Yiddish Mailing List, Issue #23 February 27, 1990 101 lines =============================== Aleph-Bais (Jack Woehr) Rock Around the Clock (Andy Tannenbaum) Understanding Yiddish, Part 2 (Rechnitzer Rejects) YIVO revisited (David Sherman) ------------------------ Digest-Message: 23/1 From: uunet!mtxinu.COM!ucbvax!cogsci.berkeley.edu!well!jax (Jack J. Woehr) Subject: Re: mail.yiddish issue #21 Date: Sat, 24 Feb 90 16:20:04 PDT dyr lyxtyr nvmyr ( No. 21) hob ic do gyqrign, a danq ( alif-b+ == abgdhvzkticlmnsypfxqr$+ ) ------------------------ Digest-Message: 23/2 Date: Mon, 26 Feb 90 12:25:01 EST From: trb@IMA.IMA.ISC.COM (Andrew Tannenbaum) Subject: rock around the clock (m.y #22) Alas, the words did not go "Shtein arum di zeyger." The chorus, which is the important part of this song, went approximately: ein tsvei drai a zeyger, fir a zeyger rock! finf zex zibn a zeyger acht a zeyger k'nock! nein tsen elf a zeyger tsvelf a zeyger hock! we're gonna rock arum the clock tonight! I'm not sure whether it was Gerry Tenney or Michael Alpert singing on this one. Since this is a loud bouncy rock tune, the words didn't make as much difference as in some of the others - the singer would stop singing or sing Yinglish. Andrew Tannenbaum Interactive Cambridge, MA +1 617 661 7474 ------------------------ Digest-Message: 23/3 From: dave@lsuc.on.ca (David Sherman) Subject: Understanding Yiddish parody, Part 2 Date: Tue Feb 27 14:58:31 EST 1990 Here's the sequel to Part 1, which I excerpted in Digest-Message 16/1. This comes from Rechnitzer Rejects volume 4. It's a conversation between two people in Yiddish, followed by the "rough English translation". Ikh hob gemakht havdulah. "I've made fifty cents profit." Ikh hob moireh. "I have a teacher." Ikh fil erger vi nekhtn. "I filled up the car last night." Zug mir nokh a mol. "Tell me after the bris." Ikh fil oisgematert. "It doesn't matter how I feel." Hak nisht dem kop in dem vand. "Don't beat a policeman with his own stick." Vey iz mir, finstern lebn! "Show me the black spot in the yogurt." Vus tchepest du? "Why do you look after sheep?" Ober ikh krig kartn. "But I have a Greek gardener." S'iz geven a miesn oilm. "She was a former Miss Universe." Zei makhn mir nisht meshugeh. "They put me on a strict diet." Gei in a gite shu. "Go out in a good pair of sneakers." Zei gebensht. "Please take a seat." ------------------------ Digest-Message: 23/4 From: dave@lsuc.on.ca (David Sherman) Subject: YIVO revisited Date: Tue Feb 27 15:10:55 EST 1990 As a followup to Digest-Message 15/1 regarding the problems we had with Klezkamp: I wrote a lengthy, polite letter to the Executive Director of YIVO, Sam Norich. I FAXed the letter to YIVO on January 4 and mailed it the same day. I have not had the courtesy of a reply. ------------------------ SOF FUN NUMER 23 ------------------------ David (Daniel Moishe) Sherman, Toronto Moderator, mail.yiddish { uunet!attcan {AT&T Sites}!att pyramid!utai utzoo } !lsuc!dave dave@lsuc.on.ca attcan!lsuc!dave@uunet.uu.net