> > Hey! Does anyone out there know the name of the Welsh song that was sung > by the boy in the movie _Empire of the Sun_? The movie's about a boy from > the English settlement in Shanghai who gets put in a POW camp during the > Japanese occupation in WWII. Weles i mo'r ffilm, ond dwi'n credu bod enw'r ga+n "Suo Gan". Yr hyn a newydd eglurodd rhywbeth i mi: ar hysbysiad teledu oddiwrth AT&T, fe ddangosodd lluniau 'r orient, gyda llef yn mwmian y ga+n (dim geiriau). Efallai byddai i'r golygwr feddwl am y ffilm. [ The song is a lullaby, "Suo Gan". It was also played in the background of an AT&T commercial while showing scenes of the Orient. ] -- Roger