Yiddish Mailing List, Issue #13 October 25, 1989 138 lines =============================== Corrected version of "mini legend" joke (Raphael Finkel) Yugntruf celebration at Columbia, Nov. 12 (David Sherman) Vidervuks anthology (David Sherman) [bamerkung: shik epes, az ikh zol hobn vus aroistsushikn in nekstn numer!] ------------------------ Digest-Message: 13/1 From: Raphael Finkel Subject: etlekhe gramatishe tikunim [Note: this is the same joke as Digest-Message 11/1, but Raphael has kindly corrected the grammar in a number of places. - DS] Amol iz geven drei Indians. Der tate, Jeronovitz; die mame, Pocayenta; un die tochter, Minnie-Horovitz. Ein tug iz Minnie-Horovitz gekumen aheim un gezugt Pocayentan, "Mame, ikh vil farheiraten." Zugt Pocayenta, "Gut, s'iz shoin tseit. Du bist yetzt an alte moid, zekhtsn yur alt. Ver iz der bokhr?" Zugt Minnie-Horovitz, "Oy mame, hob ikh getrofn mit a bokhr! Hoikh un heldish, azoi shein, azoi shtark!" "Un vus iz zein numen?" "Er heist Sitting Bullvon." "Un vus far a yikhes hot er?" "Oy, er hot a groisen yikhes. Zein tate, Meshigener Ferd, is der gantser makher fun alle di Shvartse-Fuss leite." Zugt Pocayenta, "Gut, mir veln hobn a groise chaseneh... Oy vay'z mir!" "Vus iz der mer?" "Mir hobn ein tsureh." "Vus iz die tsureh?" "Der tzeepee iz nisht grois genug tsu halten alle die gest fun der chaseneh -- alle die Shvartse-Fus un die Schmohawks un die gantse mishpokheh." Shreit Pocayenta tsu Jeronovitzn: "Shtey oif funem tukhes un gey khap mir a buffalo." Zugt Jeronovitz, "Far vos vilst du a buffalo?" "Mit dem fleish funem buffalo ken ikh makhn a gut gedemte tzimmes, un mit der peltz ken ikh makhn gresser di tzeepee, un mir veln kenen einladen die gantse velt tsu der chasseneh." Arois iz gegangen Jeronovitz. Ein tug hot passiert, tsvei teg, un nisht kein Jeronovitz. A vokh shpeter kumt aheim Jeronovitz mit gornisht in zeine hent. "Shlemiel, vu iz mein buffalo?", shreit tsu eim Pocayenta. "Du un dein buffalo tzimmes, ikh hob eikh beide in dr'erd." "Far vus? Vus iz der mer?" "Dem ershtn tug hob ikh gezen a buffalo nisht gut genug far der tzimmes, nisht grois genug far der tzeepee. Dem tsveitn tug hob ikh gezen anander buffalo, grois genug ober mit a farfoilte peltz; aza mieskeit fun a buffalo hob ikh keinmol nisht gezen. Nokh a pur teg hob ikh gefinen a buffalo -- shein, shmaltzdik, un grois. An oisnam!" "Un nu, vuden?" "Vuden, bin ikh gegangen shekhten dem buffalo, hob ikh gekikt in mein tasch, un... du veist vus? Ikh hob mitgebrengt nor mein milkhikn tomahawk!" ------------------------ Digest-Message: 13/2 From: dave@lsuc.on.ca (David Sherman) Subject: Yugntruf celebration at Columbia University Date: Wed Oct 25 21:19:10 EDT 1989 (This came on Yugntruf letterhead; I'm copying only the English side...) Dear Friend, A 25th anniversary only comes along once in a lifetime, both for an individual and for an organization. So we can't let the opportunity pass for a real celebration of this event. You are, therefore, invited to a joyous commemoration of this day, on SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1989, 1:00 to 5:00 P.M., in Earl Hall (Columbia University), Broadway and 116th Street, Nwe York. In addition to meeting previous, as well as present, "generations" of Yugntrufnikes, you can enjoy the musical program, help us in making a "lekhayim", and hear an evocative symposium entitled "Yugntruf -- Then and Now", in which you will hear Yugntruf recollections of: Dr. Sheva Zucker, Dr. David Roskies and Dr. Mordkhe Shaechter. Chairing the symposoim will be Dr. David Fishman. Advance reservations for this occasion are $15. Students and senior citizens: $10. Entry at the door: $20 and $15. David Braun Itzek Gottesman Co-chairpersons [Yugnruf is at 200 West 72 St #40, NY NY 10023, 212-787-6675. I won't be able to go, as it's a bit far from Toronto for one afternoon. Oib emetzn fun der post-rshime vet geyn, shik uns a "report"!] ------------------------ Digest-Message: 13/3 From: dave@lsuc.on.ca (David Sherman) Subject: Vidervuks anthology Date: Wed Oct 25 21:27:08 EDT 1989 [This is also on Yugntruf letterhead, English one side, Yiddish the other] A NEW GENERATION OF YIDDISH WRITERS "The golden chain" of Yiddish creativity continues! The newest generation of Yiddish writers is now represented in the recently issued anthology *Vidervuks*. Published by the League for Yiddish, Yugntruf Youth for Yiddish, and the Congress for Jewish Culture, three New York-based organizations promoting the Yiddish language and culture, Vidervuks contains the works of twenty Yiddish writers, most of whom were born after World War II in the United States, Canada, Argentina, England, Poland, the Soviet Union, and Israel. The publishing of Vidervuks is an historic accomplishment -- the first joint appearance in book form of the prose, poetry, and literary essays of the writers who are and will be the creative forces in Yiddish literature today and in the years to come. *Vidervuks: A new Generation of Yiddish Writers*, containing 367 pages, is available in a hard-cover edition for $25 and a soft-cover edition for $18, plus $2 for postage and handling. This anthology is a fine gift for lovers of Yiddish: for every order of five or more books, $3 will be discounted from the price of each book purchased. Vidervuks can be ordered by check or money order (prepayment in U.S. currency required) from the League for Yiddish or Yugntruf, both at 200 West 72 St., Suite 40, New York, NY 10023-2805. ------------------------ END OF ISSUE #13 ------------------------ David (Daniel Moishe) Sherman, Toronto Moderator, mail.yiddish { uunet!attcan {AT&T Sites}!att pyramid!utai utzoo } !lsuc!dave dave@lsuc.on.ca attcan!lsuc!dave@uunet.uu.net