Excuse me for doing this, but from time to time I will write to the group with a few queries concerning little details to do with the Welsh language. To save time and space, I will put several queries together in each post. So, if you're ready: 1) Mutations: I know place-names mutate, but do personal names? It just seems a bit odd to have somebody's name change like any other word. I have seen evidence for them both mutating and not mutating. 2) `Fy': Does `fy' change like `yn' before words beginning with n, m or ng? 3) Pronunciation: If `eu' and `au' are pronounced the same, how do you distinguish between `deuddeg' and `dau ddeg', considering the discrepancy in what they actually mean? 4) While we're still on pronunciation, if I remember correctly, stress goes almost always on the last syllable but one. However, if a plural ending is added, does the stress fall on the syllable it fell on before, or does it now fall on the new penultimate syllable? Or is there no definite rule to this one? I think an example may help this one: Take the word `caniad' for example. The plural is `caniadau', but does the stress fall on `can-' or on `-iad-' And would this rule necessarily hold for another word? 5) Finally, a word which I cannot find in my dictionary, and have just decided I want to use. (!) What is the Welsh word for a recorder, as in the musical instrument? Dioch yn fawr iawn i chi. Cofion, Martyn. +=======================================================================+ | E-mail: u0mrm@compsci.liverpool.ac.uk | Martyn R. Mellodew, | | ARPA/Internet: u0mrm@csc.liv.ac.uk | 14 North Drive, | | JANET: u0mrm@uk.ac.liv.csc | Appley Bridge, | | | Wigan, | | | Lancashire, | | Tel. (0257) 254462 | England, | | ([+44] 257 254462) | WN6 9DZ | +=======================================================================+