pres imi os gwelwch yn dda, mi wnai drefnu cyfarfod a Mr Davies i drafod syt i ddosbarthu'r eirfa. A allai gael sylwadau pobl ar sut y buasai nhw'n hoffi gweld y ddisg yn cael ei ddosbarthu? A fasai'n haws gan bobl dderbyn y ffeil drwy email neu ar ddisg drwy'r post? Here's all I know at the moment about the disk of welsh words for spell- checking. I would welcome suggestions on how people would like to see the file distributed. Would you prefer it emailed to you or posted on a disk? This is all conjecture at the moment, cos I haven't discussed the possibility of distributing the disk with Mr Davies at the moment. I'll try to meet him and get more info. on the history of the disk etc. Mr D G Davies of Cardiff was fed up waiting for the Uni of Wales to publish a welsh dictionary on disk for spellchecking purposes, so he's selling his own, which he has built up over the past 2 years. It contains over 100,000 words and is available in the following formats- WordPerfect 5.0, LocoScript (pro & PC), WordStar (shortly), and an ASCII version for other packages. He is selling the disks (in the UK) for about six pounds.($9 ?) His address- D G Davies, 37 Everest road, Llanishen, Caerdydd CF4 5AP. phone: (0222) 754003. Mail me if you have an interest, and if enough people reply, maybe I can get Mr Davies to allow me to mail it to people in exchange for a registration fee. This would save him the bother of mailing & buying disks. N.B ** This is a list of welsh words only, for spell-checking it is not an english->welsh dictionary, or vice versa. o.n mae'n flin gen i nad oedd fy nghyfeiriad email yn fy .sig o'r blaen! p.s Sorry for not including my email address in my .sig! -- Illtud Daniel- Adran Fathamateg Gyfrifiadurol, Coleg Prifysgol Cymru Caerdydd. Dept. of Computing Maths, University of Wales College Cardiff.