Mendele: Yiddish literature and language ______________________________________________________ Contents of Vol. 1 no. 208 April 6, 1992 1) A correction (Dovid Braun) 2) Lakhn mit yashcherkes (Bob Rothstein) 1)---------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 03 Apr 92 17:08:54 EST From: David Braun Subject: tikn-toes leshem pinktlekhkayt: in di ershte 2 shures fun ukrainishn lid zaynen geven tsvey toesn. vetoes leoylem khoyzer. gedarft hot shteyn: pshiyekhali panyetshi ritsheniki upyetshi --------- [ay] in the "Standard Language" (written as pasekh tsvey yudn) corresponds to [a:] (almost) across the board in Central Yiddish ("poylish yidish, ingerish yidish, galitsyaner yidish"), so vayn and zayt gezunt are va:n and za:t(s) gezint. fleysh is not a good example: it is [ey] in "Standard" and [ay] in Central Yiddish, because of the (almost) across the board correspondence of Northeastern/ Southeastern Yiddish [ey] with Central Yiddish [ay]. Western Yiddish, though, has [fla:sh], about which M. Herzog is sure to want to comment. Dovid Braun 2)---------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 6 Apr 92 00:12:21 -0400 From: Subject: Lakhn mit yashcherkes ["Lakhn mit yashcherkes"] Those of you who read the English "Forward" may have noticed the column by "Philologos" in response to a question about the Yiddish expression meaning "to laugh through tears." For those who didn't read the column and don't know the expression, the expression literally means "to laugh with lizards" and uses a Slavic-origin word for "lizard." "Philologos" was unable to provide an etymology for the expression--as am I--but the column provoked me to send its author the following reply, which may be of interest: Bob Rothstein ______________________________________________________ End of Mendele Vol 1.208 Submissions: Business: Please sign your articles.