Below is the updated Welsh language learning resources file. It has a new section (no. 11) on background material not specifically to do with the language, but possibly of interest all the same. Warning: It's over 1000 lines long! Pob hwyl Briony -------------------------->torri yma<------------------------------------- Resources for adult learners of Welsh ------------------------------------- This is an edited version of information contributed by various people (on WELSH-L and soc.culture.celtic) concerning resources for adult learners of Welsh. The comments are by various of these contributors. A general acknowledgement is given at the end of this file. Briony Williams ( --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TABLE OF CONTENTS ----------------- 1 General materials 2 Self-study courses 3 Dictionaries 4 Grammar books, etc. 5 Specialist Welsh bookshops and publishers 6 Newspapers and magazines 7 Residential courses 8 Overseas resources 9 Miscellaneous 10 Breton and Cornish 11 Welsh background material: history, culture, etc. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 GENERAL MATERIALS -------------------- 1.1 Welsh Joint Education Committee ------------------------------------ The Welsh Joint Education committee has published a pamphlet called "Dysgu Cymraeg? - All you need to know about Learning Welsh" which has a lot of addresses. Write to: WJEC/Cyd-bwyllgor Addysg Cymru, 245 Rhodfa'r Gorllewin, Caerdydd/Cardiff, Cymru/Wales, CF5 2YX, UK. 1.2 Welsh Books Council ------------------------ The Welsh Books Council/Cyngor Llyfrau Cymraeg has a couple of leaflets on materials for learning Welsh: "Rhestr ddethol o ddeunyddiau ar gyfer dysgu'r Gymraeg/Select list of materials for learning Welsh" by Miranda Morton & "Rhestr ddethol o lyfrau addas i ddysgwyr/A select list of books for Welsh learners" by Jo Knell. Write to: Cyngor Llyfrau Cymraeg, Castell Brychan, Abersytwyth, Dyfed, Cymru/Wales, SY23 2JB, UK. 'Llais Llyfrau' is a quarterly magazine for keeping in touch with both Welsh language and English language books of Welsh interest. It is available from the above address. This magazine on Welsh books and publishing is bilingual, with Welsh and English parts starting at each cover and meeting in the middle. The Golygyddol/ Editorial is usually the same text, translated. The magazine has reviews of all major books published in or on Wales in both languages, and in addition contains a catalogue of every such book published or reprinted. 1.3 CILTR booklet on Welsh --------------------------- Centre for Information on Language Teaching and Research, Language & Culture Guide no. 28: 'Welsh'. London: CILTR, 1987, 76 pp. CILTR, Regent's College, Inner Circle, London NW1 4NS. (There are similar guides for Irish and Scottish Gaelic.) 1.4 Welsh Language Society / Cymdeithas yr Iaith Cymraeg --------------------------------------------------------- The head office of Cymdeithas yr Iaith is at: Cymdeithas yr Iaith, Pen Roc, Rhodfa'r Mo+r, Aberystwyth SY23 2AZ, Wales/Cymru. Tel: (0970) 624-501 (within the UK) +44-970-624-501 (outside the UK) This society can supply information on resources for learning Welsh, and courses in Wales. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 SELF-STUDY COURSES --------------------- 2.1 "Now you're talking" ------------------------- There is a multimedia course called "Now you're talking", produced partly by S4C (the Welsh TV channel). This is a series of TV programmes, some of which are available on video (both UK and USA format), together with an accompanying workbook, audio tapes, a basic dictionary containing all the words used plus some, and various other publications (including Welsh Christmas cards!). There are packages for both beginners and improvers. The address to write to is: Acen, "Now you're talking", Bocs 4000, Caerdydd/Cardiff, Cymru/Wales CF5 2XT, UK. The first-year package recently cost (in pounds) 27.95 for a work-file set, 14.95 for each of 2 sets of audio cassettes, and 17.95 for the video pack. Comments: The course teaches both North Welsh and South Welsh variations on vocabulary (though English-speaking learners generally find South Welsh easier - it has fewer vowels). It concentrates on conversational spoken Welsh, rather than the literary language, and aims to get people talking as soon as possible. The videos provide an excellent introduction to the language, culture and history of Wales; each episode is set in a different town and discusses the local dialect, history and legends. 2.2 "Catchphrase" ------------------ "Catchphrase" course (books and audio tapes), published by the BBC and Sain. In the USA, this is available from Waldenbooks, around $125 (US) for the first set in the series. To obtain it by post, try contacting the Welsh books council at: Y Cyngor Llyfrau Cymraeg, Castell Brychan, Aberystwyth, Dyfed, SY23 2JB, WALES. They would also be able to recommend other things. BBC Wales/Cymru, Broadcasting House/Canolfan y BBC, Llantrisant Road, Llandaff, Cardiff/Caerdydd, CF5 2YQ, Wales/Cymru. Comment: I have the Catchphrase books and cassettes. They are helpful, but I can't understand why one must listen to Englishmen learning Welsh. I'd much rather have it all spoken by native Welsh speakers. I've seen "Catchphrase" but it didn't impress me; I've heard a tremendous amount of good press for "The A B C of Welsh", a book-and-tapes set, though. 2.3 "Teach Yourself Welsh" --------------------------- 'Teach Yourself Welsh', 1991 by T. Rhys Jones (book and audio tape). There are now three versions of "Teach Yourself Welsh." The oldest (now almost impossible to find) teaches literary Welsh. The next edition was 'Teach Yourself Living Welsh', by T. Rhys Jones. This is the version you can still find in America. The very latest (the 1991 book) is only out in Britain, but comes with an audio cassette. There is also an associated learner's dictionary, 'Teach Yourself Welsh Dictionary' (q.v. below). Comments: It may now (1993) be possible to get the 'Teach Yourself Welsh' 1991 edition in the U.S. - personally I find it a lot better than the 'Living Welsh' version. I found it to be very good. The grammar lessons are very light and are followed up immediately by dialogues and practical examples. Very rewarding, understanding the 1st dialogue after the 1st grammar lesson! [Of 'Teach Yourself Living Welsh':] It is badly disorganized at various places, especially toward the end, but it is workable as a beginning book. The audio cassette is very helpful. [Of the newest edition:] Its only problem is that it doesn't translate the dialogues anymore, which can be very frustrating. 2.4 'Linguaphone' Welsh course ----------------------------- This course consists of a set of audio cassettes, a course book, a handbook and a book of written exercises, together with a 'Getting Started' cassette. Linguaphone also have a Student Advisory Service which can be contacted by telephone as often as desired. Price: L159.90 Sterling (as of early 1993). Address in Britain: Linguaphone Institute Ltd., St. Giles House, 50 Poland St., London W1V 4AX. Free enquiry line (in UK): 0800 282 417 Comment: If you are studying on your own, I can't reccommend the Linguaphone Welsh course enough. It is VERY good for an on-your-own situation - in the UK, I think it is available in some public libraries. 2.5 "The Lazy Way to Welsh" --------------------------- "The Lazy Way to Welsh", by Flann O Riain, 1991. Publishers: Y Lolfa [address in section 5 below]. Price 2.95 pounds ISBN 0 86243 240 5. Comments: It's the funniest thing since Calvin and Hobbs! WARNING: this is not a sensible, systematic, grammar book for Welsh learners. In fact, there really isn't much "grammar" to speak of in it. It is a book of cartoons for adults, with suitable captions. I make a game of covering up the text and trying to guess what it could possibly be, before peeking at the Welsh underneath -- and, yes, English translations are provided, to save using a dictionary. Certain cartoons make it fairly easy to memorize the gender of some words! Guaranteed to brighten a winter evening. 2.6 Cwrs Cymraeg Llafar ------------------------ "Cwrs Cymraeg Llafar" by Dan L. James, by: Wasg John Penry, 11 Heol Sant Helen, Abertawe. It is in 2 vols and has a record to accompany vol. 1. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 DICTIONARIES --------------- NB: No Welsh dictionary has any indication of pronunciation. 3.1 The Collins/Spurrell Welsh dictionary ------------------------------------------ 'Spurrell's Welsh-English Dictionary', 1991 edn pub HarperCollins Publishers. Welsh/English, English/Welsh. ISBN 0-00-433549-X Small, cheap, handy size, limited number of words. Comment: Not very good. It's about all you can find in your local mall bookstore, though. 3.2 'Teach Yourself Welsh' Dictionary -------------------------------------- 'Teach Yourself Welsh' dictionary, E.C. Lewis (1992), pub. Hodder and Stoughton. Welsh/English, English/Welsh. ISBN 0-340-57212-4 Specifically geared to learners: has words in their mutated forms as well as their original forms (thus assisting lookup), plus irregular plurals, and verb-plus-preposition pairs. Limited number of words. Supplements give basic information on grammar and mutations. A companion to 'Teach Yourself Welsh'. 3.3 Y Geiriadur Mawr --------------------- 'Y Geiriadur Mawr' , ed. H.M. Evans & W.O. Thomas, pub. Christopher Davies, Swansea. (8th edn. 1978 - there may be more recent ones). [No ISBN given] Welsh/English, English/Welsh. Large, detailed, contains many archaic words. Comment: Definitely the best dictionary, though a bit unwieldy. I find it rather old-fashioned and written more for Welsh speakers than English speakers. 3.4 Geiriadur Termau --------------------- Geiriadur Termau (Dictionary of terms) Cymraeg-Saesneg, English-Welsh. 544 pages. Golygydd/Editor: Jac L. Williams Publisher: Gwasg Prifysgol Cymru, Caerdydd (University of Wales Press, Cardiff), 1973. ISBN: 0-7083-0999-2 From the Introduction: 'This dictionary reflects the effort of many people engaged in education in Wales to produce lists of terms required for the teaching of a number of school subjects through the medium of Welsh.' Comment: Seems quite comprehensive, but is probably more use to intermediate or advanced learners than to beginners. 3.5 Y Geiriadur Newydd ----------------------- 'Y Geiriadur Newydd' , pub. Christopher Davies, Swansea. A more compact version of Y Geiriadur Mawr. Comment: I use Y Geiriadur Newydd, as it consists essentially of the modern Welsh part of Y Geiriadur Mawr (all the obsolete words removed). 3.6 Y Geiriadur Bach --------------------- 'Y Geiriadur Bach' , pub. Christopher Davies, Swansea. Welsh/English, English/Welsh. Small, genuinely pocket-sized, tiny type, limited number of words. Comment: Y Geiriadur Bach is my favourite dictionary - easy to carry around, good info etc. 3.7 Y Geiriadur Cyfoes ----------------------- 'Y Geiriadur Cyfoes' Comment: This is nothing more than a word-list and doesn't deserve the name "dictionary". 3.8 Y Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru -------------------------------- 'Y Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru' Comment: This is the only good dictionary in Welsh - unfortunately, it weighs a ton, and only covers words from "a" to "obo" at the present time (new parts arrive regularly). One day they promise to publish a complete CD-ROM version, but I don't see it happening before the next century. 3.9 The Great Dictionary ------------------------- Comment: Those in the know may have heard about the Great Dictionary being produced at UCNW [University College of North Wales] Bangor. It is primarily English-to-Welsh, but it will have a Welsh-to-English cross-reference. It is a truly complete dictionary, with every possible expression or word-use in English painstakingly reproduced and explained in Welsh. It's huge. Unfortunately, it's been in production for about eighteen years, which is 15 years longer than anybody thought it would take. The good news is that it looks to be coming out some time in 1993! Save up your pennies, dysgwyr [learners], it is sure to be indispensable. And expensive. As I said, it's huge. Bigger than the Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 GRAMMAR BOOKS, ETC. ---------------------- NB: These books are all in English. 4.1 Gramadeg Cymraeg Cyfoes ---------------------------- Gramadeg Cymraeg Cyfoes (Contemporary Welsh Grammar), published by D. Brown a'i Feibion Cyf., Y Bontfaen, Morgannwg (D. Brown and Sons Ltd., Y Bontfaen, Glamorgan). 1976. Produced by the National Language Unit of Wales. [No ISBN number given in book]. From the Foreword: 'This grammar of standardised colloquial Welsh first appeared as part of an 'O' level text book Cymraeg Cyfoes III intended for use in schools. Demand for a similar description of spoken Welsh grammar resulted in the publication of this book.' Comment: Clearly presented, deals with the actual spoken language rather than the literary form, seems comprehensive enough. A very good reference book for Welsh grammar. I second this recommendation. I found this grammar much more useful than the others recommended. 4.2 Y Geiriau Bach ------------------- Y Geiriau Bach: Idioms for Welsh learners Author: Cennard Davies (1987) Publisher: J. D. Lewis a'i Feibion Cyf. (J. D. Lewis and Sons Ltd.), Gwasg Gomer, Llandysul, Dyfed SA44 4BQ, Cymru/Wales. Tel: 0559-362371 (within UK) +44-559-362371 (outside UK) Fax: 0559-363758 (within UK) +44-559-363758 (outside UK) ISBN: 0-86383-332-2 Contains Welsh idiomatic expressions with English translations. Each idiom has an example of usage in Welsh, with an English translation. Comment: Fascinating! More for intermediate learners than for beginners. It covers the more subtle meanings of common prepositions and particles, 4.3 A Guide to Correct Welsh ----------------------------- A Guide to Correct Welsh Author: Morgan D. Jones 1976, 1990 (Two printings). Publisher: J. D. Lewis a'i Feibion Cyf. (J. D. Lewis and Sons Ltd.), Gwasg Gomer, Llandysul, Dyfed SA44 4BQ, Cymru/Wales. Tel: 0559-362371 (within UK) +44-559-362371 (outside UK) Fax: 0559-363758 (within UK) +44-559-363758 (outside UK) SBN: 85088-441-1 Grammar-book in English giving both the new colloquial and the traditional literary usage. More detail than Gramadeg Cymraeg Cyfoes. Comment: Tends towards the more formal use of the language. May have more detail than a learner wants at his/her stage, so it's more for intermediate or advanced learners than for beginners. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 SPECIALIST WELSH BOOKSHOPS AND PUBLISHERS -------------------------------------------- Siop Pendref, 12-14 Cae Ffynnon, Bangor, Gwynedd, Cymru/Wales LL57 1ER, UK. Tel: +44 248 362676 (from outside the UK) 0248 362676 (from within the UK) Oriel, Heol Ty'r Brodyr, Caerdydd/Cardiff CF1 4AA, Cymru/Wales, UK. Tel: 0222-225855 (within UK) +44-222-225855 (outside UK) Oriel accepts Access and Visa, and has a small catalogue of books for learners ("Learning Welsh? / Dysgu Cymraeg?") - small in size, large in content. Siop y Pethe, 17, Rhodfa'r Gogledd, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion, Dyfed SY23 1NP, Wales/Cymru, UK. Tel: (0970) 617-120 (within UK) +44-970-617-120 (outside UK) Y Lolfa, Talybont, Dyfed SY24 5HE, Cymru/Wales. Tel: From within the UK: Talybont (0970) 832 304 From outside the UK: +44-970-832-304 Fax: From within the UK: Talybont (0970) 823 782 From outside the UK: +44-970-823-782 Comments: Note that Y Lolfa is a publisher, not a book shop, so you can only order Y Lolfa's own books from them - they have a (large) catalogue available. I don't know if they take credit cards: but if you know the price of a book, you can send money direct when ordering, with a carriage (postage & packing) surcharge of 15% for Great Britain, 25% overseas. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 NEWSPAPERS AND MAGAZINES --------------------------- 6.1 Prentis ------------ There is a magazine for Welsh learners, 'Prentis' <'apprentice'>, published six times a year. Write for current charges to: Prentis, Gwasg Taf Cyf., 99 Heol Woodville, Cathays, Caerdydd/Cardiff, Cymru/Wales, CF2 4DY, UK. Comment: It's almost a Welsh course in itself - each issue starts with material for beginners, and ends with quite advanced stuff. So with each issue you progress a little further. 6.2 Tafod y Ddraig ------------------- 'Tafod y Ddraig' <'the dragon's tongue'> is a monthly magazine published by the Welsh Language Society (Gymdeithas Yr Iaith Cymraeg). Price: L7.50 Sterling per annum. Address: see section 1 for the Welsh Language Society. Comment: Mae llawer o gwybodaeth defnyddiol ynddo fe . 6.3 Mela --------- 'Mela' <'honey-gathering'> is a women's magazine in Welsh, and is not specifically aimed at learners. It is published monthly by: Mela, Stiwdio Mei, 32 Stryd yr Wyddfa, Pen-y-groes, Caernarfon, Gwynedd, Cymru/Wales, LL54 6NG, UK. 6.4 Y Drych ------------ 'Y Drych' , is a monthly newspaper published in St. Paul, Minnesota, USA. It's mainly in English, has regular Welsh lessons, and is well worth reading. A subscription (11 issues) is $17.50 for one year or $32.50 for two years ($21 and $39 in Canadian funds), and is obtainable from: Y Drych, PO Box 8089, St. Paul, MN 55108. The publisher's name is Mary Mergenthal, and her phone number is (612) 642-1653. Comment: Y Drych is a very professional newspaper, and I recommend it highly. Y Drych is the oldest surviving ethnic paper in North America, having been established (in New York City) in 1851. 6.5 Cyfeillion Madog --------------------- To receive the latest issue of 'Cyfeillion Madog', the newsletter of Cymdeithas Madog (the Madog Society), write to Mary Ellen Palmer, 108 Hamilton Drive, Snyder, NY 14226. Past copies may be available also. To be placed on the mailing list for future issues, contact Ruth Kudlaty, 6.6 Ninnau ----------- 'Ninnau' <'us'> is a North American monthly Welsh paper, which publishes some articles in Welsh. A year's subscription to 'Ninnau' costs $15 / 10 pounds, and is obtainable from Ninnau Publications, 11 Post Terr, Basking Ridge, N.J. 07920, USA. 6.7 Enfys ---------- Another publication giving some information on Welsh affairs in Wales and abroad is 'Enfys' <'rainbow'>, published on behalf of Undeb y Cymry ar Wasgar . This is a quarterly glossy magazine containing articles in English and Welsh (not the same) and can be obtained for 6.50 pounds from Mr Brian Jones, 7 Victoria Road, Hen Golwyn, Clwyd LL29 9SN, Wales/Cymru, UK. 6.8 Golwg ---------- 'Golwg' <'view', 'look'> is a weekly paper focussing on the arts and TV in Welsh. It is not specifically for learners. It can be obtained from: Golwg, Blwch Post 4, 13 Stryd y Bont, Llanbedr Pont Steffan, Dyfed SA48 7LX, Wales/Cymru, UK. Tel: +44 570 423529 (from outside the UK) 0570 423529 (from within the UK) Fax: +44 570 423538 (from outside the UK) Fax: 0570 423538 (from within the UK) The annual subscription is 45 pounds within the UK (for around 50 copies at 75 pence each), but you can save 10 pounds by paying by direct debit from a British bank account. The subscription rate for the USA is 84 pounds p.a. 6.9 Y Cymro ------------ 'Y Cymro' <'the Welshman'> is a weekly newspaper. It is not specifically for learners. It can be obtained from: Y Cymro, Papurau Newydd Gogledd Cymru Cyf., Parc Busnes yr Wyddgrug, Ffordd Wrecsam, Yr Wyddgrug, Clwyd CH7 1XY, Cymru/Wales, UK. Tel: +44 352 700022 (from outside the UK) 0352 700022 (from within the UK) Subscription rates in the UK: Per year 24.44 pounds, 6 months 12.22 pounds, 3 months 6.11 pounds. It is possible to subscribe from abroad for the same prices, but only if surface mail is used (up to 6 weeks to the USA). An air mail subscription to the USA costs 35.36 pounds. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 RESIDENTIAL COURSES ---------------------- 7.1 In general --------------- The Welsh Joint Education committee has published a pamphlet called "Dysgu Cymraeg? - All you need to know about Learning Welsh" which has a lot of addresses. Write to: WJEC/Cyd-bwyllgor Addysg Cymru, 245 Rhodfa'r Gorllewin, Caerdydd/Cardiff, Cymru/Wales, CF5 2YX, UK. Another address for the WJEC, for information on Welsh classes in Wales: WJEC, Ty Arlbee, Heol y Brodyr Llwydion, Caerdydd (Cardiff), Cymru (Wales). 7.2 Aberystwyth Celtic Summer School ------------------------------------- ABERYSTWYTH CELTIC SUMMER SCHOOL, July 11-30, 1993 Arranged by: The University of Wales Aberystwyth (Extra-Mural Studies) The National Library of Wales The Centre for Advanced Welsh and Celtic Studies ACTIVITIES: Seminars in the mornings, Lectures in the afternoons, followed by the chance to learn modern Welsh or study palaeography. TERMS: Applicants should be age 18 and over; Charge not fixed yet; Limited number of L50 Sterling bursaries available for full-time students. FULL INFORMATION: Write for more details to Gerald Morgan MA, 10-11, Laura Place, Aberystwyth, Cymru/Wales. Tel: 0970-622677 (within UK) +44-970-622-677 (outside UK) 7.3 Cwrs Cymraeg Ottawa ------------------------ Cwrs Cymraeg Ottawa is an intensive Welsh-language course due to be held at Carleton University in Ottawa from July 25 to August 1 1993. It's sponsored by Cymdeithas Madog, the Welsh Studies Institute in North America, which has been running these courses (in a different location each year) since 1979. The course is sponsored by Cymdeithas Madog, the Welsh Studies Institute in North America, which has been running annual summer courses since 1977. Cwrs Cymraeg is held in a different location each year, and this is the fourth time it has come to Canada. Classes are provided for all levels of learner, from absolute beginner to the almost-fluent, and are accompanied by a variety of social and cultural activities. The course provides an excellent opportunity for someone to start learning the language or to improve his or her fluency, and to enjoy a truly Welsh atmosphere into the bargain. The emphasis in most classes is on the spoken tongue, though there is also a class in advanced language skills (reading, writing, grammar, etc.) for learners at the intermediate and higher levels. Class sizes are small - on average 8-12 people. The teaching staff is spearheaded by three instructors from Wales - Clive Rowlands, Alun Ifans and Ken Cane - all of whom have very extensive experience teaching Welsh to adults. The remaining instructors are for the most part native Welsh speakers currently resident in North America. The course fee, which covers room, board, tuition and most social activities, is US $435 (Can $520), with a special rate of US $385 (Can $460) for full-time students. A $100 deposit, payable to Cwrs Cymraeg Ottawa and refundable in full before May 31 1993, secures a place on the course. The local contact (and the address for all payments) is: Paul Birt, 410 chemin Boucher, Aylmer, Quebec, Canada, J9H 5C9; telephone (819) 682-2993. For further information in the United States contact: John or Ruth Kudlaty, 2160 Roblyn Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55104; telephone (612) 644-8267; email For information about scholarships to attend the course contact Hugh Davis, To receive the latest copy of Cymdeithas Madog's newsletter _Cyfeillion Madog_, write to Mary Ellen Palmer, 108 Hamilton Drive, Snyder, NY 14226. Past copies may be available also. To be placed on the mailing list for future issues, contact Ruth Kudlaty, 7.4 National Language Centre ----------------------------- Canolfan Iaith Genedlaethol (National Language Centre), Nant Gwrtheyrn, Llithfaen, Pwllheli, Gwynedd, Cymru/Wales, LL53 6PA, UK. Tel. From within UK: Llithfaen (075 885) 334/335 From outside UK: +44-75-885-334/335 This is one of the most famous residential Welsh language learning centres. Comment: They are quite cheap, and open all the year round (I spent 20 days there in February a couple of years back, and got individual tutorship for much of the time, being one of the few people there at that time of year). Their Prospectus 1992-93 contains info on their own courses and a lot of info on other courses in Wales (also correspondance-courses). 7.5 Hill College, Abergavenny ------------------------------ There are courses for learners of Welsh at all levels at the Hill College, Abergavenny, Wales. Courses are the weekends of 16-18 Oct 92 and 29-31 Jan 93 Cost is approx 70 pounds for the weekend, fully residential. For more details, contact: The Hill Residential College, Pen-y-Pound, Abergavenny, Gwent, NP7 7RP Telephone: From within UK: 0873-855221 From outside UK: +44-873-855221 Fax: 0873-854817 7.6 University of Wales ------------------------ The Extramural Studies Department at Bangor offers "wlpan" (intensive Welsh-learning courses). Try Aberystwyth's Welsh department if you want to do a university course on Welsh as a non-Welsh speaker. 7.7 Cwrs Wlpan, Llanbedr-Pont-Steffan -------------------------------------- The Cwrs Wlpan at Llanbedr-Pont-Steffan is an eight-week course, held every summer. It is organised by the Centre for Adult Education in Cardiff. Contact: Chris Rees, Cyfarwyddwr Astudiaethau Chris Rees, Director of Studies Canolfan Dysgu Cymraeg Welsh Language Teaching Centre Prifysgol Cymru University of Wales 22 Ffordd y Parc 22 Park Place Caerdydd CF1 3DQ Cardiff CF1 3DQ Cymru Wales/CYMRU Ffon - 0222-390 980 Tel - 0222-390 980 ffacs 0222-231-968 fax. 0222-231-968 Comment: The Wlpan course in Lampeter is truly excellent - it is an 8-week intensive course, consisting of 6 hourse of class a day, 6 days a week It is by far the best adult language immersion course i have come across, and if you want to learn Welsh it is an excellent (and quick) way to do it. Also you will meet people fom all over the world with similar interests - there were about 70 people on the course in summer 1992 (it usually runs from about the 2nd week of july). One note to the above: since the course is subsidised, the tuition fees are extremely low; the expense comes in when you pay for accommodation and board in the college's (St. David's College, University of Wales - Lampeter) facilities. I myself, being of very little means, got over this difficulty by renting a house in the town over the summer, and sharing it with another student on the course. This proved to be much cheaper, and therefore affordable for meagre student types. If you ask the Canolfan/ Centre, they will probably not have too much help for you in the way of information of this nature. However, it IS possible, and there's a fair bit of available accommodation in Lampeter in the summer, because it is a college town and a lot of the students are away from their 'digs.' If anyone is particularly interested in arranging a place to stay in a house, write to me directly: [for people on JANET] (or [for most of the world]), because I have a friend who is going to do the course this summer [1993], and she is looking to rent the same house I rented last year [1992], with room for 3 more. (Preferably Irish or Gaidhlig speakers). For other accommodation info, write to the college accommodation office - the address would be something like: Accomm. officer, St. David's College, Univ. of Wales, Lampeter, Wales/CYMRU 7.8 Coleg Harlech course ------------------------- An annual course at Coleg Harlech. In 1993 it should be from Sat 24th July to Sat 31st July (the week before the Eisteddfod). Price is about 200 pounds for full board and tuition. A number of Americans attend it. Details from: Y Cofrestrydd (The Registrar), Coleg Harlech, Harlech, Gwynedd LL44 2PU, Cymru/Wales, UK. Tel: +44-766-780363 (from outside the UK) 0766-780363 (from within the UK) Comment: An excellent course in a lovely place. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 OVERSEAS RESOURCES --------------------- 8.1 Siani Flewog ----------------- One of the best sources of materials for learning Welsh in North America is Siani Flewog, a mail-order company based in St. Catharines, Ontario. Their free 32-page catalogue lists a wide variety of courses (many with audio support), grammars, dictionaries, readers and other resources. The proprieter's name is Jane Hughes, and the address is: Siani Flewog, 329 Queenston Street, St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada, L2P 2X8; telephone (416) 684-5913. Her e-mail address is: 8.2 Audio Forum ---------------- David W. Griffiths ( writes: There is a company called Audio Forum which produces mostly language programmes, but they have recently expanded to include music and films, and such. They have two Welsh programmes (beginning and advanced), the first of which is among my resources. It consists of books and cassettes from two different courses produced by Sain Recordiau. There is a considerable amount of overlap between the two courses in this first set, but they work well together. The cassettes contain lessons which were broadcast by the BBC, in which native Welsh speakers teach Welsh to English speakers. It's a good programme because it allows you to hear "real" Welsh, and you get to hear someone else learning it along with you. If you cannot find an Audio Forum catalogue, write back to me, and I'll have one sent to you. David W. Griffiths: 8.3 Y Drych ------------ Y Drych ('The Mirror'), a US newspaper: see section 6 above. 8.4 Cwrs Cymraeg Ottawa ------------------------ Cwrs Cymraeg Ottawa (Welsh course in Ottawa): see section 7 above. 8.5 Cyfeillion Madog --------------------- Cyfeillion Madog (newsletter of Cymdeithas Madog): see section 6.5 above. 8.6 Alicorn Books ------------------ If there are others in the San Francisco Bay Area interested in out of the ordinary books on Celtic themes, I would suggest Alicorn Books in The City. 8.7 Ninnau ----------- 'Ninnau' <'us'>, a North American monthly paper: see section 6.6. 8.8 Enfys ---------- 'Enfys' <'rainbow'>, a paper for expatriate Welsh people: see section 6.7. 8.9 Specialist bookshops in the USA ------------------------------------ Schoenhof's Foreign Books in Cambridge, MA, USA. Has an assortment of dictionaries and learner's books, but most of them seem to be Breton-French or Breton-Welsh or Breton-Irish. They have a catalogue. Write to them at 76A Mt. Auburn Street, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA. Ford & Bailie, PO Box 138, Belmont, MA 02178, USA. Celtic Books for Scholars and Students - Publishers/Distributers. They also have a catalogue. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 MISCELLANEOUS ---------------- 9.1 The London Welsh Centre ---------------------------- The London Welsh Centre is at: 157 Grays Inn Road, London, WC1 (071 837 3722 and 071 837 4873) Lots of events happen there, including a Welsh choir which regularly has attendences of over 80 people! I don't know if it's mixed voices or just men. 9.2 Plaid Cymru ---------------- Plaid Cymru [the Welsh Nationalist Party] has a London branch (contact via Plaid Cymru's head office at: 51 Heol yr Eglwys Gadeiriol, Caerdydd/Cardiff, Cymru/Wales, UK. 9.3 The London Welsh School ---------------------------- The London Welsh school (day school for children aged 4-11, nursery school) 265 Willesden Lane, London, NW2 5JG Tel: 081 459 2690 9.4 The Celtic League ---------------------- The Celtic League. Contact: Merfyn Phillips, Parc y Ffrier, Llandudnoch, Dyfed, Cymru/Wales, UK. 9.5 The London Association for Celtic Education ------------------------------------------------ LACE (The London Association for Celtic Education) - contact: LACE, Roger Casement Irish Centre, Eastgate Building, 131 St John's Way, London, N19 071 281 3225 9.6 Welsh classes in London ---------------------------- Craig Cockburn ( has details on various Welsh classes in London. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 BRETON AND CORNISH ---------------------- 10.1 Breton info ----------------- The International Committee for the Defense of the Breton Language publishes a newsletter called BRO NEVEZ. The contact person in the U.S. is: Lois Kuter 169 Greenwood Avenue, B-4 Jenkintown, Pennsylvania 19046 Telephone: (215) 886-6361 * * * * * * Prof J Ian Press, Russian, Queen Mary and Westfield College, University of London, Mile End Road, London E1 4NS (071 975 555) may be able to assist with Breton, and there is a Breton correspondence course available through: Skol Ober, Gwaremm, Leurven, 22310 Plufur, Bretagne, via France * * * * * * Schoenhof's Foreign Books in Cambridge, MA, USA. Has an assortment of dictionaries and learner's books, but most of them seem to be Breton-French or Breton-Welsh or Breton-Irish. They have a catalogue. Write to them at 76A Mt. Auburn Street, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA. 10.2 Cornish info ------------------ The Cornish Language Board: Secretary: Wella Brown, Chy-an-Gell, 9 Frith Road, Saltash, Kernow/Cornwall There is a London Cornish Association, and an active Cornish society based at the City Lit, Stukely Street, Drury Lane, WC2B 5LJ 071-242 9872 Book: "The Story of the Cornish Language", by P. Berresford Ellis, 1990. Publisher: Tor Mark Press, Islington Wharf, Penryn, Cornwall, TR10 8AT. NB: This publisher has a list of Cornish books. This book has some addresses, one for each of the three contemporary written Cornish standards: (Unified Cornish) Dyllansow Truran, Trewolsta, Trewirgie, Redruth, Cornwall (Phonemic Cornish) Cornish Language Board - see above. (Traditional Cornish) Teere ha Tavaz, Tregill Vean, Menheniot, Liskeard PL14 3PL, Cornwall --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 WELSH BACKGROUND MATERIAL: HISTORY, CULTURE, ETC. ------------------------------------------------------- 11.1 Welsh names for children ------------------------------ There is a quite comprehensive book on the subject of Welsh names for children, written by Heini Gruffudd, called "Enwau Cymraeg i Blant" (Welsh Names for Children), and published by Y Lolfa, Talybont, Dyfed [see section 5 for full address and phone no.]. In America, you can get it (and many other Welsh books) from David Morgan (Importers): phone (206) 485-2132. Comment: It's very useful and although not a scholarly work, it does try to tell a bit about the meaning or history of each name, if known. It's just a paperback and costs 1.95 pounds in Wales, so it can't be that much even from David Morgan in the U.S. 11.2 On 'Cymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg'/The Welsh Language Society ----------------------------------------------------------------- Y Lolfa also publish "The Welsh Extremist" by Ned Thomas. This is probably also available through David Morgan [phone no. above]. Comment: The best English-language book I know of on modern Wales and all the Cymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg furore. 11.3 Translation of 'The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe' ----------------------------------------------------------- C.S. Lewis's book 'The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe' has been translated into Welsh. It's called 'Y Llew a'r Wrach'; it was originally published in 1972 by Gwasg Gee, but was reprinted in 1983 by Gwasg Efengylaidd Cymru (address: Bryntirion, Penybont-ar-Ogwr, Morgannwg Canol, Cymru/Wales, UK). 11.4 How to write letters in Welsh ----------------------------------- There is a small booklet called 'Sut i ysgrifennu llythyr' <'How to write letters in Welsh'>. It costs about 1 pound. It is published by Cefn, and is obtainable from: Cefn, Cefnogwyr y Gymraeg, 1 Stryd y Castell, Caernarfon, Gwynedd, Cymru/Wales, UK. Tel: +44-286-3795/5664 (from outside the UK) 0286-3795/5664 (from within the UK) It includes a lot of examples for use on different occasions, Welsh terms of address (to the prime minister you write "Y Gwir Anrhydeddus" on the envelope). 11.5 Welsh atlas ----------------- There is a widely available atlas in Welsh, called something like "Yr Atlas Cymraeg", published by Y Lolfa. A Welsh shop should have it [see section 5 for Welsh shops]. Comment: It's quite good and gives place names for everywhere in the world in Welsh. 11.6 Researching Welsh family history, I: Society --------------------------------------------------- Contact: Gwynedd Family History Society, c/o Mrs J Hinde, Cwm Arian, Penysarn Fawr, Penysarn, Sir Fo+n, Cymru/Wales, UK. 11.7 Researching Welsh family history, II: Book ------------------------------------------------- A new book has just been published: 'Welsh Family History - A Guide to Research' ed. J Rowlands and Others, pub. by Association of Family History Societies of Wales, ISBN 0 9520727 0 X. (Distributed by the Federation of Family History Societies, The Benson Room, Birmingham & Midland Institute, Margaret St, Birmingham, B3 3BS). Price 9.95 pounds. Quotes from the cover: "Researching Welsh history can be fraught with difficulties for those who are unaware of, or unfamiliar with, the very different (from England) social, cultural, religious and linguistic circumstances which have prevailed in Wales...." "This is not a 'how to do it' book. The principles of genealogical method...apply as fully in Wales as in other contexts. These aspects have been written about at length elsewhere and are not repeated here. Instead this book is a compilation of contributions by a wide range of authors. Some of the contributions are by authors with direct experience of researching Welsh ancestry; others have been written by authors with a detailed knowledge of the historicalk background to Wales." 11.8 Researching Welsh family history, III: Courses ----------------------------------------------------- University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, runs courses in researching Welsh family history. 17-24 July 1993: 'Beginning your family history in England and Wales' This is aimed at complete beginners and those in the early stages of research. 7-14 August: 'The Eighth Family History in Wales Course'. 'The course is designed for family historians wishing to learn more about tracing their Welsh ancestry and aims to give them a thorough grounding in the use of a wide range of records and sources. The course is not suitable for beginners and it will be assumed that all participants will have some familiarity with genealogy although not necessarily in a Welsh context.' Further information can be obtained from: James Wallace, Swyddfa Gynadleddau, Coleg Prifysgol Cymru, Penbryn, Penglais, Aberystwyth, Dyfed SY23 3BY, Cymru/Wales, UK. Tel: +44 970 623780/623757 (from outside the UK) 0970 623780/623757 (from within the UK) 11.7 Welsh T-shirts -------------------- These are produced on an informal basis by a young girl, Cathryn Timothy, in her spare time. Two of the designs are "Alff a Bet", "Ystwyth" (Welsh puns). There are various designs. Contact: Cathryn Timothy, 128, Ffordd Rhuddlan, Y Rhyl, Clwyd LL18 2RF, Cymru/Wales, UK. Tel: +44 745 353192/590224 (from outside UK) 0745 353192/590224 (from within UK) (One of the phone numbers belongs to her father's shop, a pharmacy). 11.8 Noted books in English about Wales ---------------------------------------- The following recent books in English about Welsh culture or history are worth reading: 'Mass for Hard Times', a collection of poems by R.S. Thomas. 'Mid-Victorian Wales' by Ieuan Gwynedd Jones. 'Crime in Ninenteenth Century Wales' by David J.V. Jones. 'The Mountains of Wales' published by Ioan Bowen Rees. A collection of observations by literary critics and others. 'Internal Difference' by M. Wynn Thomas. A study of the literature in and about Welsh in the twentieth century. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grateful thanks are due to the following for their contributions: (Kubilay Akleman) (Sio+n Brynach) (Nigel Callaghan) (Craig Cockburn) (Judith Dick) (Dewi Evans) (Fran) (David Griffiths) (Marion Gunn) (Kimberley Homer) (Alun Hughes) (Geraint Jones) (Warren Kovach) (David Librik) (John T. McCranie) (S J Morris) (Rebecca Roolf) (Johan Schimanski) (Blake Lee Spahr) (Robert Thiel) (Marta Weingartner) (Max Wheeler) (Donna White) (Briony Williams) (Carol Zall)