Dyma neges o dhyn arall sy'n chwilio am ga+n Cymraeg. Forwarding the enclosed message to WELSH-L with John Walker's permission, as the only song I have ever heard about a drowned valley in Wales is to the tune of an Irish song (_Buachaill o/n E/irne_) which differs greatly from _Ar Lan Y Mo+r_. As you can see from John's note, he remembers some Welsh from his childhood, so both of us would benefit much from comments written in Welsh on his reference to the song(s?) of the drowned valley. Gallwch chi helpu Sio+n? Marion Gunn On Fri, 08 Oct 93 16:23:49 EDT you said: >Dear Marion, > Thankyou for reminding me of the song 'ar lan y mor' and including >the lyrics. I learnt the song when I was 8 or 9 many years ago and vaquely >remember singing it in Public. My welsh has all but disappeared so I cannot >understand it now. I was taught that the song was about a valley drowned for >a reservoir I think it was what became Lake Vyrnwy (sp). If you have other > information on the origin , a translation into saesneg, and the music. it may > be the filip I need to relearn the tongue of my fathers. > Diolwch (sp?) y fawr > John walker MGUNN@IRLEARN.UCD.IE