The article about switching your computer off to save electricity has been argued about on uk.misc newsgroup, and a consensus seems to have been reached that in terms of the envionmental effects, keeping your machines ON is more environmentally friendly. Most computer failiures occur on power-up and the maintenance &/or replacement costs a lot more in environmental terms. I don't want to enter into a discussion on this mailing list, but having seen all the arguments & research quoted on uk.misc, I'm in favour of leaving things on. Obviously if you're going on holiday, or not using it for a few days, then that's different. Ymddiheuriadau am y diffyg Cymraeg yn y neges hon! -- Illtud Daniel- Adran Fathamateg Gyfrifiadurol, Coleg Prifysgol Cymru Caerdydd. Dept. of Computing Maths, University of Wales College Cardiff.