Archive-name: world-war-2-faq Posting-Frequency: monthly Last-modified: 1994/7/27 Version: 1.6 ***** ANSWERS TO FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ********* READ THIS BEFORE YOU POST A QUERY. This message is automatically posted once a month to provide answers to commonly asked questions on this forum. If you have any contributions or changes to this document please send me an email message. If you never wish you see this document again, please add the above subject in your KILL file. Sincerely, Asim Mughal ( FAQ Maintainer [Standard Disclaimer] ================================================================= NOTE: This FAQ posting is now in USENET digest format. If you are using "rn" (or it derivatives) to read news ^G (Ctrl- G) will take you to the next question. If you are using any other news reader search for the next line that begins with "Subject:". ================================================================= ***************************************************************** This periodic posting is now archived. It is available via anonymous ftp from ( OR sending email to with the body of the message as send usenet/news.answers/world-war-2-faq quit ****************************************************************** ***************************************************************** Contents: 1) History of this forum 2) Charter (Original Text) 3) Moderation Policy 4) Moderators List. Add/del policy. Setup 5) Why this forum exits 6) Where & How to submit articles 7) Some Helpful tips 8) World War II Archives: (four) FTP Sites 9) This FAQ: Archive Info, History & Credits ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ ------- Subject: 1) History of this forum NewsGroup: Description: History & Events of World War Two. Status: moderated Proponent: Joel Furr ( Request for Discussion: Feb 21, 1994 Call for Votes: March 23, 1994 Voting Ended: April 13, 1994 23:59:59 UTC Vote Taker: UVV Votes: 181 in favor, 17 against ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ ------- Subject: 2) Charter (Original Text) Author: Joel Furr Discussion of the era 1939-1945 in particular, but ranging as far back as 1918 and as far forward as the 1950's for discussion of events leading to the War and post-war events such as the occupation of Japan and Germany. The discussion will be limited to social, political, military, economic, technological, demographic, and historial aspects of World War II, including discussion of: * Arms limitations treaties in the 1920's, intended to head off any future war * the Weimar Republic * the rise of the Italian Fascists * the Japanese war with China * the rise of the Nazi Party * American isolationism * Franco-British appeasement * Italian misadventures in Africa * German occupation of the Sudentenland and Austria * the war proper, 1939-1945 * the Manhattan Project * the Holocaust * Post-war occupation of Japan and Germany * Post-war governments of Europe * and so on. In other words, the mandate for is intended to be broad, rather than narrow, with moderation in place less to limit discussion than to keep out Gannon and the Holocaust Revisionists and other malicious posters. Should Dan Gannon or Serdar Argic submit articles which actually discuss World War Two rather than spreading their brand of conspiracy theory, their articles will be approved for submission as well. ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ ------- Subject: 3) Moderation Policy will have a very relaxed moderation policy. The main purpose, as noted above, for moderation of this group is to prevent it from turning into a revisionist flamefest akin to misc.headlines or soc.history. As such, any message which actually discusses World War II will be approved for posting, provided that it does not attempt to claim that events such as the Holocaust never happened. There are other groups for discussion of that question, most notably, alt.revisionism. Moderation rules: * Articles which discuss World War Two and its events will be approved for posting. * Articles arguing that the Holocaust never happened will not be approved for posting. * Articles must contain original thought. Lengthy quoting of source material with a couple of lines of comment at the end will not be approved for posting. * Blank messages, test messages, advertisements, MAKE.MONEY.FAST, and so forth, will not be approved for posting. * Articles which include excessive quoting (e.g. an article which quotes an entire other article in order to add a few comments at the end) will be trimmed down by the moderator in question. * An article MUST have a valid reply-to address or it will not be approved for posting. * Rejected articles will be shared with the other moderators for group consideration. As noted below, the group will be group-moderated, to minimize delay between submission and posting and to keep the group running when the traffic becomes heavy. ADDENDUM: 'War Buddies' [June 94] We've had a few of this type of message lately, and it seems to be a "gray area" in our charter. These messages don't _really_ discuss WW2, and they don't have any real historical content. People who want to search for old war buddies should post to soc.veterans. ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ ------- Subject: 4) Moderators List. Add/del policy. Setup Moderators will be added by majority vote of the existing moderators and moderators will be removed by 2/3 vote in the event that a moderator is shown to be failing to do the job (i.e. not posting anything). LIST OF CURRENT MODERATORS FOR __________________________________________________________________ Dated: March 23, 1994 Andrew McMichael Brett Kottmann John Davis Joel Furr Kenneth Bullock Ken McVay Asim Mughal Richard Miller Martin Schafer June 09, 1994 - Due to technical problems moderator resigned. ------------- Gordon McFee ADD/DEL POLICY FOR MODERATORS: _____________________________ Moderators will be added by majority vote of the existing moderators and moderators will be removed by 2/3 vote in the event that a moderator is shown to be failing to do the job (i.e. not posting anything). MODERATION SETUP/APARATUS _________________________ This group will be group-moderated using a Majordomo listserver. It has been configured so that each article received at ww2- will be sent to the next moderator in turn, using a list of subscribed moderators. Hence, the *submission* address for articles will be The *contact* address for the group, once created, will be ww2- ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ ------- Subject: 5) Why this Forum Exits? Author: Joel Furr A war includes more than military events. A war includes social, political, economic, military, and demographic events. Discussion of a war typically includes the *war era* and not just the war. Present groups which exist to discuss military issues are very specific: sci.military, alt.folklore.military, alt.war. All of these tend to focus very strongly on the military aspects and less on the historical and other aspects. will encompass all aspects of war. Discussion of World War II and wars in general takes place on a wide range of newsgroups, many of which specialize on recent military history. The most notable example of war discussion taking place elsewhere is the World War II mailing list, which averages 800 kilobytes per month of traffic and which almost closed down after presenting far too great a load on its moderators than they could handle. The moderators of the list are in support of the proposed newsgroup as the subject is far larger than can be easily dealt with in mailing list form. A newsgroup is needed. ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ ------- Subject: 6) Where & How to submit articles ? There are two ways to do so: A- Thru USENET While reading newsgroup simply respond to the artilce or post a new article. The article will be automatically routed to one of the active moderators for review. B- Thru E-MAIL You may submit your article to the following address. Again, your article will reach one of the moderators for review. The e-mail address is: ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ ------- Subject: 7) Some Helpful Tips It may take up to 1-2 days for your article to be reviewed and another day or so for the article to reach your site after being posted from a moderator's site. Articles not deemed fit for posting on the forum will be returned by the moderator with an explanation citing a rationale & the guidelines of the forum. 1. Always save a copy of your article you submit till it appears on the forum. 2. If o The article does not appear on the newsgroup o The article was not returned back by the moderator o AND 3 days have elapsed. Then please contact the moderators, asap, at the following email address: ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ ------- Subject: 8) World War II Archives: (four) FTP sites FTP SITE-1: ---------- Host: Directory: /pub/history/military/wwii Login: anonymous Password: _your_email_address Directory Listing: 150 Opening data connection for /bin/ls (,3498) (0 bytes). 4307.txt* command.decisions/ pictures/ 50.years.later/ conferences/ policy/ D-Day/ declaration.of.war/ sept_1939/ U.S.Army.campaigns/ gpo_wwii.txt* special.studies/ USN_wwii/ justice.pap* speeches/ active_carriers.txt* national_arc.txt* treaties/ balkans.txt* naval_chronology/ wwii-l_digests/ chrono_1938-41.txt* pearl.harbor/ June 11,1994: FTP site byrd is accepting contributions of public domain items for the collection. Items should be uploaded to /pub/history/submissions. MORE Info on 'byrd' Some of the subdir's in WWII are Battle of the Bulge/Command Decisions/D-Day/Naval Chronology. The D-Day material contains very detaile studies of Utah Beach and Omaha Beach, both done by the War Dept. in 1945 and signed by George Marshall (they're in .ZIP format). FTP SITE-2: ---------- < (John Davis) Date: Mon, 18 Jul 1994 12:13:20 GMT> [I have changed the archive location where I am storing the 50 YA articles. Please follow the instructions below for retrieving the 50 YA articles via anonymous FTP. Thanks, John Davis] The June 1944 50 Years Ago Today articles are now available for downloading via anonymous FTP. Instructions for downloading 50 YA articles - o The articles are stored by month. o To retrieve the articles by FTP, " % ftp", o enter "anonymous" when prompted for login ID, o enter your Internet mail address when prompted for password. o To change to the directory where the articles are stored enter "cd /pub/jbd" o The file name identifies the month (example - may1944.txt, contains the May 1944 articles). Directory Listing: 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls. apr1944.txt may1944.txt jun1944.txt 226 Transfer complete. FTP SITE-3: ----------- June 17 '94> The ftp address for Miss. State is: Also note that the archives are available from other servers as mirror files. Here are some more network archive sites: Name=Unites States Military Academy Path= # Name=History articles (various) Path=1ftp:English Server:History: # Name=White House information Path=1/.dir/president.dir Port=70 # Name=Federal information services Path=1/Other Port=70 # Name=History Archives and Servers Path=1/Subject/History Port=70 FTP SITE-4 ---------- Type: WWW page Access: Public Contributions: Mail to owner ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ ------- Subject: 9) This FAQ: Archive Info, History & Credits ARCHIVE INFO: This FAQ is archived & availble thru anonymous FTP & thru world-wide web. Anonymous FTP: ------------- 1. SITE: Directory: /pub/usenet/news.answers/world-war-2-faq.Z 2. SITE: Directory: /pub/usenet/news.answers/world-war-2-faq.Z Word-Wide Web: ------------- URL for USENET FAQs: URL for this FAQ: HISTORY: Version 1.0 Released May 10, '94: Total 8 items Version 1.2 Released Jun 10, '94: Item #8 new, Item # 9- archive info add Version 1.3 Released Jun 15, '94: Item #3, updated, Item #9 expanded Version 1.4 Released Jun 26, '94: Item #2, & #8 expanded. Version 1.5 Released Jul 17, '94: Item #8 expanded. Version 1.6 Released Jul 27, '94: Item #8 more info on 50yrs archive CREDITS: WW2 Moderators End of FAQ Digest *************************************** -------