Here are some information for people who want to learn Breton (without speaking French): Brezhoneg Buan hag Aes (Breton quickly and easily) R. Delaporte Cork University Press (1980). ----- Breton-English Dictionnary with Examples Mouladuriou HOR YEZH Tereza Desbordes 1, Place Charles Peguy 29260 Lesneven FRANCE ----- Al liamm (review) Administration: P. Le Bihan 16, rue des Fours a Chaux St Servan 35400 Saint-Malo FRANCE Full catalogue of editions from: Ronan HUON 2, venelle Poullbriken St Marc 29200 Brest FRANCE ----- SKRID (review) Per Denez Le Riz, Ploare 29100 Douarnenez FRANCE ----- To have all kind of information about the Breton language: KUZUL AR BREZHONEG (Council of the Breton Language) 28, rue des 3 freres Le Goff 22000 St Brieuc FRANCE I sent information about a Breton-English dictionnary some times ago, this dictionnary was compiled in 1979 and edited in 1986 . It costs about 90FF (in France).