Not quite an 800 number in the USA, but an Acen catalogue came through the post the other day. Acen are the contractors for language teaching materials to S4C, and the catalogue includes several courses (in North and South Welsh versions, no less) on audio and video tape, books for children and other learners, and other various odds and ends like subscriptions to learners' magazines. (They appear to have Llyfr Mawr S4C only as a free offer with other children's books, or I might have been tempted by that.) You can contact Acen by phone (+44 222 665 455, Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm GMT), or fax (+44 222 668 810) or at Acen Blwch 4000 Caerdydd CF5 2XT g ___ Wn i ddim, wir. "Cyflunydd" meddai Acen am "ffacs". Ydi hi'n rhy hwyr i fathu enw Cymreig yr olwg, neu fydda i cyn hir yn swnio mor hen ffasiwn a'r bobl od hynny sy'n dal i ddweud "telifision"? Oes yna rhywun arall sy'n cofio'r "Llyfr Mawr y Plant" gwreiddiol?