where the evacuation is still being carried out. The entire Crimea is now once again in Russian hands. Burma - The Japanese are able to partly break out of the encirclement of Ritpong. Air --- France/Belgium - The US 8th Air Force begins a large-scale attack on French airfields. Naval ----- Submarine chaser PC-558 is sunk by torpedo. ============================================================================= On 10-MAY-1944, the following occurred - Actions on Various Fronts ------------------------- Eastern Front - The German High Command announces "The ruins of Sevastopol were evacuated in the course of a disengaging move." New Guinea - American units advance on the village of Marubian and take it without opposition. Burma-India - Force Y (the Yunnan Force which consists of the Chinese 116th and 190th Divisions with American support) begins to cross the river at Mengta Ferry. Naval ----- Japanese destroyer KARUKAYA is sunk by submarine COD (SS-224) in the Phillipine Islands area. U.S. Naval Base is established at Eniwetok in the Marshall Islands. Social/Economic/Political ------------------------- Washington - James Forrestal succeeds the late Frank Knox as Secretary of the Navy. ============================================================================= On 11-MAY-1944, the following occurred - Actions on Various Fronts ------------------------- Italian Front - At 11:00 p.m. approximately 2,000 guns open fire simultaneously on a line from the moutains east of Cassino to the sea, pounding the German lines. At 11:45 p.m. the Infantry attacks and the Allies open up the drive on Rome, code named Diadem. The Allies use 12 divisions plus ample reserves in the attack. The German defences are composed of only 6 divisions including reserves. Naval ----- Submarine CREVALLE (SS-291) evacuates 28 women and children from Negros, in the Phillipine Islands. ============================================================================= On 12-MAY-1944, the following occurred - Actions on Various Fronts ------------------------- Italian Front - French Corps under General Juin captures Monte Faito. Polish units are beaten back with heavy losses in their attack north of Cassino. British XIII Corps takes two small bridgeheads over the Rapido. The two US divisions on the coastal flank can only make a small advance. New Guinea - Heavy fighting continues around Hollandia and Aitape. American troops are repeatedly being counter-attacked by the Japanese who have no supplies and are weakened by tropical diseases. Burma - The 113th Regiment of the Chinese 38th Division advances towards West Wala and Maran. On the river Salween front, the Chinese 198th Regiment attacks the Japanese forces at the Mamien Pass. The Chinese 36th Division attacks east of Tatangtzu Pass and is driven back to the river by a night counter-attack. Sweden - Swedish Defence Staff announces that a mysterious "flying torpedo" crashed at Brosarp flying from Bornholm where the Germans are conducting secret weapon experiments. ============================================================================= On 13-MAY-1944, the following occurred - Actions on Various Fronts ------------------------- Eastern Front - The German Crimean campaign is over. Altogether 130,000 Germans and Rumanians have been evacuated by sea and an additional 21,500 by air. A further 78,000 have been killed or captured. Italian Front - The 4th Division of the British XIII Corps broadens its bridgehead on the river Rapido in the face of strong enemy resistance. The 2nd Moroccan Division of the French Expeditionary Corps captures Monte Girofano and Monte Maio. This opens the road to Rome. In the southern sector the American 88th Division captures Santa Maria Infante. The Polish forces attacking Monte Cassino are repulsed however by troops from the German 1st Parachute Division. Burma - Having failed in taking Tingkrukawng by both a frontal attack and an attack on its flank, the Chinese and American troops decide to bypass the Japanese positions. The Japanese succeed in almost wiping out an entire Chinese battalion on the river Salween; but the situation is saved when reinforcements arrive. Fresh Chinese troops cross the river and recapture positions lost on Tatangtze Pass. Naval ----- Marshall Islands - Heavy naval land-based and Army aircraft stage heavy bombing attacks on installations at Jaluit Atoll. Japanese submarine RO-501 sunk by destroyer escort FRANCIS M. ROBINSON (DE-22) in mid-Atlantic area. The RO-501 was the ex German U-1224. ============================================================================= On 14-MAY-1944, the following occurred - Actions on Various Fronts ------------------------- Italian Front - The British 78th Division succeeds in establishing and consolidating a bridgehead across the Rapido river near Saint Angelo. In the Aurunci mountains 12,000 troops of the French Corps under the cammand of General Guillaume attack towards Montea Patrella. New Guinea - Some American troops are evacuated by sea which had been cut-off by the Japanese. New Britain - The Japanese retire towards Rabaul after having held up the American efforts to extend their beachheads for such a long period of time. 5,000 Japanese troops from the 65th Brigade are dead and 500 are taken prisoner (a large number in view of their code of honour). Naval ----- Japanese destroyer INAZUMA is sunk by submarine BONEFISH (SS-223) in the Celebes Sea. ============================================================================= On 15-MAY-1944, the following occurred - Actions on Various Fronts ------------------------- Italian Front - The German position on the Gustov line is beginning to collapse. The Cassino-Pignataro road is reached by the British 78th Division. Further south the French 1st Motorized Division enters San Giorgio. Burma - Chinese and American forces reach the upper reaches of the river Namkwi, 15 miles from Myitkyina. Naval ----- Marshall Islands - Naval air bases at Ebeye and Roi-namur are established. German submarine U-731 is sunk by U.S. naval land-based aircraft (VP-63) in the western Med. area. Social/Economic/Political ------------------------- London - The Normandy landing plans are presented to the British and American heads of state. France - The French National Liberation Committee is asked to become the government of the Republic. Germany - The Holocaust reaches a crescendo. During the next 12 days, 62 railway trucks laden with Jewish children are sent from Hungary to death- camps in Poland. ============================================================================= On 16-MAY-1944, the following occurred - Actions on Various Fronts ------------------------- Italian Front - In the southern sector of the Gustav line the American 88th and 85th Divisions pursue the units of the German 9th Division which is retiring north-west. French Moroccan units occupy Monte Petrella and Monte Revole in the Aurunci mountains. South of Cassino the Canadian I Corps attack towards Pontecorvo on the Senger line. Further north, the British 78th Division advances towards Piumarola. After re-grouping, the Polish II Corps renews its attack towards Monte Cassino. New Guinea - TF Tornado sails from Hollandia to occupy Wadke Island. The consolidation of the beachheads continues. This new leap forward has cost the Allies 1,060 dead and 4,000 wounded. Burma - Chinese and American forces cross the river Namkwi. On the river Salween a regiment of the Chinese 190th Division reaches the Shweli valley near Laokai. Further south units of the Chinese 76th and 88th Divisions approach Pingka, which has been left undefended so that they can reinforce their units in the Shweli valley. Bougainville - Skirmishing between the rear guards of the retiring Japanese and the Americans takes place. Naval ----- Japanese submarine I-176 is sunk by destroyers FRANKS (DD-554) and HAGGARD (DD-555), north of the Solomon Islands. ============================================================================= On 17-MAY-1944, the following occurred - Actions on Various Fronts ------------------------- Italian Front - US 85th Division advances as far as Formia. Units of the 88th Division approach Maranola. In the French sector, Algerian troops take Esperia but run into strong resistance on the road that runs from Esperia towards St. Olivo. The French 1st Motorized continue to advance along the south bank of the river Liri. With the capture of Monte Faggeta by the Moroccan 4th Motorized Division, the Allies control the Itri-Pico Road used by the German's for supplies. Kesselring orders a withdrawal. In the Cassion sector, the Polish II Corps takes Sant Angelo hill, north of Monte Cassino. During the night the Germans begin to withdraw from Monte Cassino. New Guinea - TF Tornado lands a regiment of infantry near Arare, on the coast of Dutch New Guinea. Burma - The Chinese and American forces (Merrill's Marauders) take Myitkyina airfield in a surprise attack. Dutch East Indies - Carrier-based aircraft from the British Far Eastern fleet under the command of Adm. J.F. Somerville, RN (including Illustrious and Saratoga) bomb Surabaya in Java. The attack is continued during the night by B-24 Liberator bombers flying from bases in the South-West Pacific. Marshall Islands - Destroyers bombard Japanese defenses on Eniben Island in the Maloelap Atoll. Naval ----- German submarine sunk, U-616, by destoyers GLEAVES (DD-423), HILARY P. JONES (DD-427), et al. in Western Med. ============================================================================= On 18-MAY-1944, the following occurred - Actions on Various Fronts ------------------------- Italian Front - The Polish 12th Podolski Regiment takes the remains of the Benedictine monastary in Monte Cassino. The French advance in the direction of Pico is meeting strong opposition. New Guinea - Units of the US 163rd Infantry land on Insoemoar Island. Burma - Chinese and American forces defend the airfield against Japanese couterattacks in the Myitkyina area. Units of the Chinese 30th and 50th Divisions begin the assault on the city and capture the railway station. Admiralty Islands - The 6th Army announces that the campaign is officially over. American losses include 1,400 dead and wounded. Japanese losses include 3,820 dead and 75 prisoners. ============================================================================= On 19-MAY-1944, the following occurred - Actions on Various Fronts ------------------------- Italian Front - On the Tyrrhenian coast, units of the US 85th Division reach Gaeta. Further north, the 88th Division reaches Monte Grande. The French Expeditionary Force by-pass Campodimele and are near Pico. New Guinea - Japanese resistance on Insoemoar is crumbling. American forces begin re-opening the airfield with the remnants of the Japanese on the northeastern end of the island. Burma - Chinese and American forces partly surround Myitkyina. After receiving Chiang Kai-shek's authority, Chinese 38th Division advances towards Kamaing and Mogaung. Marcus Island - Aircraft from carrier task group 58.2 under command of RADM A.E. Montgomery bomb island. Carriers Essex, Wasp and San Jacinto are part of this TG. Naval ----- Japanese submarine sunk, I-16 by destroyer escort ENGLAND (DE-635) in Solomon Islands area. German submarine sunk, U-960, by destroyers NIBLACK (DD-424) and LUDLOW (SS-438) in western Med. Social/Economic/Political ------------------------- James Forrestal of New York, Under Sec. of Navy since 1940, becomes the Sec. of Navy. ============================================================================= On 20-MAY-1944, the following occurred - Actions on Various Fronts ------------------------- Italian Front - Units of the American 88th Division (II Corps) pass Fondi and head for Monte Passignano. Polish II Corps attack Piedimonte San Germano. New Guinea - TF Tornado completes occupation of Wadke Island. Japanese losses are 800 dead. American losses are 53 dead and 139 wounded. Marcus Island - The attack by TG 58.2 continues for a second day. Resistance ---------- Poland - A V2 undergoing a test, lands near the River Bug about 80 miles east of Warsaw. Polish resistance workers dismantle bomb and hide the parts before German's can reach the area. On the night of July 25th the V2 parts are flown to London seven weeks before the first actual V2 lands. ============================================================================= On 21-MAY-1944, the following occurred - Actions on Various Fronts ------------------------- Italian Front - A battalian from the US 85th Division performs a landing up the coast at Sperlonga meeting no opposition. Monte Calvo and Cima del Monte are captured by the American 88th Division. The French positions meet heavy German pressure. New Guinea - The airfield in Wadke is opened. A landing occurs on the mainland near Arare by a reserve regimental combat group. Burma - Merrill's Marauders repulses a Japanese couter-attack along the Mogaung road. Marshall Islands - Naval land-based and Army aircraft heavily attack Wotje Atoll. Air --- France/Germany - Operation Chattanooga Choo-Choo begins. This is the systematic attack by Allied airforces on trains in France and Germany. Naval ----- US naval vessels sunk - LST's 43, 69, 179, 353 and 480 are sunk in Pearl Harbor by accidental explosion. [Editor's note - this is all the information I have on this incident. For such a major event, I've never heard anything about it. The information I have comes from an offical Navy publication, so I assume the incident did occur. If anyone, has any information on it, like what was the cause and how many lives were lost, I'll be glad to make a supplemental posting.] ============================================================================= On 22-MAY-1944, the following occurred - Actions on Various Fronts ------------------------- Italian Front - Preliminary activity occurs in the Anzio sector in advance of the general attack on the 23rd. In the French sector, the Senger line is crumbling and Kesselring is making plans for the withdrawal of the 10th Army from the Liri valley. New Guinea - Because of the ease with which TF Tornado occupied Wadke Island, it is ordered to extend its objective and advance along the coast towards Sarmi. In the Aitape sector, the landing force meets unexpected resistance while trying to extend its perimeter. India - The Japanese offensive against Kohima and Imphal slows down while the British and Indian forces are being reinforced continuously. Naval ----- Sulu Sea - A US submarine reports the location of the Japanese Fleet around Tawitawi. Over the next few weeks various destroyers and tankers are sunk. Japanese destroyer ASANAGI sunk by submarine POLLACK (SS-180), southeast of Japan. Japanese submarine RO-106 is sunk by destoyer escort ENGLAND (DE-635) north of Bismarck Archipelago. ============================================================================= On 23-MAY-1944, the following occurred - Actions on Various Fronts ------------------------- Italian Front - The general offensive in the Anzio area begins. At dawn's light, 500 guns open fire while 60 bombers raid Cisterna. At the end of the bombardment, the American 45th, 3rd and 1st Armoured Divisions of the VI Corps go forward. The German line holds firm despite the violence of the attack. Despite extremely high losses the Americans reach the Cisterna-Rome railway line. The 3rd Division alone has 950 dead, wounded and missing. On the Tyrrhenian coast, units of the American 85th Division advance as far as the outskirts of Terracina. In the British 8th Army sector, the Senger line is breached by the Canadian I Corps who have pushed forward to the Aquino-Pontecorvo Road. New Guinea - American units advance towards Sarmi but are halted by the Japanese defenders after only a short push ahead. In the Aitape beachhead area, the Japanese succeed in forcing some units back to Tadji. Naval ----- US light cruiser PHILADELPHIA (CL-41) and destroyer LAUB (DD-613) are damaged by collision in the Italian area. ============================================================================= On 24-MAY-1944, the following occurred - Actions on Various Fronts ------------------------- Italian Front - Heavy fighting continues around the Anzio beachhead and along the length of the Senger line. The American 1st Armoured Division succeeds in reaching Highway 7 north of Latina. Hitler authorizes Kesselring to withdraw Group C army to the Caesar line. To slow down the Allied advances the Germans carry out a number of rearguard actions. The American 85th Division captures Terracina on the Tyrrhenian coast. Units of the Canadian I Corps take Pontecorvo in the northern sector. Wake Island - Aircraft from RADM A.E. Montgomery's TG 58.2 bomb Wake Island. New Guinea - American 158th Combat Group open up a road west from the Arare beachhead towards Sarmi. In the Aitape beachhead area the Americans in the Nyaparake sector withdraw to a new line. Burma/China - The Japanese 18th Division counter-attack stongly and drive the Chinese and American forces out of Charpate. On the river Salween front the Chinese carry out an ineffective frontal assault against a ridge enclosing the Pingka valley. Naval ----- Submarine NARWHAL (SS-167) lands men and supplies on Samar, P.I. Japanese submarine RO-116 sunk by destroyer escort ENGLAND (DE-635) north of Bismarck Archipelago. Japanese frigate IKI sunk by submarine RATON (SS-270) in Netherlands East Indies area. ============================================================================= On 25-MAY-1944, the following occurred - World War II - The Battlefronts ------------------------------- Italian Front - The US II Corps joins up with the US VI Corps which has broken through the German ring around the Anzio beachhead. The 3rd Division captures Cisterna and Cori. The British 78th Division takes Quino, while units of the British X Corps take Monte Cairo. The Polish II Corps enter Piedimonte San Germano. The British XIII Corps reaches the river Melfa. New Guinea - After hard fighting, US forces cross the river Tirfoam. TF Hurricane, with 12,000 men, sails from Humboldt Bay for the operations against Biak. Burma/China - The Indian 3rd Division begins to withdraw in the northern sector. This is done after protest by General Stillwell who wants the supply routes from the south to Myitkyina blocked. The Kamaing road at Seton is cut by the Chinese 38th Division. On the river Salween front, the Japanese are forced from the Tatangtzu pass by the Chinese. Yugoslavia - A small German paratroop fource is dropped at Tito's headquarters in Bosnia at Drvar. Tito narrowly escapes along with Major Randolph Churchill who is with him as a liaison officer. The Homefront ------------- Shipyard Frauds Charged - A House subcommittee is informed of improper practices in shipyards in the New York and Boston areas. One of the most serious charges is payroll padding. Draft Of 17 Year Olds Opposed - The National Congress of Parents and Teachers announces that it opposes the drafting of 17 year olds until more effective use is make of available manpower. Congressional Medal Of Honor - The Army announces the award of the Medal of Honor to Pvt. Alton W. Knappenberger 20 of Springmount, PA. Knappenberger destroyed 2 machine gun positions on Feb. 1 near Cisterna di Littorio, Italy. Russia Complains U.S. Coddles Prisoners - The Soviet newspaper "Izvestia" publishes an article that charges that German prisoners in U.S. POW camps are coddled and permitted to maintain "a National Socialist spirit". ============================================================================= On 26-MAY-1944, the following occurred - World War II - The Battlefronts ------------------------------- Italian Front - Despite growing German resistance, the Allied advance continues on the whole front. On the left flank, the 45th and 34th American Divisions advance along a line from Compoleone to Lanuvio. The 85th Division in the US II Corps sector strengthens its positions west of Priverno. Advance units of the 88th Division advance to cross the Amaseno valley, about 20 miles from Frosinone. Burma - The Japanese 18th Division recaptures Namkwi in the Myitkyina area. The Chinese troops on the Salween front are short of supplies. Marshall Islands - US destroyers bombard enemy shore batteries and installations at Mili Atoll. Naval Dispatches ---------------- Japanese submarine sunk RO-108, by destroyer escort ENGLAND (DE-635), north of Bismarck Archipelago. [Editor's note - this is the fifth Japanese submarine sunk by the ENGLAND in eight days.] The Homefront ------------- Jobs for 100,000 POWs - The Army says 100,000 war prisoners will be available as laborers and farm workers. NBC Censors Cantor Act - Eddie Cantor has disclosed that the National Broadcasting Company stopped the sound track and changed the camera focus during his act for a May 25th television program. NBC says the lyrics of a Cantor song were "objectionable". Baksi Outpoints Savold - Boxer Joe Baksi defeated Lee Savold in 12 rounds in Madison Square Garden, New York. ============================================================================= On 27-MAY-1944, the following occurred - World War II - The Battlefronts ------------------------------- Italian Front - Artena is taken by the US 3rd Division (VI Corps) and holds against several German counter-attacks. Units of the 88th Division (II Corps) reach Roccagorga. The French forces capture Amaseno, Castro dei Volsci and Monte Siserno further north. The Canadian I Corps cross the river Liri and occupy Ceprano. New Guinea - An invasion force of 12,000 men, mostly from the US 41st Infantry Division goes ashore on Biak Island. The invasion force is escorted by a squadron of cruisers under RADM W.M. Fechteler. The beachhead is in the area of Bosnek. Land command is under General Fuller, the divisional commander. Initially very little resistance is offered by the Japanese. But this is deceptive as an experienced garrison of 11,000 Japanese troops are on the island. In the Wadke area, the US 158th Infantry progresses very slowly. The Japanese attack at least 200 times along the perimeter of the beachhead, but they are repulsed. Burma/China - Two Chinese and American battalions are engaged in hard fighting with the Japanese in the Myitkyina area south of Charpate. The two battalions are trying to reach Radhapur. They fell in this endeaver and suffer heavy losses. On the river Salween front Chinese troops get within five miles of Hongmoshu. The monsoon rains are very heavy and limit activity on both sides. In south China, the Japanese advance with two divisions in the area east of the Hsiang river. Naval Dispatches ---------------- American naval vessel sunk, PT-339 by US forces after grounding in western New Guinea area. American naval vessel sunk, submarine chaser SC-699 by suicide plane in western New Guinea area. The Homefront ------------- Senate Debates Peace Policies - The Senate Foreign Relations postwar subcommittee has accepted the principle of U.S. participation in a United Nations organization to maintain peace in the postwar era. 22,000 Japanese Relocated - The War Relocation Administration reports that 22,000 Japanese-Americans have been transferred from camps to private homes and hostels nationwide. The largest group is in Illinois which has 5,012, with 3,978 in Chicago. Unions Must End Strikes or Die - UAW President R.J. Thomas says "we must restrain ourselves and our hotheaded brothers or there will be no union after the war. This statement came after 2,000 Chrysler Corp. workers continue their walkout from the Highland Park plant. Munitions Below Schedule - The War Production Board reports that April munitions output was 3% below schedule and 2% behind March levels. Michigan Takes Big Ten Title - The University of Michigan track team wins the Western Conference outdoor track championship. ============================================================================= On 28-MAY-1944, the following occurred - World War II - The Battlefronts ------------------------------- Italian Front - Bitter fighting continues along the entire Italian front. The VI Corps meets growing resistance by the Germans in the southern sector. The advance of the French Corps over the Monti Lepini continues. The Germans withdraw from Arce during the night, leaving it to the British XIII Corps. New Guinea - The US 186th Infantry extends the beachhead; while the 162nd advances westward towards the airfields on Biak Island. West of the village of Mokmer, which has an airfield nearby, the Japanese couter-attack with great force. They cut one American battalion in two and inflict heavy losses. General Fuller orders a withdrawal of the unit with orders for them to wait for reinforcements. Things are not going well either in the Wadke area. American advance points have to retire because of strong Japanese pressure. In spite of these setbacks, General MacArthur announces that strategically the New Guinea campaign is over although some hard fighting is still left to be done. Burma/China - General Wei decides to send the Chinese 71st Army across the river on the river Salween front. The river is already very swollen by the monsoon rains. Naval Dispatches ---------------- US destroyer damaged, STOCKTON (DD-646), by coastal defense gun at Biak Island off of New Guinea. The Homefront ------------- Army to Reduce U.S. Air Defenses - The Army has revealed plans to curtail air defense installations in the U.S.; but warns that the danger of enemy air raids has not passed. Sec. of War Henry L. Stimson says the risk involved are justified by the enemy's reduced bombing power. Chrysler Strikers End Walkout - Members of the UAW local on strike at the Highland Park plant vote to end their walkout and to return to work immediately. ============================================================================= On 29-MAY-1944, the following occurred - World War II - The Battlefronts ------------------------------- Italian Front - The US 1st Armoured (VI Corps) takes Campoleone station after attacking on the Albano road. It is then slowed down by strong opposition from the German 1st Parachute Corps. Strong German resistance continues where the Americann 34th Division is operating in the Lanuvio sector. The Canadian I Corps begins to advance from Ceprano towards Frosinone in the British 8th Army sector. New Guinea - The first tank battle in the Pacific develops on Biak. The US 162nd Infantry is pushed almost all the way back to the beachhead. Two battalions of the 163rd Infantry are ordered to Biak even though the Arare beachhead on the mainland is still in question. Burma/China - The Chinese supply situation improves somewhat with the repair of a small bridge over the river Salween. The bridge is not capable however of supporting all the traffic needed so the Chinese ask for supplies to be air-lifted. General Chennault ask for an increase in supplies for the US 14th Air Force also. New Ireland - US destroyers bmobard enemy installations on northern coast of New Ireland. Naval Dispatches ---------------- US escort carrier BLOCK ISLAND (CVE-21) sunk by German submarine northwest of Canary Islands. US destroyer BARR (DE-576) damaged by German submarine northwest of Canary Islands. German submarine U-549 sunk by destroyer escorts ABRENS (DE-575) and EUGENE E. ELMORE (DE-686) northwest of Canary Islands. The Homefront ------------- Pay Increases for Postmasters - The Senate passes and sends to the House a report granting 5% to 20% pay increases to postmasters receiving up to $8,000 a year. Dewey Scores Isolation - Gov. Thomas E. Dewey, in a speech to the Governor's Conference, says the U.S. must not again sit on the sidelines as mere observers while future kaisers and war lords grow stong and perfect their plans for aggression. In addition, he praised the conduct of the war by the armed forces but criticized the inefficiences and bungling on the homefront. Kimmel Asks For Early Courtmartial - RADM Husband E. Kimmil has written Sen. Homer Ferguson, R., Michigan that he signed a waiver of the statute of limitations on his courtmartial for the responsibility along with Maj. Gen. Walter C. Short for the success of the Pearl Harbor attack. He says the report of the investigating committee does not tell the entire story of Pearl Harbor. Lawrence Novel Held Obscene - New York Magistrate Charles G. Keutgen has found D.H. Lawrence's novel "The First Lady Chatterly" obscene and holds the publisher, The Dial Press, for trial. ============================================================================= On 30-MAY-1944, the following occurred - World War II - The Battlefronts ------------------------------- Eastern Front - After a long lull along the entire Eastern front, the front is broken by powerfull German attacks on Konev's Front in Rumania near Jassy. Italian Front - In the U.S. 5th Army sector, in spite of repeated attacks by numerically superior Allied forces, the German hold their positions between Albano and Velletri. The Canadian I Corps continues its advance towards Frosinone further north. New Guinea - On Biak, the Americans are regrouping and experiencing minor skirmishes. In the Wadke-Sarmi area, a new defensive line along the river Tirfoam is established by the U.S. 158th Infantry. The Homefront ------------- Roosevelt Dissatisfied with Spain - President Roosevelt tells his press conference that Spain is still exporting too much to Germany and that the American attitude of dissatisfaction with Generalissimo Francisco Franco's government has not changed. Outstanding Books Published - "Speaking Of Jane Austen" by G.B. Stern and Sheila Kaye-Smith, "No Mortal Fire" by Elsa Valentine, "Esme Of Paris" by Esme Davis and "America" by Stephen Vincent Benet. Aletern Wins Suburban - Aletern ridden by Herb Lindbergh won the $56,800 Suburban Handicap at Belmont Park, N.Y. ============================================================================= On 31-MAY-1944, the following occurred - World War II - The Battlefronts ------------------------------- Eastern Front - German attacks in Rumania continue with strong tank, infantry and air attacks. Italian Front - The American VI and II Corps receive orders to mount an offensive against the Alban Hills. Velletri and Monte Artemiso falls to the U.S. 36th Division in the Anzio sector after a hard struggle. The capture of Veletri puts a gap in the Caesar Line. Lariano is captured by the 85th Division (II Corps). The Canadian I Corps capture Frosinone and the X Crops captures Sora. New Guinea - The Americans have pulled in their defensive perimeter in the Wadke area to have a greater concentration of fire. Burma/China - Supplies are air dropped to the Chinese in the river Salween area. Naval Dispatches ---------------- Japanese submarine sunk, RO-105, by destroyers HAZELWOOD (DD-531) and MCCORD (DD-534) alogn with destroyer escorts ENGLAND (DE-635), GEORGE (DE-697) and RABY (DE-698) north of the Bismarck Archipelago. Japanese frigate sunk, ISHIGAKI, by submarine HERRING (SS-233) in North Pacific area. The Homefront ------------- Another Ward Strike Threatened - Officers of the Chicago local CIO have threatened another strike against Montgomery Ward and Company unless the National War Labor Board orders the company to continue the contract that expired last December. 1,000 Saved From Grounded Transport - The Navy transport HENRY BERGH, bringing Navy men from the Pacific for rest and reassignment ran aground in fog on the Farallon Islands, 30 miles from San Francisco. All passengers and crew were safely rescued. Landing Craft 70% Over Goal - The Navy says production of invasion landing craft through May 31 is 70% over last Novembers estimates. Outstanding May Films - "Going My Way", "The Adventures Of Mark Twain", "Gaslight", "The Hitler Gang" and "The White Cliffs Of Dover". =============================================================================