Mendele: Yiddish literature and language ______________________________________________________ Contents of Vol. 7.048 August 12, 1997 1) August 12, 1952 (Iosif Vaisman) 2) CD Dictionaries (Shoshana Balaban-Wolkowicz) 3) "Yoyvl-lid" OR "Anniversary Song" (Elliot Gertel) 4) Virtual Ashkenaz goes live (Ari Davidow) 5) concert of Yiddish music (Lili Eylon) 6) az me lebt (sylvia schildt) 7) terms of endearment (Mordkhe Schaechter) 8) vider amol as me lebt, and terms of endearment (Leon Rosenberg) 1)---------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 12 Aug 1997 19:41:46 -0700 (PDT) From: Iosif Vaisman Subject: August 12, 1952 Fourty five years ago, on August 12, 1952 twenty four Soviet Yiddish poets, writers, and antifascist activists were executed in Moscow prison on Stalin's order. ... But your darkly murdered tongue, silenced by the hangman's noose, is no longer heard, though the muse again sings in the land. You left me your language, lifted with joy. But oh, I am bereft -- I wear your Yiddish like a drowned man's shirt, wearing out the hurt. Chaim Grade, Elegy for the Soviet Yiddish Writers translated by Cynthia Ozick 2)---------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 7 Aug 1997 04:12:18 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: CD Dictionaries In shaykhes mit di vertebikher in/oif CD volt oikh nit geven shlekht ven me nemt arayn dem "Yiddish-Shpanish Verterbuch" tsunoifgeshtelt fun Itzchok Niborski un Yakov-Yoshua Lerman aroisgegebn fun Argentiner IWO (YIVO). Shoshana Balaban-Wolkowicz 3)---------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 8 Aug 1997 14:33:15 +0500 From: Elliot Gertel Subject: "Yoyvl-lid" OR "Anniversary Song" Khosheve Mendelelayt: Nekhtn iz gekumen tsu mir der rezhisor fun a higer teater-grupe vos vet bald shteln a piese mekoykh di "borsht" yorn in ketskil berg. Iz viln zey oysgefinen vos genoy iz der lidtekst af YIDISH fun "Eniverseri song" ("Yoyvl-lid") ["Anniversary Song"} vos a mol ruft men oykh "Eniverseri valts) ("Yoyvl-vals") ("Anniversary Waltz"). Iz ken emetser zey aroyshelfn un vos nokh gikher? Vayter nokhn englishn taytsh, vet ir kenen zen di por verter vos er hot mir ibergegebn. A hartsikn dank aykh ale! Taytsh: The director of a local theater group putting on a production on the "Borscht Belt" needs the lyrics in YIDDISH of "Anniversary Song" also sometimes known as "Anniversary Waltz." If anyone can help, please let me know ASAP. Below are the few lyrics he was able to provide: Akh, in a nakht In a gliklekher nakht... Many thanks! Elliot Hersch Gertel Boca Raton, Florida 4)---------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 08 Aug 1997 17:30:54 -0400 From: (Ari Davidow) Subject: Virtual Ashkenaz goes live (A copy of this message has also been posted to the following newsgroups: shamash.yiddishnet,,soc.culture.jewish) The Ashkenaz Festival of New Yiddish Culture will take place in Toronto starting later this month (Aug. 25th - Sept. 1; In the meantime, what is new Yiddish Culture? For that matter, what is old Yiddish Culture? Even more immediately, who are these musicians and artists and performers? For these discussions, and anything to do with this new virtual land of Ashkenaz, Yiddish, or the many strands of Jewish (not just Ashkenazic Jewish) culture, thought, and literature, you are invited to stop by a new virtual community, Virtual Ashkenaz and also to experience a different way of online community, using the Motet web-conferencing software. The site is most easily accessed at Mit a hartsikn dank, Ari Davidow 5)---------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 9 Aug 97 06:02:09 PDT From: Subject: concert of Yiddish music As some one who attended the Cooper-Mlotek-Warshauer Trio concert in Jerusalem last week, I want to say what a delight the entire evening was. For most of the audience it was nostalgia - pain for a world lost - and pleasure in hearing familiar melodies as well as new ones. Chana Mlotek is wonderful - lovely voice and great presentation, always preceded by a charming explanation. Thank you for coming to Jerusalem! and come again soon. Lili Eylon 6)---------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 10 Aug 1997 17:59:06 +0100 From: sylvia schildt Subject: az me lebt Az me lebt, derlebt men, meynt gor epes andersh. Vi ikh farshtey un vi di mame biz hundert un tzvantzik nutzt dos (zi iz a litvatchke fun vilne) iz dos "nothing's impossible. hang around long enough and you'll see it come to pass." tzum bayshpil an eynikl a bandit in di yunge yorn, mentshlt zikh oys un vert a dokter, makht forshungen, gevint der nobel premie. sylvia schildt 7)---------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 10 Aug 1997 18:07:29 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: terms of endearment Regarding Rhonda Friedman question in [7.047]. For terms of endearment see: Mordkhe Schaechter, Pregnancy, Childbirth and Early Childhood, NY, l991, pp. 30-31, 57, etc. Sincerely, Mordkhe Schaechter 8)---------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 10 Aug 1997 17:49:53 -0700 From: leon t rosenberg Subject: vider amol as me lebt, and terms of endearment vi me lebt macht an untershaid, as me lebt, lebt (derlebt) men. vi me bet sach, azoy shloft men. Terms of endearment? All translations from the english, plus the diminutive of any cute and cuddly animal work. Feigele, ketzele. But one must beware of irony, as in ziskeit (sweetness) always used with derogation. Leon Rosenberg ______________________________________________________ End of Mendele Vol. 7.048