Yiddish Mailing List, Issue #1 ============================== Lomir shoin onhoibn! (David Sherman) What do you get...? (David Sherman) Learning Yiddish (Andrew Tannenbaum) ---------------------------- From: dave@lsuc.uucp (David Sherman) Subject: lomir shoin onhoibn! Date: Tue Oct 18 22:07:35 EDT 1988 Digest-message: 01/1 Finally, hob ikh tseit tsu zamlen der ershte oisgabeh fun dem mailing-list. This list will be mixed English/Yiddish. If you find composing in Yiddish too awkward, but have something to say, please say so anyway. I will send out issues as often as there is something to send. Everyone who receives this, please reply to me (but not to the rest of the list!) so I know you're getting it and will keep you on the list. If you can tell us a bit about yourself and your experience with / interest in Yiddish, alts besser. David Sherman The Law Society of Upper Canada Toronto (416) 947-3466 or 889-7658 dave@lsuc.uucp or lsuc!dave@ai.toronto.edu or attcan!lsuc!dave@uunet.uu.net or { uunet!attcan att pyramid!utai utzoo } !lsuc!dave ---------------------------- From: dave@lsuc.uucp (David Sherman) Subject: What do you get...? Date: Tue Oct 18 22:07:35 EDT 1988 Digest-message: 01/2 What do you get when you cross a chicken and a rabbit? Nisht ahin, nisht aher. ---------------------------- From: trb@ima.ISC.COM (Andrew Tannenbaum) Date: Fri, 26 Aug 88 13:25:57 EDT Subject: Re: Words to "Rumania" Digest-message: 01/3 Dovid, Vos machs du? Ich bin a nai yiddishe shiller bai di arbeter ring in Brookline. And my Yiddish quickly tapers off after that... I'm having a great time learning though. I have tried unsuccessesfully to figure out the words to Rumania, thanks alot for posting them. Btw, have you seen the movie "A Swinging Night in the Garden of Eden" (I think "A Freiliche Nacht in Gan Eidn") by the Klezmer Conservatory Band and Kapelye? Includes an interview with Dave Tarras, footage of one of those klezmer festivals, and other good fun. This week in yiddish class, our lererin was telling us that she liked us because we participated in the class, we didn't just sit there like... and I asked her to describe such a person who sits there, in Yiddish. She said "like a shtik fleish mit oygn." I was squealing with laughter, I almost fell on the floor. Andy Tannenbaum ---------------------------------------------- [coming next issue: a bisl fun der "geshikhte fun lebn" fun etlekhe mentshn fun dem mailing-list]