Mendele: Yiddish literature and language --------------------------------------------------- Contents of Vol. 1 no. 11 June 4, 1991 1) A translation from I.B.Singer (Golda Werman) 2) Notices (Leonard Prager) 3) Shamesdige inyonim (Noyekh Miller) 1)------------------------------------------------- I'm delighted to announce that Golda Werman, who has published translations of Peretz and Bergelson as well as a forthcoming volume of Ansky, has sent us a beauti- ful translation of Isaac Bashevis' first published story, "Old Age". Published in 1925, it won the young author a prize in a newspaper competition. Mendele and editor are duly grateful. The story has been archived and will be sent to anyone who asks for it. 2)------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 04 Jun 91 12:05:11 IST From: RHLE302@HAIFAUVM.BITNET Subject: various Dear Noyekh shames, I am sending several announcements which you can in- clude in Mendele if you feel they are appropriate. Here they are: Attention Editors and Book-Review Editors: Review copies of "Yiddish Culture in Britain: a Guide" may be requested from: Bernard Wasescha Peter Lang Jupiterstr. 15 CH-3015 Bern, Switzerland *********************************** Haifa 10 June 1991 To: Dear Friend, I would like to call your attention to a new scholarly journal devoted to the study of Yiddish language and literature of all periods. Initiated by members of Haifa University's Department of Hebrew and Comparative Literature and of its Yiddish Studies Program, the new periodical will be called "Chulyot; dapim lemechkar sifrut yidish vetarbuta" ('Links; for the study of Yiddish literature and culture'). Its format and character will parallel "Dapim lemechkar besifrut" ('Journal of Literary Research'), seven volumes of which have appeared to date. The proposed journal will include scholarly articles and texts in the areas of Yiddish literature, language, folklore, children's literature, theater, press, bibli- ography, literary history, as well as of comparative literature; it will be hospitable to letters, archival materials and neglected texts. The journal will be in Hebrew and will be directed especially to the Hebrew- speaking reader eager to learn about the world of Yiddish culture. It is hoped, too, that more and more Israeli scholars will themselves join in the study of this large part of the Jewish cultural heritage. The journal should bring to the Hebrew-reading academic public, general reader and lover of Yiddish the best of Yiddish scholarship from the world over. Contributors will write in the language they customari- ly use. Articles submitted in languages other than Hebrew, if accepted, will be translated into Hebrew. Abstracts of all articles will appear in both Yiddish and English. Articles should be between twenty and thirty double-spaced typewritten quarto pages long. God willing, the first issue will appear at Passover 1992 - - assuming, too, that contributors submit their arti- cles by the end of 1991. Shalom Luria will be the first editor of "Chulyot" Many colleagues have already indi- cated their willingness to serve on the journal's Editorial Council and to referee submitted articles. The organizational and procedural details will surely fall into place as plans go forward. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to make payment to authors. It is hoped that this will in no way deter researchers from sending us their work. It is vital that as wide a circle as possible share in this endeavor. I invite you to join us in building "Chulyot" ('Links'). I will be happy to hear your comments and suggestions and to answer any of your questions. Yours truly, Shalom Luria P.S. Would you be kind enough to post this letter or pass it on to a colleague. Dr. Shalom Luria Editor, "Chulyot" Department of Hebrew and Comparative Literature University of Haifa Derech Abba Chushi 31 999 Haifa, Israel ********************************** I believe that Mendele would be a good place for re- views and also for announcements of new books and of reviews of new books. I hope to be active in Mendele next semester. I expect it to be a lot of fun. Leonard Prager 3)-------------------------------------------------