----- Begin Included Message ----- From WELSH-L@EARN.IRLEARN Mon Oct 25 23:45:16 1993 Date: Tue, 26 Oct 93 00:46:00 GMT Reply-To: WELSH Language Bulletin Board Sender: WELSH Language Bulletin Board From: Nicholas Kibre <6500njk@EDU.UCSB.UCSBUXA> Subject: Some institutions in Wales X-To: welsh-l@irlearn.ucd.ie To: Multiple Recipients of Content-Length: 622 Does anyone on this list happen to know the mailing addresses of a couple of academic institutions in Wales? I'm trying to contact some people at: Ysgol y Strade, Llanelli University College of North Wales, Bangor,Gwynedd. LL57 1LD e-mail is User-id@bangor.ac.uk or User-id@uk.ac.bangor South Glamorgan Institute of Higher Education The Welsh Folk Museaum Thanks/Diolch, Nick Kibre o - - - - - - - - o _ Nicholas Kibre --- 6500njk@ucsbuxa.ucsb.edu _ Adran Ieithyddiaeth, Prifysgol Califfornia, Santa Barbara o - - - - - - - - o ----- End Included Message -----