Mendele: Yiddish literature and language ______________________________________________________ Contents of Vol. 2 no. 01 May 15, 1992 1) Yugntruf announcement (David Sherman) 2) Eleonor Reissa (David Sherman) 3) Art and ideology (Moishe-Nussen Eytan) 4) Access to Mendele (Sam Feldman) 5) Contacts in Hungary or Slovakia (Yankl Falk) 1)---------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 8 May 92 0:23:15 EDT From: dave@cai.lsuc.on.CA Subject: RE: Mendele Vol 1.241 > (Anyone want to buy it for a new Kindervelt -a > YIDISH LAND- and truly make it Unser Camp once again?) Well, we have Camp Emanuel (Bronx House) at Copake NY, where the Yugntruf camp week takes place from Wednesday to Tuesday through Labour Day. It's only a week, but it's something of a substitute. Who from MENDELE will be there, besides me, Dovid Braun and Meylekh Viswanath? Noyekh, can you at least drop by, if you can't make it for the whole week? Anyone else? David Sherman 2)---------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 8 May 1992 00:19:09 -0400 From: dave@cai.lsuc.on.CA Subject: RE: Mendele Vol 1.243 > Announcing an intensive Yiddish Summer Course at University > College London 3-28 August, teaching from Eugene Orenstein, > Carrie Friedman, and Marion Aptroot, with Yiddish drama > workshops from Eleanor Reissa. I saw Eleanor Reissa in "Those Were the Days", which she directed as well as starring in (there were 5 actor/singers). I thought it was wonderful. Drama workshops from her should be worthwhile. (No, I won't be in England in August.:-) David Sherman 3)---------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 8 May 92 09:30:31 +0100 From: me@SUZUKA.U-STRASBG.FR Subject: RE: Mendele Vol 1.243 [Bob Werman writes:] Joyce raised the question of the nature of an object of beauty created by a man hacking in fury with no intention of making art. This raises a related -- but to my mind a very important -- issue: should we, as Jews, admire and condone literary works that have a real esthetic appeal but that are violently (or even not so violently) antisemitic? (and imho 'antizionism' is but a hypocritical and insidious form of it). I am thinking of authors like Ezra Pound, Celine and recently Drieu la Rochelle to cite only a few. This also extends to other works of art, eg Wagner's music, etc. To be frank with the list, my position is that of our first and foremost text on antisemitism, ie what the Torah has to say about `Amalek: "Yimma`h shemo vezikhro" -- I shall not argue for it in detail. Moishe-Nussen Eytan 4)---------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 11 May 92 14:11:24 EDT From: Subject: access to mendele Can anyone advise me how a friend in Jerusalem, who has no university affiliation, can gain access to Mendele? I believe that internet connections are available through the telephone company, but this would involve a .com suffix, and probably be expensive. Sam Feldman 5)---------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 11 May 92 18:32:20 PDT From: jfalk@cs.MENTORG.COM Subject: Anyone know of Jewish contacts in Hungary or Slovakia? I lead a klezmer band, OOMPH, based in Portland and Corvallis, Oregon. Last fall, we gave a series a concerts in Birobidjan and Khabarovsk, the sister cities of Beaverton and Portland, Oregon, respectively, in what was then the Soviet Far East. In just four weeks, we will be in Krakow, Poland, to perform at that city's annual Jewish culture festival. We had applied for some funding, didn't receive any, but decided to go ahead with the trip anyway out of our own pockets. We'll be spending almost two full weeks in central and eastern Europe, with a performance in Austria immediately upon our arrival and a block of free time surrounding Shavuos. While we're in Europe next month, we would like to schedule one or more concerts in Budapest, Bratislava, or any other community in Hungary or Slovakia. If you have any contacts in either of those countries, I would very much appreciate your help. Our needs are simple: a place to perform, and overnight accommodations for four. Of course, if an honorarium is available to help defray our travel expenses, that would be nice too, but it's not essential. We understand that the economic situation in Eastern Europe is difficult, and our goal is simply to perform for Jewish communities that have been outside the mainstream of Jewish life for too long. Even though this is very short notice, I would hope that there might be some venue in these communities where we might perform, however informally. As I said, our needs are quite modest. Mainly, we just want to play. About OOMPH: our music is a blend of traditional klezmer, Yiddish theatre, chassidic melodies, free jazz, and a wide range of American influences. (Imagine "I Feel Good" or "Sweet Home Chicago" in Yiddish.) We bill ourselves as "intercontinental klezmer", and we like to keep things lively. We travel as a trio, including vocals, soprano and alto sax, tarogato, and keyboards. Back in Oregon, we usually work with a drummer and frequently with a guitarist too. On this trip, we'll be accompanied by a very good friend who will help us with many logistical details. We're planning to release our first CD later this year. If you can help us in any way -- either by suggesting contacts who might be able to schedule a concert for us, or by suggesting generous individuals or organizations who might be able to help with the cost of our airfare -- thanks in advance. Just in case you know of someone who's interested, the Portland Yiddish Club (P. O. Box 3151, Portland, OR 97208) has established a special fund for traveling artists to which individuals can send tax-deductible contributions. Mit hartsikn grusn, Yankl (Jack) Falk ______________________________________________________ End of Mendele Vol 2.01 If your message is intended for MENDELE, please write to: If you want to discuss personal business or have a shmues with the shames, please write to: Please sign your articles.