Yiddish Mailing List, Issue #46 July 25, 1991 138 lines =============================== The Mendele mailing list (David Sherman) Ex-Lax ditty (Rama Porrat) More on the letters from Sedalia (Rick Turkel) Question re intensive study programs (Nicholas Eshelman) Naye mentshn (Victor Bers, Robert L. Myers) ------------------------ Digest-Message: 46/1 From: dave@lsuc.on.ca (David Sherman) Date: Thu Jul 25 23:01:08 EDT 1991 Subject: Yasher Koyekh to Noyekh >From its first issue on May 15, just a couple of months ago, the MENDELE mailing list ("Yiddish Language and Literature") has now surpassed three years of mail.yiddish and is now past its 50th issue. I'd like to give a big yasher koyakh to Noyekh Miller, the "shames" of MENDELE (sounds like the title for a short story!). For those on this mailing list who aren't yet on MENDELE, the discussion is primarily in English and focuses on linguistic questions (including the meaning and origin of phrases) as well as discussion of Yiddish literature, and has included some new translations of Yiddish works. No question that Noyekh has succeeded in raising the level of discussion beyond what we manage in mail.yiddish. I'll continue to send out mail.yiddish as and when I get new material (and as I have time), without trying to overlap Mendele too much. To subscribe to Mendele, send a message to MENDELE@vax1.trincoll.edu or MENDELE@TRINCC.BITNET. David Sherman ------------------------ Digest-Message: 46/2 From: Rama Porrat Date: Sun, 7 Jul 1991 14:13:02 -0400 Subject: Re: mail.yiddish issue #44 As far as I remember, the right syntax of the rhyme about Ex-Lax is a little different from Rick Turkel's. It goes Ex Lax A goote zakh! me'est a bisl - mekakt a shisl! At least, that's what said in Israel, a long time ago. Regards! Rama - rama@shum.huji.ac.il (From Jerusalem.) ------------------------ Date: Mon, 8 Jul 1991 09:37:46 -0400 Subject: Re: mail.yiddish issue #42 From: Rick Turkel Just a short note on Frank Silbermann's analysis of the Sedalia, MO letter as German rather than Yiddish. I think he's reading too much into a bit of daytshmerish. In the very first line, the addressee's name isn't "Ihren Lazer" but "Aaron Leyzer." One must always remember that words (and names) of Hebrew/Aramaic origin in Yiddish are written by all but the least educated in the original spelling, not in the phonetic orthography of the rest of the language. The Hebrew spelling of Aaron is exactly that transcribed in m.y #41. Zei gezunt. Rick Turkel (rmt51@CAS.bitnet) ------------------------ Digest-Message: 46/3 Date: Fri, 12 Jul 1991 12:44:13 -0400 From: Nicholas Eshelman Subject: Intensive study programs Can anyone tell me if they know of any Yiddish intensive study programs OUTSIDE of New York. (I like New Yorkers but I seem to really hate New York, or rather I really hate being IN New York. I used to work there and still have nightmares). [How about Oxford? Is that too far? -DS] ------------------------ Digest-Message: 46/4 Date: Tue, 9 Jul 1991 21:21:00 -0400 From: VBERS%YALEVM@pucc.PRINCETON.EDU (Victor Bers) A bisl mehr vegen mine erfahrungen mit iddish. Min bobe-zayde zinen geven di "principals" fun di iddische veltliche schulen in Rige, dos heist di grundshul und der gymnasium. Beide min eltern zeinen geven talmidin in jene schulen. In di dreisike yoren di fashisten (der haupt iz geven Ullmanis) hoben farmahkt di shulen; mine eltern zeinen geven tatik in die Bund und in die bewegung gegen die fashisten und zeinen entlufen kayn Prague. Far zay iddish iz zayer vichtik, avadeh. Vie ikh hob shayn gezogt mit a voch zurik, mine iddish iz nit flisik; ober mir hoben do in Yale a leyn kreiz, und mine sprach vert a bisl besser. Ikh hob eych a gelegenheit zu reden mit mine eltern kemat yeden tog (telefonish), ober zay zeinen zu tolerant zu meine felern. Es geht on zogn, az min meshprokeh ret a litvische iddish. Die andere mitglider in unzer leyn kreiz reden a prachtige iddish (fiel besser vi ikh!), ober far zay unzer dialekt iz a bisl komish. Fun destwegen, zog ikh zayer oft, ven zay lakhn, "In Rige flekt mir zogen ..." (Emes gezogt, ikh bin born in Amerike und hob keyn mol nit gezen Rige). Nu, genug. Zit mir gezunt! Victor Bers ------------------------ Digest-Message: 46/5 Date: Thu, 25 Jul 1991 22:29:31 -0400 From: Robert.L.Myers@cyber.widener.edu ICH KEN LEZEN UND ICH KEN SCHREIBEN YIDDISH OBER ICH VAIS NISHT VIE AZOY GIT ICH KEN FARSHTAYN VUS IST GESCHRIBEN IN "HENGLISHE" YIDDISH! ZET SYNE FAR MIR A GROSSE FAHRGENIGEN TSU KREIGEN UND TSU SCHICKEN YIDDISHE BREVLICH MIT ANDERE MENSCHEN. ICH BATE DIR DIE ZULST AREINSHTELEN MEIN NUMMEN TSUZOMMEN MIT DIE ANDERE MENSCHEN. DENKS. ------------------------ SOF FUN NUMER 46 ------------------------ David (Daniel Moishe) Sherman, Toronto Moderator, mail.yiddish dave@lsuc.on.ca attcan!lsuc!dave@uunet.uu.net uunet!attcan!lsuc!dave {AT&T sites}!att!lsuc!dave