Mendele: Yiddish literature and language ______________________________________________________ Contents of Vol. 1 no. 197 March 27, 1992 1) Wexler (Mikhl Herzog) 2) Yiddish for Germans (Martin Davis) 3) Yiddish for Germans (Mikhl Herzog) 4) Introduction.. (Dan Breslauer) 5) and a query (Dan Breslauer) 1)---------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 26 Mar 92 14:59 EST From: ZOGUR%CUVMB.BITNET@YALEVM.YCC.Yale.Edu Subject: RE: Mendele Vol 1.195 Ellen, Edward Stankiewicz, at Yale, would be particularly interested in your critique of Wexler. I don't know if he's on E-mail. Mikhl. 2)---------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 26 Mar 92 16:48:03 -0500 From: Subject: Yiddish incomprehensible to German speakers My father told me the following joke related to the German occupation of (then Russian) Poland during the First World War: A German soldier asks a Jew: "Sprechen Sie Deutsch?" The Jew replies: "A Shalah?" Martin Davis 3)---------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 26 Mar 92 17:49 EST From: ZOGUR%CUVMB.BITNET@YALEVM.YCC.Yale.Edu Subject: RE: Mendele Vol 1.196 The story attributed to Sam Norich at YIVO is to be found in Olsvanger's ROYTE POMERANTSN--in an anecdote called "Daytsh". If there are any of you who are not familiar with this book (a Schocken paperback) I'd strongly recommend it. It's a collection of jokes and anecdotes in latin-letter transcription of the author's Kurland (Northwest Latvian) Yiddish dialect. Try it, you'll love it. Mikhl Herzog 4)---------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 27 Mar 1992 11:31 CST From: Dan Breslauer Subject: Introduction I am a professor of religious studies at the University of Kansas. I have a 1974 Ph.D. from Brandeis University on the theology of Abraham Joshua Heschel. I have published several books on modern Jewish thought, on Hebrew literature, and on Jewish ethics. Most recently I have published a book on Hayyim Nahman Bialik and a Modern Jewish Theology. I am continuing to work on Bialik focusing now on his view of Hebrew culture. I have an interest not only in Hebrew literature but also in Yiddish literature which, however, I usually read in translation (either in Hebrew or in English). Dan Breslauer 5)---------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 27 Mar 1992 11:27 CST From: Dan Breslauer Subject: Ben Ami I know this is a question that shows my ignorance, but... Can anyone tell me about the writer Ben Ami. Shalom Aleichem's sketch "Arba sheyashavnu" describes a meeting between himself, Bialik, Mendele, and Ben Ami, but I know very little about Ben Ami. Thanks. Dan Breslauer, University of Kansas ______________________________________________________ End of Mendele Vol 1.197 As of 3/25/92 Mendele is distributed via Listserv. In order to minimize confusion, please play by these rules: If you wish to send something to Mendele's readers, write to: mendele@trincc or If you have technical problems or simply want to have a private shmuess with the shames, write to: nmiller@trincc or