Here are some pointers for would-be learners of Welsh who may not be aware of what's in the archives: WELSH-L FILELIST for LISTSERV@IRLEARN ===================================== This FILELIST contains details of files archived on LISTSERV@IRLEARN.UCD.IE for WELSH-L subscribers and others. List/archive owners: EVERSON@IRLEARN.UCD.IE Michael Everson BRIONY@CSTR.ED.AC.UK Briony Williams To retrieve a file, send the following command, as text of a MAIL or TELL message, to LISTSERV@IRLEARN.UCD.IE (Internet) (or LISTSERV@IRLEARN.EARN, or LISTSERV@IRLEARN.BITNET): GET filename filetype ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: filename filetype date Remarks -------- -------- -------- ---------------------- CU_BOOKS BIBL 93/05/27 Welsh bookshops (not only in Wales). CU_CULT1 BIBL 93/05/27 Welsh history and culture. CU_CWRS1 BIBL 93/05/27 Residential language courses. CU_DICTS BIBL 93/05/27 Welsh dictionaries. CU_GRAM1 BIBL 93/05/27 Welsh grammars. CU_INFO1 BIBL 93/05/27 General info on Welsh. CU_JOURN BIBL 93/05/27 Welsh newspapers and magazines. CU_MISC1 BIBL 93/05/27 Welsh miscellanea. CU_STUDY BIBL 93/05/27 Welsh learning materials. KW_INFO1 BIBL 93/05/27 General info on Cornish. BZ_INFO1 BIBL 93/05/27 General info on Breton. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Os dydych chi ddim wedi eich If you are not connected to BITNET: ---------------------------- ---------------------------------- cysylltu i BITNET: ------------------ Anfonwch neges i LISTSERV@IRLEARN Send a message to LISTSERV@IRLEARN (neu LISTSERV@IRLEARN.UCD.IE, neu (or LISTSERV@IRLEARN.UCD.IE, or LISTSERV@IRLEARN.EARN, a.y.y.b.) LISTSERV@IRLEARN.EARN, etc.) yn dweud fel llinell gyntaf where the first line is INDEX WELSH-L i dderbyn mynegai'r ffeiliau to receive the index of WELSH-L WELSH-L. Os ydych chi eisiau files. If you want the file ffeil CU_INFO1 BIBL, er CU_INFO1 BIBL, for example, send er enghraifft,anfonwch neges yn a message with the first line dweud fel llinell gyntaf GET WELSH-L CU_INFO1 BIBL i dderbyn y ffeil. to receive the file. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Os ydych chi wedi eich cysylltu If you are connected to BITNET: ------------------------------- ------------------------------ i BITNET: -------- Rhowch yr orchymyn Issue the command TELL LISTSERV@IRLEARN INDEX WELSH-L i dderbyn mynegai'r ffeiliau to receive the index of WELSH-L WELSH-L. Os ydych chi eisiau files. If you want the file ffeil CU_INFO1 BIBL, er CU_INFO1 BIBL, for example, issue er enghraifft, rhowch yr orchymyn the command TELL LISTSERV@IRLEARN GET WELSH-L CU_INFO1 BIBL i dderbyn y ffeil. to receive the file.