Yiddish Mailing List, Issue #24 March 15, 1990 199 lines =============================== Children's songs and lullabies (Ruth Bork) Yidishe mayses (Macros Frid) Hello Mameh, Hello Tateh (Country Yossi) ------------------------ Digest-Message: 24/1 Date: Thu, 1 Mar 90 08:50:00 EST From: OHS@northeastern.edu (Ruth Bork) Subject: Yiddish & Children I'm a new member of the Yiddish list, and in reading the back issues I have not seen anything on this subject. As the mother of a two-month old, I have been looking for tapes or records with Yiddish lullabys, but so far I haven't had any luck. Even song books are OK. Although this is my most immediate need, I am also interested in finding places to get records or tapes of Yiddish children's songs, as well as children's story books. Raphael@ms.uky.edu helpfully suggested the Arbeitering, which has some of these things, but still no lullabys. Ruth Bork Bitnet: OHS@NUHUB Internet: OHS@northeastern.edu Voicenet: 617/437-2675 [Mazltov on your baby! We have lots of Yiddish tapes and records; none are exclusively lullabies, but they're scattered around. For example, tapes by Yaffa Yarkoni, Chava Alberstein and Fay Nicoll have some songs which might qualify as lullabies. Certainly, if you can get to the Arbeitering (Workmen's Circle) at 45 E.33rd Street in Manhattan, you'll want to browse through their collection. We bought over a dozen tapes there, a couple of years ago. It's hard to define exactly what qualifies as a lullaby, but Chava Alberstein in particular sings some. "A Viglid" would certainly count as a lullaby! The children's tapes and records we have include: Gut Yomtev Kinder! (Workmen's Circle) Lomir Zingen (Workmen's Circle) Undzer Yiddish (Mameloshn Records, 1979) Avramele Di Kindervelt Di Mitzvah Keitlekh -- the last 3, and others, you can get at the Judaica stores that cater to the Chassidic community, in Boro Park. They have a decidedly religious orientation. See also the various sources I mentioned in Digest-Message 03/1. Other suggestions? - DS] ------------------------ Digest-Message: 24/2 Date: Tue, 13 Mar 90 09:33:10 pst From: Marcos Frid Subject: Gekrign Ich hob gekrign ale numern fun Yiddish.mail. Ich hob nisht kein tzeit tzum leyenem ale numern yitzter, ober ich hob shoin geleyent finef or zeks. Zei zainen zeier gut; ich hob gelacht a sach oif (vi zogt men "several"?) fun di maises. Es zainen nisht a sach Yidn in der "Bay Area" vos redn Yidish; s'is gut far mir tzum leyenen, zol ich nisht fargesn. (S'is a bisl meshuge tzum redn and shraibn mit englishe oises!). Ven ich geit zeen maine mishpoche in Mexike, ich vel brengen mit mir maine Yiddishe bicher, vos mir hobn geleyent in der Naye Yidishe Shule, in Mexico City (Main "shtetl"). Ven ich hob a gute maise, ich vel es dir shikn, zolstu es onleign (?) in der Yidishe mail. Marcos (Moishe Meyer) [Zeyr shein. Mir vartn oif deine mayses. "Several" iz etlekhe, oder a pur, oder (a mol) farshidene. -DS] ------------------------ Digest-Message: 24/3 From: dave@lsuc.on.ca (David Sherman) Date: Thu Mar 15 15:10:41 EST 1990 Subject: Hello Mameh, Hello Tateh This comes from Country Yossi and the Shteeblehoppers, Volume 4. It's to the tune of Allan Sherman's "Hello Muddah, Hello Faddah", of course. The grammatical mistakes are Yossi's, not mine :-) Hello Mameh Hello Tateh Ikh bin du in Old Camp Zlateh Az ikh leb nokh Iz a vunder In a bus bin ikh geforn fertsen shtunder Mein head counselor Heist Gedalieh Er git mir yeder Tug a khmalieh Mein pajamas Hob ikh farloirn Un yeder nakht ikh ver do gut gefroirn Aleh voinen In klein haizlekh Ikh hob gekhapt shoin Draitsn maizlekh Ikh bin du a- -lein a kliger Veil di counselors zenen ale git meshige. [CHORUS] Oy, Nem mikh aheim Oy mameh, tateh Nem mikh aheim I hate Camp Zlateh Ikh'l gein tsu minyan yeder tog Drei mol Un mer nit shpiln kein bol Oy, kim far mir Oy mameh, tateh Ikh bet dir I hate Camp Zlateh Hob rakhmones, her tsi vus ikh zug A klug Ikh bin shoin du ein tug. Moishe Khaim Iz antlofn Un di skunks du Lozn nit shlofn Yitzkhok Zelig Er ligt un krekhts Of a beehive hot er zikh avekgezetst Ikh hob farloirn Fiele zakhn Geplatst di hoizn Ale lakhn Fun poison ivy Iz mir yetst bitter Men hot mikh ongeshmirt mit zoier cream un pitter Yankel Shmiel hot Shvere shmertsn Mosquito bites hot Er shoin fertsn Of a hike hot Men inz genimen Mit helicopters hot men inz gefinen. CHORUS Liebe mameh Ikh hob grois tsuris Di gantse zimer Toig of kapures Kh'hob heint gehert a Shlekhter simn Di lifeguard hot gezugt er ken nit shvimn. Bei nakht shlof ikh Of der erd Vail mein matrats Shmekt vi a ferd Ikh vil nisht makhn Kein grois production Ober finev mol a vokh est men du lokshn. Ikh shpil baseball Batter up Gekhapt a line-drive In di kop Ober heint bin Ikh a knoker Kh'hob tsebrokhn beide fis in shpiln soccer. CHORUS Vait a minute Ot kimt a vaiter Er brengt ice-cream Mit seven-layer Yetst hob ikh ales Vos ikh ken darfn Tateh, mameh, kentst dem briv shoin aroisvarfn! ------------------------ SOF FUN NUMER 24 ------------------------ David (Daniel Moishe) Sherman, Toronto Moderator, mail.yiddish { uunet!attcan {AT&T Sites}!att pyramid!utai utzoo } !lsuc!dave dave@lsuc.on.ca attcan!lsuc!dave@uunet.uu.net