Help! Rwy'n golygu erthygl/cyfweliad am Gymru am y cylchgrawn Norwyeg "Gateavisa". Oes rhywun yn gwybod pa seddau a gafodd Plaid Cymru yn yr etholiad olaf? Allan o gymaint? Oes rhywun yn gwybod canlyniadau'r cyfrifiad olaf (1991?), rhifau a chanrannau am Gymru ac am bob sir? diolch J. (Help needed fast: I am editing an article/interview for the Norwegian magazine "Gateavisa". Does anybody know which seats, and out of how many, Plaid Cymru won in the last elections? Does anybody know the exact overall results of the last census: population, welsh-speakers, percentages for Wales and for each county? - thanks.) ( working on Ph.D. project "An Intercourse of Nationality and Genre in Welsh Literature after 1700" - General and Comparative Literature, Univ. of Oslo, Norway. - tel. +47-work 22854037 fax 22857100 home 22563945 cats 67541460