[I'm conscious that I've been guilty of not putting in translations of my last couple of messages; I'm sorry. Subscribers to this list who do not speak Welsh are still welcome, and I don't want to be guilty of alienating them by only writing in Welsh. So, I will put a translation at the end of this message...] Yn dilyn o'r drafodaith diweddar ar William Williams Pantycelyn a rhai o'i weithiau fe, tybed pwy arall all gael ei dybied fel y awduron "clasurol" Cymraeg. Hynny yw, mae y rhan fwyaf ohonom ni yn gyfarwydd gyda'r "clasuron" Saesneg - Shakespeare, Bunyan, y chwiorydd Bronte%, Dickens ac yn y blaen, ond pwy sy'n cyfateb iddyn nhw yng nghyfrwng y Gymraeg? Wnes i ddim lefel 'A' yn Gymraeg, ac felly dydw i ddim yn gwybod beth sydd yn dod i mewn i'r maes llafur hwnnw, ond mae'n sicr iawn fod yna rai awduron sy'n haeddu sylw. Mae rhai enwau yn dod i'm meddwl i yn syth: Pantycelyn ei hunan, Daniel Owen, Kate Roberts, Saunders Lewis. Hefyd wrth gwrs, mae y dorth o weithiau cynnar, rhwng Aneurin a Dafydd ap Gwilym. Ond pwy arall? Oes gan neb awgrymiadau i roi? [Following on from the recent discussion on William Williams Pantycelyn and some of his works, I wonder who else ought to be considered as "classic" Welsh authors. Most of us are familiar with the English classics such as Shakespeare, Bunyan, the Bronte% sisters, Dickens and so on, but who are their counterparts in Welsh literature? I didn't do Welsh 'A' level, so I don't know what is on that syllabus, but there are definitely authors who do deserve attention. Some names come to mind straight away: Pantycelyn himself, Daniel Owen, Kate Roberts, Saunders Lewis, and of course the early works from Aneurin to Dafydd ap Gwilym. But who else? Has anybody got any suggestions?] Steve Morris, Adran Ffiseg a Seryddiaeth, Coleg Prifysgol Cymru Caerdydd. (Physics and Astronomy Dept., UWC Cardiff) spxsjm@uk.ac.cf.thor *************************************************************************** * For God so loved the world that he* Canys felly y carodd Duw y byd fel * * gave his only-begotten Son, that * y rhoddodd efe ei unig-anedig Fab, * * whosever believes in him should * fel na choller pwy bynnag a gredo * * not perish but have everlasting * ynddo Ef, ond caffael ohono fywyd * * life. (John ch.3 v.16) * tragwyddol. (Ioan p.3 ad.16) * ***************************************************************************